» Juvenile Fiction » It's life..., lexi garduño [animal farm read .TXT] 📗

Book online «It's life..., lexi garduño [animal farm read .TXT] 📗». Author lexi garduño

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Weird Days…
By: lexi garduno

I opened my eyes as I lay in bed, knowing it was time to get up. Sitting up in my bed, I see something run across the room. "Ugh, Dot," groaning as I get out of bed. I Nick Dot around the room, not thinking to tell her to sit or stop. I corner her then pick her up. I open the door to my room and run down the hall. Then I run down stairs while calling out, "Mom!" I wait for answer. "Mommy!" Again, no answer.
I walk down the hall to my mom’s room but stop when I hear a noise in the kitchen. I put Dot down and walk to the kitchen. Pushing the swinging door open, I see no one’s there. “Ugh.” I walk back to my mom’s room and walk over to her bedside. She’s sound asleep, I whisper “Mom,” when she doesn’t answer, I roughly rub her back, “Mom,” I say in a questionably voice and bring my hand back to see.
Blood. “No! No! No!!!” I scream as my mom opens her eyes and smiles, “Sorry, I let the dog in and forgot to lock the door.” Still smiling, she closes her eyes.
I get up and run out of her room, down the hall to find the side table. I pick up the phone and dial ‘911’. “Pick up, pick up,” I say in an anxious voice. “911, what your emergency,” I hear on the other line. I let out a big breath and suck it back in. “Yes, yes. You’ve got to help! Hurry, please!”
“Mam, I’m sorry but I can’t understand what you’re saying. Now I won’t be able to hear what you’re saying unless calm down. Now, tell me again.”
“Calm down? Calm down?! Listen here! What I am trying to say is my mother is freaking dying here!”
“Okaii, what is your address?”
“1765 Gol-” Someone grabs me from behind and covers my mouth. I hear the person speak in a deep voice, “No one is coming to help. No one is going to help you, and you’re not going anywhere,” He paused for a second, “Well, you might go somewhere, like uhm, hell…You are a naughty little girl, calling the police on me you know. And now you have to pay the price.” As he says that, I feel a sharp pain in my back. I groan and say, “What the-” he cuts me off as he speaks.
“Hmmm, you gonna cuss at me little girl,” He takes my head by my hair, “I don’t think so!” Another pain I feel, smaller then before as he pulls the knife out from my back and puts it in front of my neck.
“NO,” I scream as I sit up in my bed. I pat myself all over, I’m alive. It was a dream, oh my god. I jump out of bed and run as fast as I can down the stairs, down the hall to my mom’s room. She’s asleep with Dot at her feet. Oh my gosh, she, oh my gosh. Okaii, Okaii, Bree, she’s fine, you see she’s fine, I think to myself. I wake her up gently as she says in a low, “What? What’s wrong?” Oh, and when she says that, it makes me want to cry. I grab onto her and hug her tightly. “Oh!”
“What’s going on?”
“Nothing, I’m just glad that you’re safe.” I hug her again. “Oh, but it’s time to get up,” I look at the clock on her bedside table. “It’s 5:47.”
I pick myself up and run down the hall, pushing the swing door open to the kitchen. I slide over to the cabinets and open it as I pull a box of Cheerios down along with 2 bowls. I wait for my mom to answer after I shout, “Cheerios or uhhhmm?” I set them down on the island and walk to glide to the fridge and open it up; I pull out the milk and slide it down along with the other breakfast items. “Anything besides Cheerios. You knoooww I hate them,” I hear her shout back. I laugh. So I try sliding down back to the cabinets but as I do, I slip and fall. “Oomph.” I make a sound as I hit the ground; I pick myself back up. Opening the cabinet, I hear my mom enter the kitchen. She sits down on one of the stools as I pull the cereal down from the cabinet. “Ugh, I’m so tired. I was up all night with the baby.”
I stop and look at her, confused. “Dot,” My mom says as she rolls her eyes.
“Ohh…so Dot was keeping you up all night?”
“Yeah. He kept barking at something that seemed like the kitchen. I thought he was hungry or something so I filled his bowl. But he didn’t touch any of it.”
“Hm. Strange.”
“Yeah, I just don’t get it,” My mom replies as she rubs her head.
I pour some cereal into the bowl as the milk follows after. Skipping over to the sink, I pick 2 spoons from the dish rack and walk back to my mom. I put the spoon in her bowl and push it closer to her. She picks up the spoon along with some cereal. I pour my cheerios into my bowl, pour the milk. I reach for the spoon and then drop it as hear a noise at the door.
My mom hops off the chair, “I’ll get it.” She walks out of the kitchen to the foyer, I hear her open the door. I sneak to the foyer and hide behind a doorway to see who it is. I whimper and make a gagging noise as I see who it is. I run out from the doorway over to the door.
“My mom was wondering if-“ I cut him off by slamming the door in his face.
