» Juvenile Fiction » The uncommon twist, Amy lopez [android pdf ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «The uncommon twist, Amy lopez [android pdf ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Amy lopez

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Chapter 1

I walked through the woods of my backyard, giving a secound glance towards my house. The moon shined through the little gaps of leaves that the trees left, enough light came through so that i could see through the darkness that surrounded me. I could hear the wind blowing softly, like whispers telling untold secrets. Hear the leaves rustle against the wind, making the forest appear a little haunting. My hair a light brown color flowed in the wind, while my sapphire colored eyes appeared almost black in the dark, i imagined myself like a creature of the night and laughed. I wasn't though, i'm just a "normal" whatever you called normal nowadays, 17 year old teenage girl with freakish visions that creeped the hell outa me. Your probably asking yourself why i would be walking in the wood in the middle of the night well it's because well i just couldn't sleep mostly because i had the visions. You see they mostly come to me at night and sometimes in rare occasions they come in the daytime during class which is annoying because well i get all still and stuff and get this look on my face like i'm somewhere else. I start heading back home because i see that it's getting late. I go through the backdoor careful not to make a noise because of my parents who even if unemotional towards me still get pissed for making mistakes. I go towards my room which is upstairs, i live in a 2 story house, victorian style and a wrap-around porch. My room is not your typical girls room either i mean it doesn't have alot of posters only one of Black Veil Brides, which was the only poster my parents aloud because it was just the logo. A twin bed in the corner and a nightstand a window in another corner with a window seat a bathroom and my walk-in closet that consisted of a variety of hoodies, shirts, jeans, and shoes. I get ready for bed and make sure that my window is closed cause of the reason that it might rain at night and go to sleep. Though instead of sleeping i have the vision that i had earlier, i can tell it's a vision because of the white haze surrounding the "dream". I see a man wearing a sailor outfit from like the 80's and he's heading towards a boat that i can't exactly see the name of, he get's on the boat and and starts it and sails away, that's when i see a light going on in the back of the boat, then the boat explodes and i see red drops falling down around the water and the boat explode into a million pieces i can tell it's from the past which is sad because of the reason as to why i can't stop the incident. That's when i'm pulled of the vision from the sound of my alarm clock.

Chapter 2

Riding my car to school i thought about last night. It was a weird night, i mean kinda creepy but then again it always was when it came to visions. I park on the school parking lot close to the back entrance of the school. I don't feel like going through the front entrance to find snickering and laughing and gossip crap that i would care less about but not want to hear so early in the morning. I start walking towards the back entrance my shoes making a sort of squishy noise as i stepped on a puddle of water, i guess it did rain at night then. "Ugh! Great" I mutter under my breath, this just makes my morining even better. I walk briskly in the hallways in search of my locker. I put everything in my locker and get out my notebook and pencil and head towards my first class which is English, what a delight don't you think. I sit in my seat, which is near the back and in front of a window. Waiting for class to start i open my notebook and start doodling. I never really pay attention in class i mean i'm sort of a nerd i guess and i used to be in this advanced english class in my old school which was when i moved here like last year. Starting my senior here wasn't easy considering that i didn't know anybody even from last year i was barely social and i made a best friend named Ann Richardson. Then the bell rang knocking me out of my thoughts, i gather up my stuff and hurry towards my secound period class which is History. I sit next to my best friend ann, we have this class together, Ann and i are about the same height except she is one inch smaller than me and has natural red short hair yea a red head with a feisty and sometimes sweet personality and orange tips in her hair for some reason. She has stormy grey eyes and pale skin with a nose peircing while i on the other hand have long brown hair that ends in the middle of my back, dark blue eyes and pale skin with no peircings but a tattoo. It's a tattoo that i got last summer. i was bored and had some money saved, it's a cross with a rose on the center and it's on my wrist. "Hey violet" Ann says, looking all cheerful like always though she had this look in her eyes that means she got some news to talk about. "Hi Red" i say back, her little nickname i gave to her last year it fits her, i guess i had on a waiting face cause she started talking i wasn't listeing though.I was looking at a guy that came in, he looked new i mean i haven't seen the guy and since i moved into a small town that was located somewhere in Idaho almost everyone knew each other here so it was kinda hard to even do a mistake here cause word travels pretty fast. He looked out of place here, looked more like he belonged in the city because i mean he looked almost like those models that are in magazines. He had short touseled up black hair, light brown eyes and tan skin, broad shoulders and an athletic body with a.......brow peircing? Really well i was thinking he was more like the jocks but that i guess he likes the bad boy image who knows. I wondered who he was, you know his name i guess ann noticed me looking at the guy which made me blush cause usually i don't stare at guys " That's the new guy i was talking about, his name is ..." before she could say the name Mrs.Donovan inroduced the new guy. "This is Jason Monroe, he came from California please take a seat Mr.Monroe". The only empty seat i saw was the one across from me two seats down next to haylie who was the head cheerleader. After he got seated haylie started flirting with him and passing notes. I got annoyed by that, don't know why really but i did which made me think that i was going crazy or something! I mean Violet Richardson the quiet and un-attractive girl that usual sits in the back of the class getting the hot's for the new guy, it didn't seem right. But their was just something that attracted me to him, and i guess he had the affect on all the girls cause it looked like they all were not breathing and starring at him as if he was the only importance in the world. Personally the guy kind of seemed like the rest of the guys here, all looking cute but in the inside were complete idiots. Ann was starring at me, i was confused untill i saw that their was a note on my desk i opened it and read it: y u looking at mister cutie over their like u gonna eat him? Ah crap! She caught me looking at him again, damn the girl can be observent when she feels like it, i started blushing and almost laughed out loud cause of the nickname she gave him but i sort of let out a giggle. Mrs.Donovan noticed "Miss.Richardson what is it that you find so funny?" Everyone turned around and started staring at me, i felt so weird by the attention they were giving me cause i mean they never payed attention to me so this was new. I started getting nervous and answered Mrs.Donovan in a small voice" Nothing Mrs.Donovan" i quickly looked down but not before i caught a glimpse of Jason looking at me with a smirk on his face."Well if it is nothing then i suggest you do an essay on why the Aztecs worshipped the sun and it is due tomorrow". With that the bell rang, i was pissed cause jason was smirking at me i felt like wiping that smirk off his face and i didn't mean that in a good way."Well that went great right?" Ann looked at me with a knowing glance, i usually don't get in trouble and if i did well it usually wasn't bad punishments. " I guess it did but i still want to wipe that smirk off that idiot!" i said, pretty loudly cause people started starring at us, i blushed again yea i blush pretty easylie." Well if you mean mister cutie then that would be a shame considering the fact that he has a cute face" we both just stared at each other and started laughing.

Chapter 3

We sat down at the table in the end of the classroom and took out our notbooks and science book. Damn he's here too?? Not fair, today is just not my lucky day i mean he could have skipped or something. He entered the room with haylie at his side, they were both flirting again with each other, it made me sick no kidding." So you must be Jason? I am Mr.Ven i will be your science teacher for the rest of the school year". " Now the seats are all taken so i will have to put

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