» Juvenile Fiction » A Badass Gone...Good?, Hey There! [great book club books TXT] 📗

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Home Sweet Home


Chapter One

"Home Sweet Home."

"Geez Renny,would you please stop making that face?Cause 1) it isn't cute at all and 2) at this rate you'll start having wrinkles!"my twin sister Serena said, both of us sitting in the comfty backseats of our car while our mum was driving ,humming quietly.

I rolled my eyes,"Of course moving back there won't be a problem for you, they practically kissed the ground you walked on at school,you their Queenbee, while on the other side I am and will always be the nerd of service, the outcast, the Queengeek!"

"C'mon Renny, can't you see how much you have changed, you went from 'what's with those looks?' to 'hey babe got a date'.Can't you see? You nearly look as good as me! So puh-lease stuff it up and start looking at the bright side of life! Okay?"

I grinned at her like a cheschire cat, she always knew how to put me into a good mood, no wonder we were twins!

"We've arrive!"my mum announced, powering off the engine coming to an halt in front of one vaguely familiar house.

The two storey house's outer walls were still painted in that dull grey colour, the windows pane stained with what I remembered was red paint(might have been blood too,who knows), the same old wooden front door and the same mailbox which Serena and I had decorated when we were just toddlers(it looked horrible for the matter).

I sighed as I helped my mum to get our luggages out,we were definitely back.


Days had flowed by and it was already the dreadful night before we went to school, both Serena and I sat on our bedroom's floor cross-legged chatting about our not-so-dull town ,Black Vale.

"Holy shit! Do you still remember the day Chace Hall was so drunk that he puked on that poor girl shoes," Serena poured to me giggling uncontrollably.

I blushed and grunted," The poor girl was me."

She stared at me before saying, "Seriously?"

Lowering my head I nodded.

"Eeeewwww!Even though Chace could be considered as a hot stuff, it's still disgusting , I wouldn't be proud if that had happened to me!"

I glared at her ,"'Cause you think I was?"

Gulping she said," Okaaay, maybe we should change the subject..."

I snorted and let out one sarcastic remark," Oh you think?"

"Okay okay what about Tyler Roy?"

I face-palmed myself, "Oh god, let's not get to that delicate subject."

She grinned at me evilly, "He had a crush onyou if I still do remember am I wrong?"

"Yeah that first kiss stealer!" I exclaimed.

With that Serena threw her head back carelessly and let forth a roar of laughter.

She smirked ,wiggling her eyebrows,"What about...Asher Thorn."

Oh no she didn't dare mention that bastard's name...fuck that bitch!


The next morning...

"C'mon Serenity,forgive me ,I didn't mean to tell his name," my sister pleaded with puppy-looking eyes, while I was dressing up for the D-day.

"Don't call me by my full name," I spat out pulling on a long-sleeved v-neck shirt of a tartare colour.

"I already told you Renny, I didn't-holy shit! Renny what's with that shirt? It's really hot outside, c'mon I'll lend you a tank top," she said and pulled me to her closet.

"I don't-" I started to say but was cut off nonetheless.

"What're you talking about?You're my sister ,my other half, I'm not letting you humiliate yourself on the first day!I'm not that horrible!"she exclaimed taking out one tight red top, a pair of white shorts and a brown leather jacket(as if it was going to be cold).

As you might have wondered, who was that Asher Thorn?

Answer:- A cocky, arrogant ,self-centered, egoistic chauvinistic pig. Also the school badass (stuffs that I might have omitted to say would be that he's drop dead gorgeous, a god for most nucleus-missing girls and disgusting and utterly my first love and worse nightmare...eww not cool)


Want to meet the dude?

You'll have to wait fot the next chap!!



Chapter 2-"No way!"

"So raise your glass,if you are wrong in all the right ways,

All my under  dogswe will never be never be anything but loud,

and nitty gritty  dirty little freaksWont you come on and come on and raise your glass,

Just come on and come on and raise your glass!"my sister sang at the very top of her voice as we drove to school, whie P!nk's Raise your glass blasted out of the radio.

Bloody hell,please pity my poor ears, I thought making faces simultaneously.As the car came to an halt near a junction and so did her voice thankfully. So there's actually a god up there listening to our prayers.The next 15 minutes that followed were punctuated with many snorts, sarcastic comments and laughter.

The moment my sister parked her cute little red mini ,one really weird feeling, took over my body and I found myself unable to move.

Serena rolled her eyes and started,"You're just stress don't worry, I'll be here and I promise I won't be the bitch that I had been 2 years ago,so now Serenity freaking Cole get your buttocks out of my car before I make you!"

