» Juvenile Fiction » Children Enjoy Fairy Tales, Cynthia Jones [rocket ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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Children Enjoy Fairy Tales


Cynthia Jones

Table of Contents

Chapter One: Sitting By The Fireplace

Chapter Two: The Big Storm

Chapter Three: Imagination

Chapter Four: Getting Lost

Chapter Five:

- Chapter One -

Sitting by the Fireplace

A little boy, named Bret, who is only five years old, enjoys sitting by the fireplace beside his two sisters, Stephanie, who is ten years old and Robin, who is seven years old, to hear their parents read to them. It doesn’t matter what day of the week it is, so long as they get to spend family time together, after a long hard day at school.
“Daddy, can you read us a long book this time, instead of a short one?” asks Bret.
“Why certainly young one,” replies Dad.
Mom and Dad always tend to read short books to the children, because by the time they all sit down to spend some family time together, it’s close to bedtime. Mom and Dad, always have to make sure the children have a big meal in their stomachs and their homework done for school, so their teachers don’t give them a hard time. The children always look forward to spending any kind of time with their parents, because their parents work.

Dad may enjoy his job as a wood worker and Mom may enjoy her job as being an elderly caregiver, but they both enjoy life more, when they are with their children.
Mom goes into the kitchen, to make herself a quick cup of coffee.
“Dear, do you want me to make you a coffee, while I am out here?” she asks her husband Tony.
“No, that’s okay Cynthia. You know I can’t drink coffee late at night,”
Tony replies, “I can’t stand how it keeps me awake.”
“Mommy, mommy, hurry up,” yells Robin.
“Robin,” interrupts Stephanie, “you don’t have to yell so loud, it’s hard on my ears and you know Mom isn’t deaf.”
“Sorry,” whispers Robin.
“What?” asks Stephanie.
“Take a chill,” says Bret to both of his sisters. At that moment, Mom walks into the living room.
“Okay children, there is no need to be cranky with one another,” she says.
“Mommy, do you know what book Daddy’s going to be reading to us?” asks Bret. “Well, we did buy a new book

today and Daddy wanted me to keep it as a surprise,” said Mom.
“Oh please, please tell us what the name of the book is,” the three of them said all at the same time.
“No, I can’t, it’s a secret,” replied Mom.
Tony was off in another room getting the book he wanted to keep as a surprise for the children. Just as soon as he and Mom had seen it at the local book store, they knew the children were going to enjoy having it being red to them. The children love chapter books. That’s what made Mom and Dad buy this book in the first place.
Tony enters the room, with the book still in the shopping bag. The children were all excited. Bret was jumping up and down on the couch.
“Bret, you better sit down, before you fall,” said Mom.
Cynthia happened to catch him out of the corner of her eye.
“Daddy, daddy, what’s the name of the book?” asks Bret, still bouncing around on the couch.
“You will soon see, son,” replied Dad.
Tony sat down in his big comfy chair by the fireplace.

That was his reading chair. He figured he should get a start on the book, as it was getting close to the children’s bedtime.
Dad pulled the book out of the shopping bag and set the bag down onto the floor. He read the name of the book out loud.
“The name of this book is, “Children Enjoy Fairy Tales.” I think it will be a book all of us can enjoy,” he said.
He opened up the book and started to read.
“Chapter One,” he began, “Once in a far away land, there lived a King named James, a Queen named Athena and their children, named Bret, Stephanie and Robin.”
“Daddy, daddy, they have our names,” said Robin excitedly.
“Yes, they sure do,” replied Dad.
The looks on the children’s faces were priceless. Tony kept on with the reading.
“Bret, Stephanie and Robin, are brother and sisters.”
“Just like us,” said Stephanie.
“That’s right,” replied Mom.
“Stephanie is the oldest of the three, Robin is the middle child and Bret is the youngest.”
“Wow, that’s exactly like us,” said Bret.
“Stephanie has a pet Unicorn named Snowflake, Robin has one named Princess and Bret has one named Golden Rod. King James has a Dragon named Prince and Queen Athena has one named Baby. One day, they all decided to go for a ride. While the King and Queen were busy getting the Dragons, Stephanie, Robin and Bret were putting the saddles onto the Unicorns. Bret heard a noise coming from the woods.”
“What’s that?” asked Stephanie.
“I don’t know,” said Bret, with a confused look on his face.
“Do you think we should go get Mom and Dad?” asked Robin.
“No, don’t bother. We’ll just continue. If we hear it again, just ride away,” replied Stephanie.
“Dad, what do you think is going to happen?” asked Bret, “Do you think something bad will happen to them?”
Dad put the book down and said, “I don’t know, but we will just have to wait and see.”

