» Juvenile Fiction » Forget and Forgive, Katie Wilkerson [warren buffett book recommendations TXT] 📗

Book online «Forget and Forgive, Katie Wilkerson [warren buffett book recommendations TXT] 📗». Author Katie Wilkerson

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Chapter 1: October 25th


Kity's P.O.V.
I walked down stairs "Austin!" I whined I was still crabby and just woke up. "What!" he yelled. I still had a hangover from the party last night so I groaned and went into the kitchen for coffee, well guess what? There is NO FUCKING COFFEE! Well, I should tell you who I am I'm Kitlyn Rosemary Wolsh, yes I know weird name just call me Kity. Austin's my older brother, a 20 year old overprotective jerk who hasn't let me have my first kiss and I'm 17. My wolf growled, yes everyone in this house is a werewolf I will be able to find my mate in two weeks (which is my birthday). I can't wait (jumps up and down exictedly in head). "Austin can you please go get coffee, and peanut butter cookies?" I asked walking back into the living room. He sighed "Fine, for you," he grabbed his keys and left.
I smiled, walking to my room, took a shower and every thing. Then, went to get my clothes. I pulled out a pair of white ripped skinny jeans, a plain black T-shirt and a white denime jacket. I put white socks on and then went to my shoe holder and grabbed my black and white vans. I sat at my desk and pulled out my straightener and make up bag. I plugged my straightener in and started to do my make up I put on eyeliner and mascara, and a light black eye shadow. I looked at my self and smiled. I checked my straightener it was hot so I started to do my hair. When I was pleased with how I looked, I smelled coffee.
I opened my door and walked down stairs and grabbed a cup I took a drink and forgot to see if it was hot so I ended up spitting it all over Adam. He looked at me like he would kill me. I smiled and set the cup down then ran. I ran all the way outside I could hear his faint foot steps, trying to find me. I heard the back door open and ran again. I could hear bones popping "Oh god," I muttered to myself. Adam is a freaking 18 year old that is funny but can get really pissed off. Next thing I know, I'm on the ground pinned by him and, OH SHIT his wolf was the mad one, his eyes were a peircing black but read two words lust and mad. Oh man, he IS mad at me.... wait, LUST? Oh, god no. He's my mate, how long has he known? I could feel my blood boil. I could see him fighting his wolf, I squrimed "Let go." I said slowly, my brother, is Alpha so I has my advantages.
I growled, my wolf was yelling at me 'Stop you might make him deny us'. 'No I won't let him do that,' I said to her. I felt his claws digging into my skin, I have to admit it hurt like freaking hell. "Ow, ow, ow Adam that hurts," I said a twig of pain in my voice. His eyes turned back to the normal light blue and hopped off me still in wolf form and started whimpering. I knelt beside him "Come here," I say softly. Adam walked up to me and started to nuzzel me "Adam how long have you known?" I asked suddenly not thinking before talking. His whole form froze. He sat and held up 2 paws. "Two," I said. He nodded then held up 3 paws. "2 weeks?" I asked. He shook his head "Two months!" I yelled. He nodded slowly, I looked at him, his fur was a light brown and black specks on the tips, his nose was black to but with his light blue eyes it was beautiful. "Change back then talk to me," I said and turned around. I heard bones popping and him climbing into his room, he changed and came back out.
"I'm so sorry I didn't tell you Kity," he said getting closer. I turned around and looked at him "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked only enough so he could hear, because of werewolfs keen sense of hearing. "Because I thought you would deny me as your mate,"he said in the same low voice. I shook my head and walked up to him and hugged him "Don't think that way," I said to him. Adam nodded and hugged me tight. "Adam... I ... can't.... breathe," I said out of breathe. He let me go and I noticed he was smiling. "Why are you smiling?" I asked. "Nuttin'," he said, then,out of nowhere, he pecked my lips then ran. I watched him run, then sprinted after him. I jumped and tackled him when he turned around. He laughed and I did along with him and my lips brushed againist his for a moment, and I froze. He deepened the kiss, hungirly, he picked me up and brung me inside. Before I knew it I was on a bed.
"Adam?" I asked. He was kissing down my neck, getting onto the bed and I wasn't even sure if it was him or his wolf in control. He came back up and kissed my lips, he bit my lip asking for entrance, I didn't grant it and he growled. Which meant his wolf was incharge at the moment, and squeezed my ass and I gasped and he took the advantage and explored my mouth. I couldn't help but moan and then it all stopped and Adam was yanked off me. I slowly opened my eyes to see my very own brother. "Uh, hi," I said awkwardly I could tell by his face he was pissed. "Don't 'Uh,hi', me! Get your ass down stairs!" Austin yelled, I flinched and scurried out of the room.