Immediately after I was unconsciously stumbling out of the vehicle. Now that the school's building was in my eye shot, I realised that it was completely identical from the last time I had seen it. The walls still made of those rectangular mahogany bricks, the rusting tables and benches looking as breakable as ever, the entrance's steps dirtied by mud, trees standing precariously here and there in the yard. I watched in annoyance as some familliar faces came into view, among them were Camilla Stone, Serena's best friend forever or rather EX, other jocks and cheerleaders of Serena's old clique, all grouped around a table, laughing and chatting with effervescence about god-knows-what.

"Aren't you going to say 'hi'?"I queried raising an eyebrow.

Serena shrugged,"We'll see if they at least remember me."

"But aren't they your friends?Shouldn't they?"

She chuckled lightly and said in a sickly sweet way,"Yep,friends...friends that can stab you in the back at any time,do remember that Renny, no one can be trusted while you are in high school."

I cocked my head on a side,manes of my platinum blond hair falling across my face,"So I can't even trust you?"

She shrugged grinning,"Depends."

I punched her playfully,"Traitor."


As we walked relunctantly to the office, some students had already recognised Serena ,greeting her warmly.

"See you're still popular and you've got quite a handful of friends,"I stated as we reached an unattractive looking door.

She shook her head indifferently,"Rather than friends they should be called ivy plants."

I let out a small laugh,"Since when did Serena Cole become that judgemental?"

"Since she learned that her supposedly "friends" bullied her darling of a sister!"

" a-do-ra-ble!"I cooed.

She casted me a weird look before opening the door and entering the office, trailed by me.

Inside ,the school's adminstrator Mrs Freed ,was already having an argument with a male student who had his back turn to us.

The latter was quite well-built but not overmuscled,athletic features,wore a baseball cap, faded jeans that hang lowly on his waist and a white tee fitting him better than the models in those Commercial advertisements.

"Ma'am listen, I don't want to stay in that class, can't you change it?How about biology?Calculus?English Lit?"The guy pleaded in one soft and polite voice.

Mrs Freed shook her head,"I'm sorry but I can't."

It was obvious that the dude was about to snap out of it but thought better and didn't.He just cursed under his breath before rushing out of the room.

Those dark wavy hair and blazing green eyes I would have recognised it from anywhere and as realisation dawned on us both Serena and I exchanged worried looks.

Holy shit that was Asher Thorn....


Talking about luck!Ha thanks for reading this chappie!Hope you like it!





Chapter Three:"Bad boy gone good"

"I'd recognised him from anywhere and I'm certain on that point, this was obviously and totally Asher Thorn! No kidding!" I exclaimed as we walked down the empty corridor side by side to our first class after receiving our schedules.

"Which in fact was quite shocking, might I add."Serena nodded gulped.

"What do you mean by that?"

She halted ,faced me ,her eyes widenning dramatically,threatenning to pop out at any time." Something wrong, sis?" I asked ,arching an eyebrow.

"You didn't notice?"

"Notice what?" I raise an eyebrow.

"His clothes?"She said as hint.

I eyed her weirdly,"What was there wrong with them?"

She sighed shaking her head,slightly amused," Maybe you didn't notice it when we were here-which isn't surprising afterall-but Asher Thorn,and I'm talking about the real thing, was always dressed in noticable and not plain clothes like the dude we just saw."

"Really?"I let out dumbfounded by this discovery.Serena could really be a drama queen at time and that inexorably irked me.

"Geez Reny don't you remember his atire?The designer leather jacket?His famous all-in-black policy?"

"Oh that!"I exclaimed.

"Yeah that!"

I shrugged as we resumed our walk until we reached a wooden door and finally said," Who knows,maybe his rich daddy went bankrupt!"

Serena rolled her eyes and snorted," Yeah that's it!"


"So as you can see, we have two new students today,well afterall maybe not so new, I guess you all still remember Serena Cole here don't you?" Mr Rutherford the Biology teacher announced, his untidy greyish hair and geeky glasses still as I remembered.

Immediately a series of "Hi" ,"Hello" and "Welcome back" errupted from the class but there was one that did threw me aback," Man Serena, never knew you had a twin sister and that she was that hot! Talking about sister, where's your nerdy one?"

Serena smirked enjoing that moment to the fullest before sharing a look with me as I said in an amused voice," The nerdy sister is right here, upon your eyes darling!"

The class had fell into an abrupt silence and that was the time we decided to make our triumphant way to two spare tables right next to each other.

"That was hella cool!" the braided hair girl who was sitting in front of me exclaimed as she turned to us grinning."The name is Maya Ross, 17 years old,one of the futur US president and more than please to meet you guys!"she added her mocha eyes glinting with mischief.

Serena grinned," Serena Cole ,futur worldwide known fashion designer and all the pleasure is yours ,president-to-be!"

"I know who you are ,even the newbys do, Serena Cole the Queenbee,well the 'ex',"Maya said.

"" I started faltering after each word I uttered but Maya cut me off.

"Serenity Cole ,the 'ex' Queenbee twin sister,17 ,has obviously experienced a major makeover, an judging by your undecided countenance, I'd say that

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