» Juvenile Fiction » I'll Never Let You Go, Nikki :D [the mitten read aloud TXT] 📗

Book online «I'll Never Let You Go, Nikki :D [the mitten read aloud TXT] 📗». Author Nikki :D

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There it is again… that shock of fear, pain and confusion. Like a thousand piercing knives all at once. Everything goes back to that one night. So young, so innocent. Wishing I would have died, just died right there. Why didn’t I just end it then? It would have been a lot faster, and there would have been no pain. But, he stopped me. He stopped me and left me. Alone. Alone and afraid and in pain… I was never really alone… but no one could ever understand my loneliness…

And now, here I am. Standing on the edge. I couldn’t help but to relive those few short months of somewhat happiness and blissful ignorance. I looked out onto the flowing river, and the flashbacks started. That winter morning, leaving behind everyone and everything I’ve ever known. Waking up to a place so very unfamiliar and seemingly uninviting… the wind blew, and I jumped.


I looked down. I saw my pale, pallid hands clenching the sides of the sink. A few moments passed before I realized, I wasn’t in a place familiar to me. The basin of the sink I was holding on to, was an old fashioned Victorian sink. The room was a light blue, matching the color of my bloodshot eyes. Where was I, and why was I there? I tried to speak, but made no noise. I looked down. My hands still squeezing the sink, as if trying to get it to break in my grasp. I looked up, and my eyes widened.

A boy stood at my side. Tall and slender, and just as pale as I was. He was staring into my reflections eyes, and I was staring straight back into his. I turned to face him, and saw no one. I looked back at the mirror and there he was. Just as if he never left. I looked him over again. He was shirtless, with worn jeans and some type of tennis shoe. His raven black hair was covering his eyes. Only a small sign of gray and an electric blue eyes were seen. Suddenly I went cold. He was holding me. Cradling me in an embrace. Not suffocating , but barely breathing I closed my eyes. Something about this whole thing felt right. I smiled lightly and opened my eyes. I opened them to see his. He released me and smiled. I looked down and back up into the mirror. And a sudden clash of black and white attacked me. I screamed.

“Brooklyn?” followed by a series of small pecks. It took me a minute to register that it was my mother at the door. I sat up and cleared my throat. “Come in.” I managed through the sleep. I glanced at the empty door, the only opening to my empty room, other than the windows beside where my bed was supposed to be. “I was just coming to get you up.” The door slowly began to creek open. After a moment my mother finally stood before me. My mom was absolutely beautiful. She wasn't too short, nor too tall. She had the best proportions. And long blond locks of gorgeous curls. I had always secretly thought I was adopted. But then I would remember Chase. Chase was my twin brother. We were alike in everyway, well. Except our genders. Chase was a little taller than I was, with shaggy brown hair, and the most beautiful blue eyes… “I was half awake anyway… I didn’t sleep well last night.” I slowly began to stand from my makeshift bed on the floor. “I heard. You talked a lot last night in your sleep. I came in here to see if your were okay, and all you did was toss and turn. Did you have a bad dream?” I thought about it for a minute. Did I have a bad dream? I couldn’t really remember.

“Uh, I can’t really remember.” I said through a tired sigh. She nodded and looked at her watch. “Well, you have about thirty, maybe forty-five minutes to get ready.” I nodded and stretched. “Got it.” she turned to walk out of my room. “I’m going to check and make sure one more time that we had everything, and attempt to wake your brother up.” And she was gone. I glanced around again. The only thing filling the room, other than myself, were three blankets and a small box in the left hand corner of my room. I walked over to it slowly and looked at the contents of the box. “A pair of pants and a shirt, socks, iPod and… one shoe.” I sighed aloud. I grabbed my outfit for the day and walked towards my window. The ground below me was covered in snow. I smiled and looked around. Why would we want to leave such a wonderful seeming place, you ask? My mother's life was being threatened by my more than insane father. Because of this, we had to leave. I sighed.

