» Juvenile Fiction » The hate list, Shae Sill [the little red hen read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «The hate list, Shae Sill [the little red hen read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Shae Sill

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I stared as the tears dripped down her face like rain on a window. I wanted to hold her against my chest and stop those tears, to tell her that I'm not leaving. But the thing is that, that would be a complete lie and I couldn't lie to her, I was already breaking her heart. "please, please, please," she mouthed over and over eyes closed. "I'm sorry, but I need to leave, I can't stand the visions anymore, and I won't allow myself to suffer if i can fix this." I ran my fingers through my sandy blonde hair. I looked into her electric green eyes where all her emotions flash like a light in a pitch black room. I see the sorrow of her eyes flicker away as the anger is brought back. her beautiful raven black hair swirling about her face making her pale skin creme color. her petite nose and puffy lips adding to the dramatic effect.
"You don't even know the man that supposedly wants to help you. Why must every fucking time i trust you again you turn away and leave? is it because of me? do you really not love me? are the 'I love you' just a lie forced out of your lips? You know what? I hope you never come back! I hate you!" the anger was rising in her and each word she spoke hurt me a little more each time.
"I'm sorry that you feel that way because I still love you. I always will, goodbye Thalia." I started to turn as i heard a rustle of leaves.
"Please I'm sorry, I don't hate you, I love you. Just please come back to me soon, please I love you. Bye Raymond" she looked me in the eyes, her green eyes still glistening from the tears.
I laid a kiss on the top of her head. "Don't worry, I will be back, nothing could keep me away. Bye Thalia." I slowly grabbed her pale hands off of my waist and put them at her sides. with one quick glance at her lovely face I turned and walked away.

Chapter 1:

I sat and watched, starring at nothing because thats what i felt, nothing and yet nothingness hurts. It hurts so much. I want him to come home so badly but i know that if he does come back that he will just hurt me again and again and again, but that doesn't matter because through the bad times there are good times. Let me just tell you now that he isn't abusive, he is friendly but there is something in his eyes sometimes, that something is a little bit of insanity. he doesn't know it's there, but i do, so does anyone that has been around him long enough. Although he never seems to have emotions his cold blank calmness is scarier than anything i have ever seen, it is like he can stare into your soul and see all you have done wrong and he forgives you but then you feel guilty. so guilty that it eats you alive. he doesn't know that he has that effect on you and you don't want to tell him because you know you have to be strong.
i know he will come back no matter what i say. I am pathetic you know that? here i am sitting in front of a freaking window talking about a guy that people call crazy. i stand up and turned around. i look at the my apartment. the baby blue walls matching with all the green i have in the room. from the neon green couch, to the neon green rug, lamps, and coffee tables. i walked numbly down the hall. i turn right into my bathroom. i shut my eyes as i open the door. i hear small sound and i open my eyes. right in front of me is a man standing with a large knife. he had very unruly chestnut color hair and the same color eyes and dark skin. his nose ended sharply and his lips were thin.
i open my mouth and scream. next thing i knew my head slams to the floor and the man is on top of me with the knife over my throat. my screaming stops abruptly. "Listen girl, i need to know where the Rakma Demon is. I know you know where he is, there is no hiding for him." the man said with a thick french accent. I dug my nails into my hands.
Raymond would want me to be strong and not cry. "Mister i have no clue what you are talking about, I don't even believe in hell there for no demons. Now please let us discus this in an orderly fashion." I could hear the shakiness in my voice. he slowly got off me.
"You pathetic girl, trying to protect him, i have seen him around you. Now tell me where the rakma demon is or i will force it out of you."
"I told you I don't even believe in demons, but you know if you can give me a name I might know who you are talking about." my voice was pleading. his eyes flashed darker. he seemed more of a demon to me than anything else right now.
"The demon is a nine-teen year old man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes. he has tan skin and is about six' foot eight'. Very tall. His name is..." he trailed off his eyes unfocused as if trying to remember the name.
His description reminded me of Raymond, blue eyes, sandy blonde hair, tall. Plus Raymond is nineteen. I started to sweat. If raymond is what the man says, then I just might believe the man that Raymond is a demon.
"oh yes I remember the name. The Rakma demons name is Raymond Webb."
"shit" i whispered.
"what is wrong ma'am? he must have told you that he was a demon, Rakma demons do tell the ones that they love what they are or else they tend to fade away. unless, unless... he does not know that he is a demon yet! he must have known his parents told him right? Right?" his face was wrenched with worry.
"No he was adopted. I don't see why that matters anyway." he grabbed my shoulders and shook me. "you stupid girl you do not understand, if he has not been told what he is then he will become full demon because he was not trained and kill everything in sight! he will destroy this planet!" he pushed me away.
my voice was shakier than before when I whispered "So lets just say that Hypothetically that my boyfriend is a demon that doesn't know he is a demon and will go on a bloodlust rampage?" he shook his head quickly. "yes, but it is not hypothetic it is real! you must tell me where he is!" I looked into his eyes and shivered as the realization of his words set in that he was telling what he thinks is the truth. "he left about a day ago, to get help from this guy he barley knew 'cause he was having visions." his face hardened.
he stood abruptly and left the bathroom. i rushed after him and found him at my phone.
he was talking to someone in french. "Il est parti. Il a passé au prochain niveau. Il a vu les visions, il ne sait pas qu'il est un démon de Rakma, je suis inquiété. Quelqu'un sera blessé." he paused for a second then spoke again "Vous avez raison il doit mourir. Je finirai le ma’am de travail. Au revoir." he hung the phone up and turned abruptly.
"Girl, where did the demon go?" he rushed at me and i brought my hands up in front of my face. he grabbed my left wrist his darker skin seemed darker against my pale skin. he tuned me around and brought my wrist up painfully high against my back. he leaned in close and whispered into my ear.
"tell me where the boy is girl." I started to blink rapidly as i tried to remember what the one guys name was.
"Damian was the man Raymond left to find. Damian had said to meet him at 185 North Elm street Boise,Idaho. but we live in 3600 Morley Drive Trenton Village, Wyoming. I know he is not there yet, it's only been a day and thats like five hours plus he doesn't have a car so thats like ten hours at least." he twisted me back around and laid a forceful kiss on my lips.
"Thanks girl." he let me go, pulled back his hand and i knew what he was doing about a second before it happened. his fist came at me at blinding speed and connected with my head. i saw spots as i fell to my knees and passed out.

