» Juvenile Fiction » My Forever Immortal, J.M. Hurley [top books of all time txt] 📗

Book online «My Forever Immortal, J.M. Hurley [top books of all time txt] 📗». Author J.M. Hurley

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The adrenaline coursed through my veins, my eyes desperately trying to adjust in the utter darkness. I clutched the wooden bow tighter in my hand and leaned back against Ashton. Ash, the love of my life, the man of whom I owe my life, the man I might very well give my life, but at that moment I just wanted him to be the man who I ran to for protection. I knew I couldn’t hide though, I had to face the dangers that lie ahead, I couldn’t depend on him to fight this battle, one that I myself had started. No, I had to face it alone, and indeed, that was what I was going to do.

Chapter 1

I jumped up and out of my bed, nearly hitting my head on the metal bed frame above me. My roommate, Faith, turned uncomfortably towards me, her bright green eyes looking at me with question. I put a shaking finger to my lips in a silent show of silence then ever so carefully climbed up onto her bunk. The ice cold steel frame felt cool under my sweating, feverish skin but I ignored it as I began sending her my thoughts. As usual, she picked up them instantly, and smiled. “You have to stop dreaming about him,” she whispered so soft even my superhuman hearing had trouble picking it up. I knew she was right; I really did need to stop, to get back to my life. But it just wasn’t that easy! Ashton was always there, always in sight, always in mind, with everything I did.

Then, of course, there was the issue of Liam. The man who was also in love with me, the man who I was already set to marry, though I had no intentions of actually tying the knot with him that was just the messed up society I lived in. Terashaw, the so called town of the ‘specially advanced’ was my home, or more so where I lived, I had no real home. My friends and I had lived there since before we could remember, but we only met when we were ten and all became stationed in sanction #23. Now going on 17 years of age, I was beginning to realize just how messed up my life really was.

In just a month, I was set to marry Liam, and though he was

an incredible guy who meant a lot to me, I didn’t love him. No, the only man I loved was Ashton, Ashton who was gone, who had always joked about us escaping, running away together to a far off land, had actually left, but he’d forgotten to take me with him.

At first, I’d been crushed. I couldn’t understand why he would leave me in that hellhole, but then my answer came to me. I would’ve given us away, my so called gift would’ve ruined everything, and he just couldn’t risk that, and though in the note he left for me, he’d promised to return and rescue me as soon as he could, I couldn’t help but feel doubtful. Now, since it was my gift

that separated me from my soul mate, I loathed everything about it. I hated that I could hear things for miles away, that I could see microscopic particles invisible from even the best of microscopes, that I could sense peoples aura’s, and that I could sense in the air if someone was lying. But most of all, I hated the fact that with all of these gifts, a ring of haloed white hung above my head, a ring so bright and powerful that anywhere and everywhere I went, it alerted everyone.

It was times like these that I envied Faith, being a child of the Daruotons, she bore no halo above her head, nor did Ashton. Even though she wore no halo, she still had incredible powers, of course she had to, why else would she be in this solitary confinement with me. Faith’s powers centered mostly around physic thing, like levitating objects, reading minds, telling the future, compulsion, and many more gifted talents. We were all a bit different in our own ways, but Faith and her cousin Phantom definitely had the closest similarities in power. The only difference was the fact that his powers were more into healing people, where as Faith’s was more around controlling people.

Distant footsteps pulled me out of my thoughts and I pinched Faith’s arm to alert her of the intruder. She closed her eyes for a second, most likely reading the person’s thoughts, and then blinked once more, a smile playing on her lips. “Who is it?” I asked in a hushed tone and she sent her answer to me mentally, making use of her telepathy.

No reason to panic, it’s just Liam.

I bit my lip as I tried to convince myself that it really was no big deal, but I failed miserably and felt my palms begin to sweat. The doorknob turned slightly and then the door opened, allowing a crack of light to seep in.

“Skye, Faith, you awake?” Liam’s low voice swept softly into the room and I felt my muscles tense. Faith must’ve sent him a telepathic message because he soon came in and shut the door quietly behind him.

“Skye, we need to talk,” he said, his sweet chocolate eyes boring into my bright blue ones. I managed to give him a weak nod and silently slipped off of Faith’s bed. She cast me a sympathetic look, the laid back down. Grabbing my hand, Liam pulled me out into the hallway.

“If we get caught-” I began but he cut me off by placing a finger on my lips.

