» Juvenile Fiction » Lost, Forbidden, and Alone, Finn Dearborn [best management books of all time TXT] 📗

Book online «Lost, Forbidden, and Alone, Finn Dearborn [best management books of all time TXT] 📗». Author Finn Dearborn

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When you lose what counts.

Chapter 1
When you lose what counts.
“Will you go out with me?” I asked.
“Ashley I don’t know,” Brandon answered.
“We’ve known each other since December. But, I guess that doesn’t matter,” I complained. I knew that meant no. “I have to go,” I said trying my best not to cry. I started walking away. (“Ashley) wait!” Brandon yelled. He runs up to me and grabs my shoulders. I pull away as hard as I could.
“Felicity, come on, let’s go,” I moped. I reach for Felicity’s arm but Brandon grabs my hand. I tried hard not to yelp. “Yes,” Brandon whispered.
“Yes?” I questioned.
“I love you,” Brandon tells me. Felicity screeched then hugged me. (She’s the craziest red-head I know.) She let go and started dialing melody’s number into her cell phone.
“I have to go,” I told Brandon.
“Call me,” he screamed as felicity and I walked away. Felicity started talking so fast to Melody that she sounded like an alien. Melody was screaming as loud as a dying cat. (I know because I heard through the phone.)
After we got to Felicity’s house, her mom started to yell. “Felicity Jane it’s past dinner time; you need to tell your friend to Leave.
“Okay mom. Bye Ashley,”
“Goodbye,” I responded as I walk away backwards. After about one mile of walking, I got the feeling someone was following me. It was around six-o-clock and was already dark. I walk under a streetlight and look around. I saw something moving in the bushes. I slowly walked over to the bush; a black and white cat ran out. I heard a strange noise like a deep growl. Then I saw a figure in the distance that looked nothing like a human. I ran all the way home. I got home, looked around before I went inside, and ran up the stairs to get to my room.
I pull my phone out of my pocket and dial Melody Lue Pond, someone answered “Is this Melody?” I asked
“Yeah it is. Who is this?” Melody asked.
“Ashley. Can’t you tell?” I replied.
“Well I’ve been getting these weird prank calls. They sound just like…Well, never mind. So what’s up?” Melody answered.
“Oh yeah, I’m dating Brandon,” I said trying to be serious. We both screeched.
“Ashley! It’s dinner time!” Persephone (my sister) yelled.
“I’m coming!” I yelled back. “I have to go Melody. Bye,” I told Melody. “Bye.” Melody said.
I walked down the stairs to find sweet cornbread on the table. I walked by the table and quickly sneak a piece of it. Persephone was in the living room watching a stupid show any eleven year old would watch (My Little Pony). I asked Chris, my step dad,
“What’s for dinner?” He obviously didn’t hear me because he had gigantic dorky headphones on. I walked away.
I heard the door knob rattle and someone banging at the door. I slowly went to the window to see who it was. It was such a relief to see my mom. I screamed to Chris “I’ll get it.” My mother, Courtney, came through the door as I opened it. She walked in, smelt the air, walked to me, and hugged me. “How are you?” she asked.
“I’m… amazing!” I said excitedly
“That’s good,” My mom said
“Dinner’s ready.” Chris says loudly.
I walk to the table, sit down, and took one bite of the shake and bake pork. My dad said “Wait for your sister” I didn’t hear him and kept on eating. “Go to your room!” he screeched.
I went to my room, laid in my bed, and thought about what tomorrow would be like. It was Monday, but this Monday would be amazing. At least I thought so.
That night I had the weirdest dream I ever had. I dreamt that I was in this dark room that looked like a funeral home. Everyone around me was crying. I ran to the coffin and saw a familiar face. I dropped to my knees and balled my eyes out. My annoying alarm clock rang. I shook off the feeling of death and got dressed in my black jeggings, dark purple tight-fit shirt with chains, and black converses.
I ran downstairs, eat a bowl of Kellogg’s cereal, and get on the bus. Felicity sat down next to me. I was listening to Wide Awake by Katy Perry on my mp3. Felicity took one of the headphone buds and put it in her ear. We both started singing, “I’m falling from cloud nine, crashing from the high.” We both burst out laughing. We got to the school and went our separate ways.
After 1st period, Biology, I went to my locker and got my books for History. Right as I shut my locker I heard Melody screaming. Felicity ran toward me crying. “What’s wrong?” I asked slightly yelling. Then Melody speed-walked to me and Said “I saw it… it was awful!”
“What happened, what’s going on?!”
“It’s Brandon!”
“What happened to Brandon?”
“Follow me.” Melody said as she grabbed my arm and ran to the Cafeteria. I saw Brandon in an ambulance Stretcher. I ran to the front of the ambulance as it started to go. The ambulance screeched to a stop. I started weeping on the floor.
The police grabbed my arms and moved me out of the way. I didn’t know what to do. I overheard the police say he had a heart attack and a concussion. I know that wasn’t true.
I ran out of the school crying. I wanted to go home but I couldn’t. That’s not what I had to do. Brandon was too young to have a heart attack. He was murdered, but whom, why, and how? I had to find out who killed him even if it kills me. My best friends Felicity and Melody caught up to me.
“I know this is hard for you but we are here,” Melody said in the sweetest tone she could. (I ignored her, Melody with her blonde hair and blue eyes was very hard to ignore, but I had practice.)
“Where are you going?” Felicity asked. I ignored her as well.
“Well wherever you’re going I’m coming with you,” Felicity said.
“I’m coming too.” Melody said.
“Thanks… I think someone was trying to murder him,” I explained
“What do you mean?” Melody asked
“How would a seventeen year old have a heart attack?” I questioned.
“How else could he die?” Felicity asked.
“I’m not sure,” I stated. We walked for about ½ an hour without talking. “Where are we going to stay?” Melody questioned.
“I know a bunch of people that live in Woodbridge. It’s only a couple minutes until we get to Woodbridge, V.A,” I said.
“That’s perfect,” Melody said.
“I’m going to miss Richmond, V.A,” Felicity said. I pulled out my Smartphone and called my old friend Lillian. “Hi this is Ashley is Lillian there?”
“Ashley who? Ashley Rosa Westley?”
“Yeah… I was wondering… do you have a place that my two friends and I could stay.”
“I know where you can stay but you can’t stay in my house.”
“Okay, were on our way.”