Chapter 2:

I am pretty damn tired of walking. i used to have a car, it was a nice car, a dodge challenger SRT8 blue with silver pin striping. absolutely wonderful, but then i let are neighbor borrow it. well for some reason he never came back and neither did my car. a week ago they found his body about a mile away from my house and my car was never found.
Never mind about the car, i just don't like walking. Neither does Thalia. she hates walking. she doesn't mind running but gets tired of it and if i am running with her she makes me carry her.
God, i can just remember the last time we ran together. she was far ahead of me and i was just walking, saving my strength for when i have to carry her.
i was starring at her raven black hair in its pony tail. thats when she had stopped and turned. "hurry, I'm getting tired and we still have half a mile till your house." i stared at her pink flushed cheeks, her electric acid eyes and her pale skin. the smile she wore lit up her face. a row of perfect white teeth showed. she had a stubborn set to her jaw that meant that i was carrying her no matter what. i had ran forward towards her and grabbed her up. i held her against me while she squealed. when i let her down she almost fell. and i had to help her up. as soon she was upright she had kissed me.
a piteous scream interrupts my memory.
"help. please someone. No stop. Leave me the fuck alone you stalker." i looked to where the voice was coming from. i ran forward as the scream got louder. i looked all around. i had decided to go through the woods and green was everywhere. another scream split my ears and i ran. after about thirty seconds I spotted the victim. A girl about the age of twenty with streaked blonde hair and tan skin was backing away from a man of about thirty with ragged red-brown hair.
he wore rugged holed clothes. he held a sharp long knife with writing on it. i squinted at the writing. it said 'Hell was payed for which this was brought forth.' that was strange.
i stepped forward and the man turned to look at me. he had a huge cut along the side of his face that was

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