Dad picked the book up and continued to read.
“The children were ready to go, but they heard something say, “Here Unicorn, come here Unicorn.”
“As the children were listening, three Pixies came out of the woods and were still calling the Unicorns.”
Stephanie said, “Do you think we should go now? We are not allowed to talk to Pixies. They cause a lot of trouble.”
“Don’t be scared children. We are not here to hurt you. You see, we can help children make their dreams come true.”
“We are not the same Pixies that cause all of the trouble. We are the ones that try to keep the trouble making Pixies, away from young, innocent children, like you three.”
“How do we know that for sure?” asked Robin.
“Well, see the gardens that are planted around here? The Pixies that love to cause a lot of trouble, ruined them and we had to replant them again,” said the first Pixie.
“Yes, we did,” started the second Pixie, “and it took us a long time to fix these gardens, to make them look

exactly like they used to.”
“We have had to keep guard over these gardens, to make sure nothing ever happens to them again,” replied the third Pixie.
The children didn’t know whether to believe the Pixies or not. The King and Queen, have always told their children, to always watch out for Pixies all of their lives.
“If you want proof,” said the first Pixie, “let’s climb into one of the trees and keep quiet, just for a few minutes. That’s all it takes for them to ruin everything, when they don’t see us anywhere. When the other Pixies show up, then you will see we have been telling you three the truth all along.” “Okay,” replied Stephanie, “we will climb the tree and wait for the other Pixies to show up. If they don’t come, you will have to leave us alone and not bother us anymore.”
“Deal,” said the second Pixie.
Bret, Robin and Stephanie, climbed the tree with the three Pixies, not too far from the ground (because the Pixies were afraid of heights), sat on a sturdy branch and waited.
“Pixies aren’t afraid of heights, Daddy,” laughed

“These Pixies are, I guess,” giggled Mom.
Dad continued on with his reading.
They didn’t have to wait in the tree for very long, when they saw the other Pixies show up and start destroying the beautiful gardens. The children and the good Pixies jumped down from the tree scared the other Pixies off.
“Now, do you believe us?” asked the third Pixie.
“Yes,” replied Bret, “we believe you.”
“I am happy you believe us,” said the first Pixie.
“Can I ask what your names are?” asked the second Pixie.
“My name is Stephanie, this is my younger sister Robin and this is our little brother Bret,” said Stephanie, pointing to each of them.
“Nice to meet you, my name is Twixie,” said the first Pixie, “this is Chewie and that is Goober,” she said pointing to the other two Pixies.
“Twixie?” asked Robin.
“Yes, Twixie,” she said, “’that is my name.’”
“Don’t you mean Trixie?” Robin asked.
“Yes, that is what I said, Twixie,” she replied.

“Oh, okay,” said Robin, with her eyebrows raised.
“Nice to meet you as well,” said Stephanie.
“I am happy you three were to here to witness the other Pixies destroying our gardens,” said Chewie, “we have talked to other children before and also explained to them what was going on and they did not believe us either.”
“We are very sorry,” Stephanie started to explain, “but our Mother and Father, have always told us, as far back as we can remember, never to talk to Pixies, because they cause a lot of trouble.”
“Will you forgive us,” asked Bret.
“Yes, we will forgive you,” replied Goober.
“Goober, what kind of a name is that anyway?” asked Stephanie.
“My parents named me after a peanut,” replied Goober, “can you believe that?”
“I think it is so cute,” said Robin, giggling.
“Aw, gee thanks,” replied Goober, blushing.
“You are welcome,” said Robin, with a big smile on her face.
“Stephanie, Robin and Bret, are you ready to go out for

a ride now?” asked the King and Queen.
“Yes, we are ready to go now,” replied Bret.
“You better go now, before we get caught hanging around with you,” said Stephanie, to the Pixies.
“But, we want to meet your Mom and Dad,” said Twixie.
“Okay,” replied Bret, “but don’t say we didn’t warn you.”
The King and his beautiful Queen had the Dragons all set and ready to take off for a ride with their beloved children. The Unicorns kept bucking, because they didn’t like wearing their saddles. Each of the children whispered in the Unicorns ears and calmed them all down. The King and Queen saw the children standing around. Both had a confused look on their face.
“Why aren’t you

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