» Juvenile Fiction » Twigs, H.Morgan [reading books for 5 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «Twigs, H.Morgan [reading books for 5 year olds .txt] 📗». Author H.Morgan

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The Chase

Mack was three rows in front of me. Those three rows seemed like three miles. Okay I admit, I'm a tad bit obssessed with Mack Little. I mean who wouldn't be? with his blonde hair and baby blue eyes. He was every girl's dream boy. Besides,me being secretly in love with him is what to be expected. A nobody like myself is suppossed to be secretly in love with the school jock. Some weird chain of events happens, the jock will realize what a jerk he is and will fall in love with the nobody. That's how it is in every good story,I'm just another nobody caught in this cruel curse.
"Mona,"came a voice from the seat in front of me,"Stop drolling and pay attention." That would be my best friend Emily. Em and I are both 18 and seniors at our school, Oakville High. People who notice Em and I say we look a lot alike, but not many people notice us. Most people tend to ignore anything not normal. We each have the same color hair which we decided would be aburn, beacuse no one really knew what color it would be considered. The only difference between the two of us was that I had smoky grey eyes, while she had deep blue eyes.
"Em, you know it's so hard to pay attention when I've heard this speech five times." It's true, I had heard the speeker say the same words five times. He was talking about how the world was coming to an end and we need to be prepared blah blah blah blah. All students from selected schools where to be matched with who the government seemed fit and sent away to ensure that if in fact the world did end we would continue to thrive under the destroyed world. Yes, you heard right UNDER the destroyed world. For years the government had been building an underground city without anyone knowing. Weird rigth? You'd think that some nosey repoter or random person would happen apon the hidden entrance, but nope, no one did. I like to think of it as Area 51, everyone has their own idea of what it could be, but no one really knows.
No one was really worried about the world ending they said it would end on 12-21-12 and that never hapened.
"It's real this time," the NASA scientist say, "It's gonna happen." Em and I planned to run away before the government took us all. I would never be forced to have children with someone I am not in love with. Emily felt the same way. Em wasn't intrested in boys, in fact, she wasn't intrested in girls either. She had a rough past that made her that way. So had I, but I looked toward the speaker and the men in black suits before I depressed myself with memories of the past. I looked from the speaker to Mack who now had his arm around a petite blonde. Barbie, I call her. She is the captain of the cheer team and Mack's current girlfriend. Oh if she only knew what us orphan girls were capable of when it came to getting what we wanted. I could easily hurt her. Em and I came from no oridany orphange,we came from one that takes in abused girls and teaches them self defense. I was best in the home because I was tired of being the weak little girl. My thoughts were inturupted when I heard the words "will be posted tomorrow." I turned to look at Em and saw the look in ner eyes, and the way she looked at me with fear. I already knew what will be posted tomorrow. The results of matchmaking.

At the beginning of the school year, mean looking men in white lab coats came to our school and pricked each students finger to decide which students where qualified to be sent to UGF. After each of our parents were notified, the selected students all were called to a meeting where they told us to get to know one another. It was odd. We all knew eah other, some of us just knew each others names, but hell that's still knowing. It wasn't just seniors like I thought it would be though, there were kids of all ages.
"So tell me about yourself." Em had joked. She already knew everything about me, but I decided to play along.
"Well, my name is Mona, my best friend Emily is a goof, and sometimes I'm a tad controlling."
"Ha tad is an under statement." Em laughed out loud earning us several glares from other kids. We continued to 'get to know each other', and at the end of the meet and greet as Em and I called it, they announced that each one of us would be matched with some one in the room. My jaw dropped as I took in the kids around us. I scanned the faces I knew. Mack, Josh, Lonny, Tyler, Brennan and so many more. I couldn't wrap my head around the fact that I would have to do IT

with one of these guys. You see, the matched pair had a huge responsibility: It was our job to keep the human population going.
"I hope I don't get a nerd." Em had said. I glanced over at her and smiled. That is so Emily.
"Ha! have fun Emily. Don't think for a second I am going to take any part in this." I whispered harshly at her. "I'm not gonna be forced to have a kid."
"Well what are you gonna do Mona?"
"Duh stupid run away."
"I'm in." It was here in this very gym that Em and I made our oath to run away.

I waited for Emily in our usual spot in the playground. After the assembly I ditched, not wanting to put up with the teachers. I heard twigs breaking,and I knew it was Emily. I had waited for her in the little stone tunnel at the edge of the playground for years,and knew the way she walked. Em dropped on the ground in the entrance of the tunnel.
"Hi," she said weakly,"I feel nervous Mona." She crawled through the small tunnel and sat next to me with her feet proped up on the stone wall.
"It's okay Em so am I." It hurt my pride to say it, but I was. I wasn't nervous about running away, there was no reason for me to be worried I'd ran away before, I was nervous about the matchmaking. Of corse I wouldn't see the results, Em and I had a spy going in to see those for us and report back via text. But still I was nervous. What if Em likes who she gets paired with ad decides to go back. i wouldn't be able to stop her, and I sure as hell couldn't force her to run. What scared me most though is that if Emily would go back, I would be alone, completely alone.
"Whoa!! The all mighty one is worried, I dont belive my ears!" exclaimed Em.
"Hush."I replied coldly. I really didn't want her to know I was worried. I didn't want her to see me worried because then she might get worried and start to second guess me and our plan.
"Fine. I'm not worried though. I mean what if I get paired with Josh? That would not make me worry!" Em laughed at her statement! Of corse she wouldn't mind that. She had been in love Josh for... well forever. Of corse the wide reciver was oblivious to her school girl crush. Just as Mack was oblivious to mine.
"HA! you would say that Emily!"
"What's that supposed to mean?" She ask while tracing our names craved into the stone wall of the tunnel several years ago.
"Nothing Em, honest it was nothing." I didn't want to fight with my best friend. Not now. Not with everything that is going on.
"You are SO hard to read sometimes."
"Where have I heard that before Em?" Em and I crawled out of our little tunnel and made our way back to the orphanage. We knew we would get in trouble for being late, but we get in trouble on a daily basis so it really doesn't madder. I think evil Ms. penny gave up on us long ago. We walked straight past Ms. Penny, our advisior, to our shared room. It was my night to use the bathroom first. A hot shower is excatly what I needed. I needed some time to myself. After being in the shower for 45 minutes, i decieded it was time to leave the warmth of the shower. I dried off with an old raggly towel the home provided and dressed in a over sized t-shirt with a pair of Victoria Secret underwear that I had swiped on a adventure to the mall with Emily. i walked out of the bathroom and saw Emily on her bed reading a book.
"Your turn Em, but ya might wanna wait while." Emily chuckled as I said this. She knew that on nights I got to shower first there would be little to no hot water left for her. She gathered her night clothes and left the room. I assumed she was headed to a girls room that didn't have a roomie that liked to use all the hot water. I crawled into my little twin sized bed and wondered what tomorrow might bring.

The Golden eyed Boy

The next day when I woke up I noticed Em wasn't in her bed. Oh well

I walked to the mirror Em and I had hung on the empty wall of our room, and applied what little make up I had. It wasn't anything extreme, just enough to give me a natural look. Walking over to the little closet Em and I shared I noticed that her book lay on her bed, unfinished. Em always finished a book. She must have been tired I guessed. I put on my favorite pair black skinny jeans and a black long sleeved shirt. I walked over to my bed and fished my pair of combat boots from under it. I'm not goth or anything, but if Em and I would have to run we

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