» Juvenile Fiction » New Beginning's, S Robinson [best books to read for self development .TXT] 📗

Book online «New Beginning's, S Robinson [best books to read for self development .TXT] 📗». Author S Robinson

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Boarding School


“But why do I have to go to a stuck up boarding school, in another boring country?”

“Darling, you know why. In one month alone, even though we have bodyguards with you twenty-four seven and millions of cameras, you have still managed to get yourself kidnapped.”

       Mum nodded towards my shoulder where the soldier’s knife had plunged into my skin. I suppose Australia’s Acton Woods prestigious school for young ladies didn’t seem so bad when you think about, how much I’ve been through in the past. At least I’d be safe, because he could come and get me at any given moment...

I know its him



I woke up this morning and something didn’t feel right, I felt like I was being watched. Then I realised someone was watching me, my older brother Johnny sat at the edge of my bed staring at me and smiling with that sweet smile of his, just like dad used to.”Morning were mumbling in your sleep, something about him coming?”

“You shouldn’t stalk people in their sleep... it’s weird, plus I was awake I was just tricking you.”

“Sure...anyway good luck on your first day, mums cooked your favourite a full English breakfast.”

        I was looking at myself in the mirror I looked so ugly and fat. My dress style was horrible, the jeans and jumper I was wearing looked hideous but it was the best I had. Breakfast was amazing though deep down I knew mum was guilty about sending me so far away. Worst of all, she wasn’t even dropping me at school she was leaving me at town to get my bearings. After walking up and down the streets of Sydney and wandering around, I felt like someone was watching me so I started walking briskly towards an alley where I could come out and lose them in the crowd if someone was following me. Darkness swallowed me up. Footsteps sounded behind me. I swivelled round and he was there...”Hello Jessica, how have you been, living a life of vanity?”

             “Fine before you showed up. What do you want?”

In one swift movement he had me pinned to the ground and had put a cloth in my mouth.”You’ll find out soon enough.” he hissed in my ear.

I had a horrible headache and my head felt like it had been smashed against a brick wall.”Your awake- and don’t worry the anaesthetics

Will wear off soon that’s probably why your head hurts am I correct?”

“Are you psychic or what plus you realise I can just get up out of this chair and escape through the door you left open...”

“Ahhh...That’s where the shock collar around your neck comes in make a move and you’ll be in for a world of pain. You are truly mine this time!”He hissed again. I was fuming, I made a fist to punch him but instead a searing pain went through my body dropping me to the floor helplessly, gasping for breath. His sly laughing pounded in my head like a battle drum. I was furious, I lunged from behind but instead a needle sank into my foot.”Sleep...”Then everything went black. When I woke up again a tray with a full English breakfast lay by my feet.

How did he know it was my favourite?

Anyhow, I wasn’t hungry and I wouldn’t have eaten anyway. After an hour or so he walked in with a smug grin on his face.”You should eat; you’ve got a long day ahead of you.”At my confused look he added, “We’re going to a medieval fair, a word of warning obey my every word. Oh and try anything and you’ll instantly regret it.”He threw a costume at me, no way in a million years was I going to wear that, but one look at his face showed that  I didn’t have any choice in the matter unless...

       After getting dressed he walked me to the car where it was a fifteen minute ride to the fair. It seemed like I hadn’t been outside in ages,

 Everything seemed surreal; I guess I never really appreciated it before. His rough voice snapped me out of my reverie, time to go.

The fairground was full of life, loads of people were dressed in costumes and innocent kids chattered away, I was like that once...

After passing loads of huts we came to a small field with a cherry tree in the centre.

 What? Why were we here?

“We are just waiting here for a friend after that we will decide what to do with you.”  

He looked at the field watching for movement in the bushes. Life had been ruff to him he had wrinkles on his face now and there was something dark about his eyes, something scary.

“No...I’m not staying here with you, you have no righ-“

“You have no choice in the matter remember the last time you defied me, you ended up on the floor struggling to breathe do not test me Jessica I wil-“  Out of nowhere a boy roughly the same age as me forced his foot into his back knocking him out cold ”No, no you won’t. Melissa, help me get this shock collar of f...Jessica’s your name right?”A girl stepped out from behind the bushes, her ginger hair was swept up into a ponytail and her emerald eyes seemed to sparkle in the sunlight.”This is my twin sister Melissa and...Sorry I forgot to tell you, my names Malachi we heard what he was saying and came to investigate.”

“Hi life’s harsh huh.”

At that moment they placed both their hands on the collar and it instantly came off.”Umm...Thanks...”Then they took me to a cafe to eat and it turns out Melissa is in the same school and dorm as me so we’re going there next to explain what happened.  

Bit of a coincidence though...

My first day was okay...Everyone was super confused why I hadn’t started on the same day as everyone else, even the head seemed weary until she phoned my mum and clarified I had a history of getting into trouble. After about a week I got used to the way things worked and in no time three months had gone by and it was already time for winter break. I was going back home to visit my parents for most of the holiday but I was staying at Melissa’s house for the first few weeks when it occurred to me that I could invite them over for the rest of the holidays. It would be epic! Later in the evening I asked if it would be okay for them to come over and both are mums said yes so on Monday we flew out to England, London. My mum met us at the airport as dad was away busying himself at work.

He’s always doing that...

Even when I was younger I hardly saw him at least after Jemma anyway.

My twin. 




Jemma died when I was four she contracted cancer mum and dad were devastated. Ever since he seemed to lose sight in his living family, me and mum. We can’t dwell on the past otherwise we won’t let go that’s what mum said. Shame dad didn’t take her advice it helps, even though we were little I still remember how me and Jemma used to do everything together. Malachi seemed to sense what I was thinking and gave me a brief smile; after all I had hardly touched anything on my plate. Malachi turned out to really like Johnny so spent most of the evening with him. The rest of the time Melissa was with me and mom making a cake. Till dad came home. He was more flustered than usual and seemed to do a double-take when he saw that I had friends over, but there was something else in his eyes, guilt; at my old school I was a social outcast because my dad was rich that’s all they really cared about, the money. There was one but...things happen...Melissa had gone off somewhere probably to check on Malachi or something so I carried on whisking the cake my face nothing but utter concentration. An ear splitting scream soared through the air. A man’s scream...I raced through the hall into fathers study to find his lifeless body splayed on the floor, blood streaming out of his chest, his blue eyes glazed over. He was dead. I was too late; and now I’d have to suffer with the endless pain. A hand   reached out covering my mouth and pulling me closer, Malachi he was drawing something out of his pocket I kicked and groaned but soon I stopped as I realised what he was holding to my side, a pristine revolver cocked and ready to fire “Don’t test me Jessie, your mine now.” I surveyed the room looking for Melissa maybe this was some cruel joke. But just as she had appeared she had disappeared .Malachi was watching me intently, enjoying every moment of the fear in my eyes.”If you’re waiting for Melissa to rescue you then you’re deluded she’s waiting in the van with the boss, as I said your mine now.”

The boss




 I was practically dragged through the door until I started kicking fiercely worried about what they had done with mother and what was about to happen...”I didn’t want to have to do this but...”Malachi attached the shock collar, he

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