“If we get caught then they’ll suspect we just a young couple in love who wanted to get an early start on their honeymoon.” His mention of our upcoming wedding made me want to shudder or curl in a ball at the least, but I stood my ground, though I didn’t manage to hide the grimace on my lips.

“It’s only one week away now,” Liam whispered and now that we were out of the dark and I could get a good look at him, I could tell he wasn’t feeling good. His skin had beads of sweat standing out, his normally tan skin had gone very pale, almost as white as mine, and his dark wavy hair clung to his damp forehead. For a normal person, this would most likely be no big deal, but for a fire user like Liam, it meant he was very


“We can’t actually get married,” he whispered more to himself than me, and I felt a pang of sympathy go through me. Though I knew he wanted nothing more than to marry me, I also knew he felt terribly guilty stealing my wedding away from me, he knew I was in love, and he definitely knew it wasn’t with him.

“No, but we’ll think of something,” I said as I laid a reassuring hand on his shoulder. He regarded my hand with a longing look before meeting my eyes.

“Skye, it’s over. They’ve done it, they’ve actually taken everything we have. There’s no getting out of this,” he replied and I felt my heart clench at his words.

“That’s a lie Liam, we can

get out of this, heck, we can get out of anything! We’re gourges for crying out loud! Our race rules the planet!” I was going to continue my rant when Liam suddenly lurched forward. His lips pressing firmly against mine, moving with such an urgency that I was momentarily too stunned to even react. That’s when I heard the footsteps nearing down the hall. I wasn’t sure how Liam had sensed the person, perhaps by their body heat, but he’d definitely sensed them before me.

Now, knowing why we were kissing, I kissed him back, playing into the desperately-in-love-couple act. The footsteps got louder and then suddenly came to a halt. Honor Nickels, a girl who was normally assigned to sanction #27, one of the most hard core of them all, tapped her foot and clucked her mouth in a sarcastic attempt at improvement.

“Now when are you two lovebirds going to get room, I’m sick and tired of watching you clean each other’s throat’s out,” she said with a joking smile and walked over slowly till she stood in front of us.

I tried to stifle my sigh as I again regretted the secrecy of our engagement and the fact that everyone though we really were

in love, well, everyone but Ashton, Faith, and the Queen, that is. Honor seemed to assume what everyone else in our sanction did, that we’d met, fallen in love, and that the fact we were both from royal family’s and both gourges had nothing to do with it. When in retrospect, it had absolutely everything to do with it. It’d been what the Queen insisted, or more demanded. We were to get married, bear the heir to the throne, and forget about anyone else we had hoped of having relations with, especially someone out of our race.

A never ending life with Liam,

once the though crossed my mind and gave myself a mental slap, sure, an eternity with him, but only as a friend. You’re not getting married, because friends don’t get married, and you already found your soul mate, now if only you could find him again…

“Thinking up an excuse?” Honor said with a sneer as she leaned back against the wall, yanking me out of myself pity, “don’t bother, I’m not going to report you as long as you keep quiet about my being out.”

I gave her an understanding nod and she continued off down the hallway without another word, leaving me and Liam in awkward silence. It hadn’t been the first time we’d had to kiss to avoid punishment, but that didn’t make it any less awkward afterwards, especially since I was aware every kiss slowly broke his heart.

“Look, we don’t have much time now Skye, but I just can’t go another night without telling you,” Liam said and I looked up at him nervously, hoping he wasn’t about to declare his love for me.

“I will not ever

stand for you being unhappy, and if getting married makes you unhappy, which I know it does, we’re going to find a way around it.” Great, now he was the positive one, and I was beginning to have my doubts.

“And do what? Liam, if we do anything against Queen Evelyn’s wishes, we’ll get executed, or worse, experimented on,” I said with a sigh and we both gave a shudder at my last words.

“I didn’t say it was going to be easy, in fact, I know it won’t. But that doesn’t matter, what matters is keeping you safe and happy,” he said and then, after quickly pecking me on the cheek, he was off down the hall. I sighed and tried to fight back the tears that were starting well up in my eyes.

“But I’m never going to be happy,” I said the truth I felt from the statement surprised me, “no, I’ll never be happy again, not until Ashton returns.” Brushing my jet black hair back and out of my eyes, I slowly opened my bedroom door and walked in to see Faith staring up wild-eyed at me.


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