» Juvenile Fiction » HERO chapter 1, pyroizzy [little readers .txt] 📗

Book online «HERO chapter 1, pyroizzy [little readers .txt] 📗». Author pyroizzy

“PINEAPPLE! I CALL DIBS!” my idiot brother squealed running up the palm tree like he was running on the ground.

“Danny! I told you to stop doing that!” I yelled finishing setting up our green tent that can fit eight people.

“Lighten up,” Danny said eying the new cuts and blisters he got, then wiping the dirt off my pocket knife and stabbing the yellow ripe fruit, “where are we by the way?”

“Blue Gems, a town that is full of extremely talented people,” I said standing up from the black rich soil, and turning to the left to see a grandiose blue ocean, I took in a big wift of ocean water and the faint sent of pineapples. I looked up to find a baby blue sky with tiny clouds scattered across my world. that’s right I live to fly and to take care of Danny, and my seven foot red and black wings help a lot. I’ll explain those later.

“ Hey, can we go check out the town?” Danny said pointing to the town right next to the beach. Danny amazes me he can look so happy even when every thing can snap in less that you can say Mac & Cheese.

“Why not… besides I’m not sure what kind of money this place takes…”

“ Drew, I want to go to the town to look around, not to find a job”

“ Well Danny some one has to get the money to feed you” I said folding my wings as flat against my back as possible then putting on my black and white hooey on.

“When am I going to get wings?” Danny whined scratching his head trying not to pull his short black hair.

“ I don’t know, besides when you do it fells like you just been stabbed,” I shivered remembering the agony of my wings coming in.

“ Quit being so serious, live a little!” Danny cheered running tourds me and gripping my hand trying to make me go in the direction of the town.

After 29 minuets of Danny lecturing me on how I should brighten up, we finally ran into the town by the beach. There was so many people; I wanted to go back to the camp, but no Danny wanted to look around.

After passing bakery shops, candy shops, clothes shops, even a pet store I finally found a place where I could work; Mikes Music Store, a place where kids my age work and get paid, I’m not sure how I manage to get the job but I start tomorrow at 10:00 AM. Lucky me. So I got what I wanted and Danny some how got us dinner; an 8in pizza, with greasy pepperonis, and melty cheese. Best thing I ever ate.

We were walking back where a car pulled up beside us. This was not going to end well.

“Hey kiddies you need a ride?” a man that looked familiar smiled.

“ No were fine” I said squeezing Danny’s hand ( that’s my way of telling Danny to stay out of this).

“ But it seems that you been walking a long time,” he grinned.

“ were fine really” I said firmly then started walking again.

“hum… then I’m just going to have to take you by force,” he said in a upset voice three large men came out of the van like thing.

first reaction tell Danny to run.
Second reaction kick the closest guy so hard he cant stand; he was big….next person and plan c please!! The men surrounded me, the one behind me graved my arms and put a rag to
my face, my eye sight was getting blurry, I felt dizzy, and passed out.

I probably have the weirdest dreams in the world; battle zones, war fest, and my own death, but this dream was different I had a feeling I was going to meet some one, some one important, “where am I?” I whispered to myself.

“ In someone else’s dream by the looks of it,” a girl with light ,light, LIGHT brown hair (you might as well called it white) said with annoyed look on her face. When I looked up (I was on my knees) wow… I seen a lot of girls in my life but none of them made me feel like this, her dark blue eyes had a thick black ring around them, when I looked up it seems like I wasn’t the only one who was dazed, the girl was staring at me, to my amassment the girl put her hand on my short soft black hair and I could tell that she was looking extremely into my golden shade eyes.

“ anyway…” the girl said looking away then her cheeks started to turn a rosy red color, “ I know a lot of people come to me when their in trouble, but I never met some like you before.” she said pointing to my wings.

“ Ya… I got no idea what I’m doing here… first I’m walking down the street with my brother a van pulls up next to us, three men come out, I fight them, one of them puts a cloth thing to my face I passed out, and now I’m here talking to someone that I never met,” I explained looking around to find that I’m stuck in a white and blue mist with a random girl.

