» Juvenile Fiction » Love and Death, Elizabeth Oxford [find a book to read TXT] 📗

Book online «Love and Death, Elizabeth Oxford [find a book to read TXT] 📗». Author Elizabeth Oxford

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Today went well.Moms car ran out of gas.I called her and asked her if I could walk home because Dana couldn't come get me.I had asked but she told me there wasn't enough room in there car.Mom said yes for once. Usually she would of called grandma.I hate the scent of her car it smells like powder and throw-up. Which doesn't go good with my scent. I smell like fresh rain on a strawberry.I love her so much thoe. She is only 30 so that isn't old.
Back to the subject! I was on my way to my house.I was walking and txting Dana.I told her I was exited that my mom was letting me walk home alone.I could here her screaming threw her txt.I was nine blocks away when a black car with black tented windows sped past me.The windows so dark I couldn't see if it was a boy or a girl driving. My heart is beating faster than a cheetah. I dropped my phone.I bent down to pic it up.I heard the car again but this time it stopped.I screamed sorry mom says I cant talk to strangers! I ran with all my energy.I had to stop I didn't have any more energy left! I screamed I can call 911 I have a cell phone. He yelled ok. He was right beside me riving. All of a sudden when I had to stop he grabbed me.Hey whats your name.I cant tell you your a stranger!! I i’m not stupid.I also have pepper spray.He slapped it out of my hand. He got out and grabbed me.He pushed me in the back seat.The windows where so dark I didn't see the other two guys in the back.I screamed but then they put duck tape on my mouth.I fell asleep after I finally gave up on getting out of that car. I woke up when the car put on it’s brakes.
chapter 2: waking up
I woke up at a house.It was not big.It was white and very pretty.They took the duck tape off and said if I screamed once they would kill me.I wrechted for my phone but they took it. They searched me while I was asleep! They took me in the house.They walked me into a room.They said it was my room.It had fashionable bed sets,wall paper,and carpet.The bed sets had swirls that where colorful,the wall paper hot pink,and the carpet also hot pink.I cried the whole night.Correction thought I didn't because I woke up in the same stupid black car.The same stupid driver.With the same stupid people in the back.I raised up my head and said,Where are we going.It took about five minutes before one of them answered .One of the boys in which I found out has the name of Nathan smiled and looked at the driver.(I also found out that the drivers named Dedrick. The other boy is named Eric.) He told me we where going to the lake.I told him we cant because I don't have a swimsuit.He commented back we have one for you.About that time I looked to see a lake.I said well I don't no how to swim! He said we have a life jacket.I finally gave up besides its hot out anyways.I had no more options left.It was Nathan to get out first.Then the others.Nathan said get out.I said, I thought I would stay in and change!He said to get out and change behind the car on the opposite side of the lake.I said I will when you leave! He said deal and walked away.He took off his shirt and jumped in the lake.I put on the bikini they had got me.It kinda fit.I liked the colors on it bright orange and bright red polka dots.I snapped on my life jacket.It was just yellow.
Chapter 3:In The Lake
I walked out to the lake.I screamed i’m afraid to get in.They said hold on Nathan is coming.I said how is that supposed to help me! Nathan walked up to me grabbed me and said hold your breathe.I said okay and he jumped!Jumped in the lake! We went down and came back up.I said thank you.He said your welcome and swam away.About that time he disappeared.I screamed. Something pulled me under.When I got back up I saw everyone laughing.I screamed that is not funny! Im afraid of the water jerks. Eric said where sorry we didn't think you would be that scared! I said well I am! I noticed I had tears coming out of my eyes.Dedrick swam over to me and said sorry and if you get tired let us no because we don't want you to float away.I said wouldn't that be bad.He said I shouldn't have a attitude.Hours flew by and I couldn't hold my eyes open.I said Im getting tired and cold can we go back to the house y'all call home? He said no but Nathan will take you to the car and let you change so you can go to sleep.I said not to be smart or anything but where will I sleep? He simply said in the back seat.I said fine then.I awoke in maybe thirty minutes to find Nathan sitting beside me.
Chapter 4:The Best scene
I said why are you not swimming.It sounds funner than sitting here and watching me sleep.He replied with were staying here tonight.I said okay but that still doesn't explain why your sitting here with me! He said I no there is something I need to tell you.Im in love with you.I almost choked on my own spit.He said I wasn't supposed to fall in love with the victim but I did and I cant help it.I said then don’t. He said i’m a free person and I can if I want.He bent down and kissed my cheek.I said did I mention i’m only 13! He said I no but you don't look it.I said then how old do I look.You look 16 he said with a whisper.Im cold I said.He said.Ill turn on the heater.Before I new it it was morning.The bright sun light beaming on me.Every one was walking to the car with smiles.This time Eric drove.We went to Walmart.He asked what size I where.I replied with I don't no.I looked at a sine that said Raina Alba missing.I wonted to run in and tell them i’m not missing i’m right here.But new I couldn't Or Nathan and the others would go to jail.Plus I didn't want to go home to school and no Nathan.
Chapter 5:Cant go back
They bought dresses,shirts,shoes,toys,jeans,and sunglasses.They died my hair from bright blonde to dark black.They said to put on my sunglasses so no one would recognize me. I agreed.We walked in the store and bought food,Cloths,and Girl stuff as Eric calls it.We where almost to the cloths section when I say The only reason i’m agreeing to everything is...Im in love with Nathan.Dedrick pulled Nathan aside.I don't think he whispers good because I heard every word he said. Mybe I was meant to hear it.What I heard was something I never want to hear.I heard the words kill,you,and her.I said can I go look at the bras over there.Nathan quickly said thats a girl thing go.I said thanks and walked away.I looked back and saw Eric and Dedrick pointing towards me.Nathan holding back tears Face losing color because of emotions.Wow the bras went on forever!So that means I could ease drop.I heard Nathan say I no I wasn’t supposed to but please don’t make me do this guys!I love her I cant do this.I no the deal was get her,Give her what she wants,And then do it.Eric came in with Ive seen alot of girls walking down the street but we got this one because we all liked her,she looked mature,and she was alone.She’s just a little girl Nathan you can do better.Nathan replied fast.No I cant and never will.For your info she’s 13.That makes a teen not a little girl!Cant we at least keep her until she 18? No we cant said Dedrick.You have until 12:00 A.M.So get redy because you are the one doing it.Wait that wasn’t the deal!I thought Eric was doing it.He was but you love her.Okay.Wait where is she? I ran.Ran fast.
Chapter 6: Running into Cookie