“What was that for,” My mom asks as I reply.
“Ugh, I hate him. You know that. You also know I'm terrified of him.” I walk away from the door with my mom following behind. I stop at the doorway to the kitchen, “And if he ever comes here again, don’t you dare to answer,” I say with a growl and continue to walk into the kitchen.
I plop down next to my mom on one of the stools and munch on my cereal with an angry look on my face. My mom looks at me and says, “Turn that frown upside down, Bree. You still got all day, and the rest of the day might make you happy.”
As she says that, I hear another noise at the door. I groan, “If it’s that freakin creeper, and is coming back for an apology, I’m gonna fucking beat his ass.”
“Hey! Watch your language,” My mom says. I roll my eyes and hop off the stool. I run out of the kitchen, down the hall and grab the baseball bat that sits next to the side table drawer.
“Not right now mom!”
Walking down the hallway to the foyer, I hear another knock. “Hold on you fuckin mother fuckin creepy ass fuck!” I reach the door and open it, raising the bat. As I open it, I see it is not my neighbor Steven; but something glowing in front of me. And his perfect emerald, green eyes that you’d just want to gaze at all day that hid under his brown hair. Oh he glows like sunlight, with his perfect, natural brown hair that you’d just want to run your fingers through. And his blond streaks made his hair pop out even more! His perfect pale skin that you’d just want to reach out and touch because it looked so soft and magical. And last, but not least, his lips. Oh, I could sit and trace them, feeling his soft, velvet lips.
I slowly drop h baseball bat as I also change my expression, “Gary! Sorry, I thought you were someone else.”
He chuckles softly, “I thought so, I don’t think you’d want to hit your bestii, would you?” He smirks and I smile back. He opens his arms as I lounge for a hug.
Just then, my mom walks into the foyer, seeing us hug. She smiles, “Hi Gary, I didn’t know you were coming this early.” I let go of him and turn to my mom. He looks at her and winks, “Well, I’m here,” Flashing her a smile.
“How’s your mom?”
“Eh, she’s fine; the usual,” He says as he leans against the doorframe. Then comes awkward silence. My mom leaves the room, heading back to the kitchen. I look at him weirdly and say, “Wait, why aren’t you in the house? Oh my gosh, I’m so dumb, I forgot to tell you to come in.”
“First of all, you’re not dumb. Second of all, I would of came in if I wanted to, because babe, su casa es mi casa,” When he says that, we both burst out laughing and stop after a few seconds, “And third of all, you’re pretty.”
“Why’d you add that? Wha? We weren't even talking about prettiness or anything.”
“Because, I just wanted to state a fact,” He says as he winks at me.
“Aww, you don’t mean that, though. I’m ugly and fat.”
Gary looks at me and picks me up, I yelp. Then he says, “Stop lying to yourself. You’re not fat or ugly. You’re thin and beautiful,” He says as he carries me into the living room and drops me on the couch as I giggle. He yells, “Right Jess?”
My mom replies with a shout, “What? Wait, what are we talking about again?” After she says that, we laugh. And both call out ‘Nevermind!’ and chuckle. Gary pulls me onto his lap while he runs his hand through my hair.
I look up at him and he looks down at me, “What?” He stops touching my hair and smiles.
“Nothing. I just,” I pause, “I don’t know.” I move around trying to get comfortable again, I was slipping every so often.
“Bree, sorry to change the subject but, uhm,” He laughs, “You are not dressed.” I look down at my body then back at him.
“What do you mean? I’ve got clothes on.” I look at him weirdly.
“I meant you are still in your pajamas and you’re ready for school.”
“Pshh, huh, pssh, who said I wasn’t going to school in my pajamas?”
“I know you Bree, that’s why I know for sure you aren’t going to school with your pajamas on. So lets head upstairs,” He says as he picks me up onto his shoulders and runs towards the stairs.
We hear my mom call out, “Where you guys goin?”
“Upstairs,” We both reply. And then I say, “Yeah, to my room.”
We ran, well, he ran carrying me up the steps and down the hall to my room. Gary struggles to open my door but finally gets it open; I giggle. He plops down on my bed and I climb off his back. I hop off my bed and go to my drawer. “Wait, wait,” Gary says standing up from the bed and walks over to the dresser, “I want to pick them out.”
I look at him, half confused, half surprised, “Okaii then.”
He opens the top drawer and I smack his hand and he looks at me with his fiery eyes, “What was that for?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t really mean to, but I just wanted to stop you from going in my UNDERWEAR DRAWER!”
“Oh…” As he says that I open the drawer, and he pulls out

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