» Juvenile Fiction » Only Me, songbird12 [novel24 .TXT] 📗

Book online «Only Me, songbird12 [novel24 .TXT] 📗». Author songbird12

Mary didn't want to go to bed. Her day had been sooooo exciting! She didn't want to take the risk of forgetting the taste of that lovely strawberry ice cream. Her mother recognized trouble, and, wanting to teach Mary a lesson, she said "Mary, dear, you can stay up if you'd like to, but you must beware of Silverfingers and her mother," Mary, not believing her mother, went outside.In the meantime, Mary's mother called Lydia, the goat in. Now, I'll bet you didn't know that Mary's mother was a bit of a witch! But anyway, she turned Lydia into a little fairy, with white-blonde hair. Then quickly let Mary in, and served her a quick meal of beans and bread. " I'm off to bed darling," she said quickly, and hurried away. Mary shrugged, and sat down. At that very moment, Silverfingers popped out. " Big Girl, would you like to play?" Mary, always happy for someone to play with, said" Certainly!" As they whirled around, Mary said to her new friend," If we're to be friends, shouldn't we know each others names?" " I quite agree! I'm Silverfingers! And you?" Mary recalled her mothers words: "But beware of Silverfingers!" She did some quick thinking." Only Me! That's my name!" Said Mary." Only Me, shall we sit down?" " Yes," And the two sat down, by the fire.They chatted a bit, and Mary showed Silverfingers a little trick that she often did when her mother wasn't around. Suddenly, a little spark flew off the matchstick that Mary was holding and burned Silverfingers on the foot. She jumped up and yelped very loudly, and said a word that resembled "archimagnofice!" and a booming voice sounded down the chimney. " What is it, child? How many times have I told you not to play with fire unless I am with you?" " Sorry mother, but Only Me burnt me!" "Child, that was horrid grammar, and if only you burnt yourself, then you should be a bit more careful in the future. Come!" And with that, Silverfingers wooshed up the chimney to join her mother, and Mary, by now very tired, went to bed, and from what I know now, she is a very obedient child, and goes to bed when asked.


Publication Date: 04-29-2011

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