“interesting, now do me a favor and wake up” the girl said examining me once again.

“ thanks for the advice” I whispered. Every thing started to fade the girl, the mist, I woke up in a blur.

“Drew? You awake?” Danny said poking me in the side.

“Yes, just stop” I complained. I gotten use to waking up in prisons but this was just crazy; both me and Danny were in a twin sized bed, both Danny and I had blue blankets covering our skinny light bodies. The walls were painted a nice clear shade of red, the door was a good safe distance away ,but god knows what’s behind that door, where we were, and what lays ahead of us.

“Mike! He’s awake~,” Danny sung, right then and there a man with brown hair burst though the dark brown door.

“ Hello~” he smiled, it was similar to the man in the car. I just gave him a really bad look, and then the finally realized who he was messing with, “ hmm… I think I liked it better when you were asleep,” the man called “mike” complained and handed both Danny and I orange juice.

“where are we!” I snapped putting the juice down on the nightstand.

“ calm down…” he said in a really slow and calm voice, “ your safe, and sorry about last night if I wasn’t going to stop you, someone else would have.”

“ right, now we will be going now” I said getting up from the soft bed.

“ no can do, I have some one coming over who can help you” he said pushing me back down.

“ we don’t need any help” to my surprise Danny said in an extremely quiet voice.

“ Both of you are orphans, if I’m not mistaken,” mike said wiping his green eyes.

“ yes, what’s your point.”

“ my friend can help you find your parents,” mike smiled. Right then and there Danny’s face lit up, there was no turning back.

“DING-DONG~” the door bell rang.

“that must be him” mike cheered and then left the room and bringing back a tall man with a laptop and brown eyes and black hair, just like Danny’s.

“hello I’m Ray” he said looking at Danny then a long time at me. According to Mike, Ray lost his parents at a young age and lost his son three years ago, three years ago an old friend and I found Danny on the side of the street. I didn’t trust anyone I wasn’t going to start hoping that I could find happiness I gave up on that a long time ago, but Danny hasn’t he still thinks that there is still hope. “lets see who your parents are” Ray said typing away on his blue laptop. I found myself praying that there was no match, I didn’t pray hard enough: “Danny? You know how I lost my son three years ago?”

“y-yes?” Danny said getting eaten up by his own energy.

“ call me daddy” Ray said trying to hold back his tears.
“Da-? WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” Danny said tackling Ray and the next ting I knew the room was full of tears and hugs.

After Ray contacted Danny’s mom they set a party in Danny’s safe return, and Mike was apparently the owner of “Mikes Music Store” I told him two words; “I quit.” half way out of the door Danny realized that I was leaving and of course told me to stay, that Ray said he will adopt me. I took one look at the man that was behind Danny, I knew one thing from the beginning about that man; he knew some thing about me that I didn’t know, and sadly I said no to Danny’s offer. He started crying louder then when he found his parents, it wasn’t the cry of bliss or joy it was the cry of agony and despair.

“I’m sorry” I whispered.

“wait come back!” Ray shouted, that’s when I started running. What was wrong with me, why did I just wanted everything to disappear, or better yet I just wanted to disappear. I ended up the camp sight; tried, upset, but not alone.

“Look there is no where for you to run” he said not even a tried look on his face. He was right there was no where for me to “run” I looked at the cliff 25 feet until the water runs into the cliff, just enough for me to get some air.
“ Oh gad, don’t tell me- NOOOO!” he cried watching me jump into my happy place. I unfolded my wings and glided for a while flapped up to see Ray wide eyed and shocked, then he did the stupidest thing ever; he also jumped (yup that’s Danny dad alright) and sprouted ten-foot-long pure black wings… I hate my life.

My god how many plot holes are there in my life?!?


Publication Date: 01-23-2011

All Rights Reserved

my sisters for telling me to write some thing

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