I grabbed the jeans and shirt and stepped into the hall. The emptiness in the hall was just as, if not more, haunting than in my bedroom. I walked as down the hall to the bathroom as fast as I could. I walked in and inhaled. The white walls were normally covered in some type of design my mom had chosen. But now, it was plain white. I sighed and began to undress. When I had my shirt off, I looked at myself in the mirror. I was thin and pale. My hair was long, thick and dark brown with lots of volume. I looked closer at my face. Clear, and white. My eyes were a light blue. I sighed. It’s official. Whether or not I had a twin, I was adopted.

I stood in front of the mirror, thinking about the dream I had the night before. Why was that boy holding me? And why was I having such a hard time speaking or breathing? And as if I was thinking aloud, the image from the night before appeared in front of me. He stood behind me, like the night before, silent and unspeaking. I was reaching for the mirror when a loud knock at the door brought me back to the real world. “Brooklyn?” Chase shouted. I hurriedly threw my shirt on and opened the door. “Yea?” I asked. I looked at Chase and smiled. His hair was messy and sticking up. I stifled a laugh. “What’s up?” Chase stretched and yawned. “Well, I was wondering if you were done in there yet.” He stretched.

I giggled and nodded. “Yea, bro. I’m finished.” I moved past Chase and walked down the hall. I turned the corner and walked down the flight of steps. More bare walls greeted me as I walked from room to room, missing them as I left. I sighed and grabbed the missing shoe and ran upstairs to get the other. I ran back down in a matter of minutes and grabbed my coat and my small box with my belongings. I was going to walk around my yard, and visit the tree house before I left. I walked outside and glanced at the snow on the ground. It was pure white and sparkling. It was so breath taking, I was almost tempted not to step on it. But I had to, to say goodbye to my tree house.

I took delicate steps across the frozen grass, trying not to fall. I admired the trees and tiny bushes in my yard, saying silent goodbyes to each of them as I passed. The biggest tree in the back was the holder of the tree house. I watched as it grew bigger as I got closer. When I was beside the tree, I reached for the ladder and grasped it tightly and slowly ascended, trying not to slip on the icy rungs. I had gotten almost to the top when my foot slipped. I gasped and held tightly to the sides, and put my foot back into place. I smiled in confidence and continued climbing. After a moment, I was in the tree house. I smiled and looked about the empty room. I frowned at leaving memories. Memories like camp outs and Halloween nights, all spent in the tiny house. I sat in the corner and reminisced about the times, before moving to a new place.

“Brooklyn?” Chase’s voice broke the silence of the early morning atmosphere. “Brooke! You out here?” I heard him call again. I scrambled out of the corner and over to the entrance. “Up here!” I called. I could tell I startled him. He jumped and spun around in a twist. “Whoa! Oh. Uh. You ‘bout ready?” He said breathlessly through shivers. I nodded and turned back to emptiness. I said one last farewell to all the memories.

When I was on the last few steps, Chase held out his hand and helped me the rest of the way. “Hard to swallow huh?” I looked at him. “What?” He smiled. “Leaving is. I don’t want to leave either. Sixteen years at one place, then move to a new? Leaving years, and I mean years, of memories? Very hard to do.” He smiled and kicked some snow at my feet. “C’mon, we need to get inside.” He held out his arm so he could help me across the slippery lawn.

We walked together, arms linked, around to the front of the house, singing some nursery rhyme. I looked over at my brother. He looked like me. But some how he was more attractive. His eyes were a little bluer than mine, with small speckles of silver. They shone brighter when he was really mad, or really happy. While I was busy examining his face, he looked over at me and gave me an odd look. “Uh, Brook?” He asked. I returned the odd look and said, “What?” in a quite tone. “Why are you staring at me?” he asked rubbing his face. I laughed and shook my head. “Nothing. I was just thinking. I’m sorry.” he looked at me oddly again and smiled. “Okay then. I’m going inside to tell mom I found you. Got anything inside?” I shook my head and glanced to the car where I left my box of belongings. “Nope, I get everything before I came outside.” he nodded and bounded up the steps.

I leaned against our car. What little sunlight that there was, was blinding. I covered my eyes and looked down the opposite direction. A few moments later Chase and Mom walked out of the house. I grabbed my box off the hood of the car and walked to the back passenger side and got

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