Chapter 2: Happy Birthday to Me!


"Happy Birthday!" yelled my best friends Mia and Hanna, I smiled but winced because of my hearing. "Get up! Get up!" Hanna yelled. I sat up, rubbing my eyes and smiled groggily at them. I love 'em to death but my god their loud. "I'll get dressed if you get out," I said and slightly laughed. I heard the shuffle of feet and the door close. I sighed getting up, and walking over to my closet. I grabbed my leather jacket, light washed ripped blue skinny jeans, and my dark blue tank top. I set them on my bed going to my shoe holder, grabbing my black vans and setting them on my bed. I walked into my bathroom and closed the door. I walked over to the shower turning the hot up all the way. I got in and let my muscles relax, I sighed. I reached over grabbing my body wash.
I got dressed and put my make up on which was just eyeliner (I don't where lip gloss because it's made of shark fat). I straightened my hair, unplugged the straightener and walked out of my room. I sighed, it was a Saturday, no school so what could I do? I walked downstairs thinking of ideas. My mind was so deep in thought, I ran straight into a wall, no, not a wall. I ran into my brother I looked at him. Why the heck was he smiling like that? I'll ask him. "Why are you smiling like that?" I asked having no trace of emotion in face or word. His face fell and he looked a little paler. "Your not happy it's your 18th birthday?" he asked. A flashed of amazement flashed across my face, but I quickly covered it. I had been like this for the last week. I don't know why but I just have it's like the past just caught up to me. I looked down, going around him, into the kitchen, and grabbing an apple. I sat down on a seat around the island. Derek walked in and looked at me, he was nineteen, had brown hair. He has hazel eyes and light tanned skin.
Hanna has strawberry red hair with a little black in it. She has like mint/green/blue eyes. She has a pale complexion. Mia has straight black hair and green eyes. She's tan and is always wearing her fake nerdy glasses.
I on the other hand have black hair, brownish hazel eyes. I have pale skin. I also have a belly button ring my brother doesn't know about. Adam has dark brown hair covering one of his eyes, his eyes are a icy blue. His skin is light tan.
My brother has black hair and brown eyes. He has tan skin. Now, back to the story. "What's got you down kitkat?" Derek asked. I looked at him my face expressionless, my eyes holding it all. He walked up and hugged me, he's like my second brother. "I'm fine," I said emotionless. I got up and threw my apple away. I walked into the living room Adam was in there, he smiled weakly at me and I sat next to him. I looked at him and snuggled into him. Hanna and Mia walked in and froze they looked at us and I jumped up walking out the front door. I hadn't told them and I wasn't planning on it for a while. I got in my black Lamborghini and drove to my aunt about a 30 minute drive. I pulled out my IPhone 4s and plugged it in the car charger. I turned the radio on and '21 guns' by Green day came on I started to sing along with it
"Do you know what's worth fighting for?
When it's not worth dying for?
Does it take your breath away
And you feel yourself suffocating?

Does the pain weigh out the pride?
And you look for a place to hide?
Did someone break your heart inside?
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

When you're at the end of the road
And you lost all sense of control
And your thoughts have taken their toll
When your mind breaks the spirit of your soul

Your faith walks on broken glass
And the hangover doesn't pass
Nothing's ever built to last
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns
Throw up your arms into the sky, you and I

Did you try to live on your own
When you burned down the house and home?
Did you stand too close to the fire
Like a liar looking for forgiveness from a stone?

When it's time to live and let die
And you can't get another try
Something inside this heart has died
You're in ruins

One, 21 guns
Lay down your arms, give up the fight
One, 21 guns

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