» Juvenile Fiction » The story of Angelica padford, Chloe.A.P [best way to read books .TXT] 📗

Book online «The story of Angelica padford, Chloe.A.P [best way to read books .TXT] 📗». Author Chloe.A.P

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Chapter one
One night while angelica lay in bed spooky shadows drifted past her making her shake with fear. Grabbing her teddy angelica jumped out of her little wooden bed and ran straight for the light she flicked it on and searched for her suitcase and packed some clothes a pillow a blanket and some food from the fridge because she was going to run away. She had to get away from the house because she had enough of the place the creepy shadows at night, the hard bed and the terrible the cold floorboards. Turning off the light she tiptoed down the creaky steps trying to not make a sound opened the big stiff door and stepped out of the horrid creepy house. Outside it was very cold and windy she could hear the wind whistling in her ears and blowing on her cheeks. She started to wonder up the street thinking of all the things she could do what she couldn’t do before when she lived in that old creepy house that she had left behind and was quite far from now. The wind grew and it was getting colder and colder so angelica opened her little suit case and pulled out the big white blanket and wrapped it around her covering every part of her body. It was really dark now and angelica was getting tired so she found a bench pulled out the pillow that lay in her suitcase placed it on the bench and curled up in a ball and fell fast asleep.

Chapter two
That night she had a very strange dream she was walking down a path and it lead to a strange forest. Inside the forest it was lit with lots of candles all flickering away through the night and then in the corner of angelica's eye she saw a little gnome lighting one of the candles .Angelica started to walk over to the gnome to ask where she was. You are in light forest said the gnome with a smile shall I give you a tour of the place? Oh yes please said angelica happy that he was not a mean gnome like gnomes are normally in fairytales. Would you like to go first said the gnome that was called Fred. Please can we go over there were the mushrooms are standing said angelica. So Fred and angelica started to walk over to where the mushrooms were. These mushrooms are beautifully colored with red and black spots said angelica smiling at the gnome whom she thought was wonderfully kind. Did you know that these mushrooms are called the jumping mushrooms said the gnome why are they called that said angelica because they are great for bouncing on would you like to try it said the kind gnome oh yes said angelica joyfully. So angelica jumped on one of the mushrooms and so did the gnome and they jumped up and down for hours then when angelica sat down she said that was great fun can we go over there now oh no said the gnome shaking why not said angelica a bit crossly that is the wear wolfs cave said the gnome shaking more now well I am going in said angelica I am not scared of anything. So angelica started to walk over to the cave no don’t said the gnome shaking more than ever now well I am going in said angelica crossly. So angelica walked into the cave and said see there is no wear wolf in here said angelica bravely its behind you screamed the gnome arrrrrrrrrrr........

Chapter three
At that moment angelica woke from her strange dream and looked around her she was back on the bench and alive thankfully .She looked at her watch it was 10 o clock in the morning oh no I am late for breakfast oh I forgot I have got my own breakfast so angelica took out a sandwich and ate it quickly lots of people was watching her do this and it made angelica angry what are you lot looking at she said loudly as she started to put her things back in her suitcase. She started to walk towards the toy shop and started to think I still have some pocket money left maybe I should spend it on a toy to play with incase I get board but what shall I get? Oh that dolly looks nice but so does that airplane oh I can’t decide I shall have to come back later. But maybe I might just look. In the shop there was lots and lots of toys toy cars little teddy’s Barbie dolls I think I should get the kite because it is windy at night and I can play with it in the day and in the night yes this one with red and blue spots and a green back ground. Please can I buy this of course madam said the shop keeper its four pounds and ninety five pence please there you go said angelica I better save the rest for food she said putting the rest of the money in her purse. Bye then said the shopkeeper bye replied angelica with a smile. So angelica walked out of the shop and found a big space and started to fly her kite it was an amazing site a small girl flying a big brightly colored kite with no adult around to help just angelica. After hours of playing with her kite the night grew darker and the wind grew stronger so angelica decided to put the kite in her suitcase and go for something hot to eat at the café because all the food in her suitcase was all dry food like biscuits and sandwiches. So angelica walked over to the café and opened the door it was a lot warmer inside and it was quieter than outside too. She ordered a burger some fries and a hot chocolate four pounds eleven please said the waiter there you go said angelica politely. After waiting about two minutes the waiter came back with her food thank you said angelica your welcome said the waiter as he went back to the kitchen. She ate it very slowly just because it was so warm compared to outside and because she was a little tired as well. After finishing her meal which lasted her thirty five minutes she put her rubbish in the bin and slowly started to walk back outside to the bench which is now what she calls her bed. She got out her pillow and blanket and snuggled up into a ball and fell fast asleep.

Chapter four
Tonight angelica had another one of her strange dreams this night it was very different to the over one she had it was about a dragon breaking into her castle because she was a princess and well this is her dream one day she was combing her hair when a prince came riding by shouting to the princess marry me quickly before the dragon eats me. Well said princess angelica if you were a prince you would be brave and fight the dragon away I am a prince but... but... arrrrrrrrrrrr...... said the prince just before the dragon swallowed the prince. Oh no said princess angelica what did you do that for because he is a burglar said the talking dragon he want to marry you and steal all your money and all your silver and gold. Really oh thank you so much you ugly dragon oops roar shouted the dragon I thought you were nice but no your just like that burglar shouted the dragon even louder now so in one and a half minutes he gulped down the princess in one big gulp. Arrrrrr... screamed angelica as she woke up from her strange dream but instead of waking up on her what she calls bed she woke up in a dark cave and in front of her was a strange man staring at her and after a couple of minutes he said here is your breakfast young lady.

Chapter five
Er... thank you said angelica shaking a little go on then eat it up said the strange man ok said angelica trying not to get mad with him. She looked in her bowl inside there was a mushy kind of soup err... said angelica what’s inside this bowl its mushy peas said the strange man now eat it up come on you have got a lot of work to do today. A lot of work it’s the summer holidays shouted angelica summer holidays or not you are still doing your chores what chores said angelica putting her bowl of mushy peas down. Your chores for today are washing the dishes, cleaning the walls and scrubbing the toilet oh and moving that big pile of rocks outside my cave ok said the strange man ok said angelica sadly. So where do I start said angelica to herself you can start by cleaning the walls said the strange man that had heard what she said and thinking she was saying it to him now get to work shouted the strange man. So angelica started to clean the walls sadly as she wondered where she could be and how did she get here she only new that it was the strange mans cave but she did not know how far she was from fluttering city was she just next to it or was she in a different city and she was too scared to ask the strange man so she decided to find out at night when the strange man was asleep. So all day while angelica was doing her dreadful chores she was planning a plan in her head of how to escape but after the tiring day of all her doing all those chores she decided to escape the next night. That night while the strange man was asleep angelica went outside for a few hours to play with her kite. It was great to be outside on a night like this because the strange man wasn’t there to boss her around and no one was watching her because when she flew her kite in fluttering city lots of people watched her with fascination but she didn’t really mind because she was home well that’s what she calls it. So after playing outside for five hours she decided to get a little bit of sleep otherwise she would be too tired to do her terrible chores and then she would get a right telling off by that strange man. So angelica climbed onto a rock inside the cave that the strange man made her sleep on and put the blanket under her to make it more comfier and the pillow under her too and tried to get some rest.

Chapter six
That morning angelica woke up to a horrible breakfast of cabbage soup, it was so horrible angelica asked to go to the loo but she only went there to eat some biscuits she had in her suitcase. After breakfast angelica got to work with her terrible chores today they was painting the walls of the cave washing more dishes smoothing

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