I was going to go tell the one of the workers.But I didn't make it.Nathan grabbed my arm so tight it left purple marks.You cant leave its to late! They have it all planned its to late.Nathan fell to the floor.The lady hanging up cloths said is he okay? Wait she screamed your voice! You sound like Raina! But I’m not my name is Alice Likes. She asked were you just at the bras? I can help you find your size. Okay! Eric I said yes mam his legged slipped from under him.We c Yes Mam. Lets go look. On the way I said Cookie! That was my what I called my moms friend which I new it was her. She said Baby your okay! I said but don’t tell anyone. She said here hold this. I asked what? I will go call the police and make it look like I never new you! Right go hurry! I think there going to kill me.She walked fast picked up the phone and called. She hung up as we were checking put. Sir wait she hollered! We kept walking. We walked out and went to the car.I got in the car.I saw Cookie fall on her knees.I started to cry. Something interrupted me. My phone wen’t off. I screamed Eric will you let me answer it! Please! No Raina let go to voicemail. I did as he said. I listened to it and began to cry harder. It was mom. Raina if you are listening I love you. We are trying are best to find you! Please call me baby girl. If you are not listening- She started crying and Dana got on the phone. I miss you if I have to I will find you my self. I miss you so much please think. Think away out of this. You have my cell phone number call it. I hung up and looked out of the window. Mom I screamed at the top of my lungs. Dana! Mom started to run after me. Dana was smart and got on her bike. Mom couldn't run any further.But Dana kept pedaling.Dana no wait don’t follow them! My mom tried to get her to stop.She wretched for the door handl of the car.But they were to quick and rolled down the window and tryied to grab her. She jerked back hard enough.Her bike wrecked. All the cars stopped and got out checking her for any injures. Nothing but a cut on her arm. Raina she screamed. She started to run fast. She was on the track team but she wasn’t fast enough. I started beating on the window saying mom! My house was out of site. We drove home in silence.All that could be heard was me crying.We where home.I ran to my room.Nathan ran after me shut the door and locked it.I said what are you doing? He said I want to be with you.I said suddenly you want to be with me! Why didn’t you just let me run out of the store for help if you loved me? He started to cry.Whats wrong? The gang wants,,,Never mind.He said for me to go to sleep.I said okay.I arose to a loud sound gun shot by my window.Nathan arose faster and said go back to sleep it was nothing.I said nothing a gun shot is nothing? Well

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