The truth is dreadful

Chapter 2
The truth is dreadful
After about five minutes we got to Lillian’s house to find the cops were surrounding the place. I tried going inside but the police said that it was a crime scene and we weren’t allowed inside. I saw Lillian sitting inside crying. “Lillian!” I screamed. She ran to me and hugged me. She saw that I was scared too.
“What happened?” I whispered.
“He’s gone.”
“Who’s gone?”
“My dad… he’s gone. He said he wanted…He wouldn’t let me… he killed him.” Thoughts started rushing through my head. I could nearly pass out.
“Ashley… what do I do?”
“Come with us were lost and alone too,” Melody Whispered to Lillian.
“Even though it’s against the law it’s still okay,” Felicity Whispered.
“Fine… I’m coming with you,” Lillian Whispered.
“I know someone who lives about five miles away from here,” I whispered, “His name is C.J.”
“How do we get away from the police?” Felicity whispered.
“This place is surrounded by woods… we just go in the trees and run,” Melody explains.
As we were walking I began to think that maybe it wasn’t the best idea, because what if he dies too. Everyone around me is dying. Maybe someone was after me, but why, what did I do to deserve this? I started thinking of who would want to hurt me. Then I realize who it was, but it has to be a secret.
When we got to C.J’s house his grandmother answered the door. “Are you looking for C.J?”
“Yes we are, is he here?” I ask.
“Yes darling he is hold on he’ll be a second. C.J! Some pretty young ladies are here to see you!” We all giggle.
“Hi Lillian… Ashley?! I haven’t seen you in forever. How are you?” He ran to me and gave me a hug.
“C.J this is Melody and Felicity,” I tell him
“What’s up.” He says to Melody and Felicity. They both giggle. “Come on in,” C.J says.
When we all walked inside we all were staring at the walls. There was antique paintings and knickknacks everywhere. All the portraits seemed to be staring at us. He took us to the living room were his grandmother was knitting. “You can sit down you know,” His grandmother says. There were so many decorations in that house that we were in there for an hour of C.J talking, and none of us were paying attention.
It was getting to be around ten-o-clock and pitch black outside. We went outside with C.J.
“We’ll see you later C.J,” Lillian said.
“Were we going to sleep?” Melody asked quietly.
“Yeah Ashley.” Felicity said.
“You can stay here if you want to.” C.J joined in.
“Thank you.” Felicity says desperately.
He brought us to his garage and got us all a sleeping bag and a pillow. “You should leave right when you wake up because my Grandmother will probably ground me.” We all fell asleep at eleven-o-clock. But that wasn’t the weird part the weird part was he slept in there too.
That night I had a horrible dream, the world came to an end and the last to people on earth were my biological father and I. it was a nightmare. I realized I was different than other people. I was supposed to do something. Something so huge… but I need practice. He’s the only one that can help me. But what can he do. “I love you.” He whispers.
“Then why

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