» Juvenile Fiction » Blue and Free, Aer [phonics reader txt] 📗

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It was a beautiful day in Naples, Florida. The sun was shining. The breeze was nice and cool. Everything was perfect or so I thought.
It was March 7, 2010. I was walking home enjoying the day. When I got in the house I turned the News on to see what current events were going on. There was a picture of an oilrig with black coming to the surface of the water. I turned the volume up to hear better.
Just in. There seems to have been an explosion on one of BP’s oilrigs. They are not sure how this happened but they are working to find out. There seems to be a leak in one of the pipes. They aren’t sure how big the leak is but they are trying to get to it with the underwater robots.
It felt like the world was disappearing right under my feet. Warmth was welling up in my eyes and threatening to spill over. I ran outside to see the ocean so blue and free. But, realized that soon enough it would be darkened by black oil that holds you prisoner.
As I was walking down the beach I saw some little kids looking for seashells. They looked like they were having so much fun. I smiled at that. It was eleven o’clock when I got to the volleyball tournament. I watched a few games before going back to the house. I stopped at a smoothie shack and bought a strawberry banana smoothie.
I was just a few yards from the house when I was hit in the head by a football. My smoothie went all over my favorite shirt. I turned to see a handsome brown-eyed boy running towards me. “Are you okay? I’m so sorry. We didn’t see you walking there. Here let me help you.” “No, no. It’s fine. I didn’t like this shirt much anyways.” I didn’t let him help me. I brushed my shirt off as best I could. And started walking towards my house.
After my shower I threw my favorite shirt into the wash and started it. I changed into a swimsuit and grabbed my surfboard. The waves looked good today so I thought I would enjoy them while I could. The first wave was fantastic! The second one wiped me out. I was the only one surfing until some others saw me. Then it was a bunch of us just hanging out and enjoying the killer waves.
Once I was done it was about two-thirty and my mom wouldn’t be home for another hour. I soaked up the sun and relaxed.
“Excuse me, can I sit here?” “Sure go ahead. Beautiful day isn’t it.” “Oh yeah perfect. So um I’m really sorry about earlier.” I looked at the person apologizing and realized it was the handsome brown-eyed boy. “Like I said before ‘I didn’t really like that shirt anyway.’” “I’m Joshua Owen. But, you can call me Josh.” I know who you are I thought. “Nice to meet you. I’m Alise Rodworth.”
We sat quietly for a few minutes before he broke the silence. “Do you go to Florida High? I’ve never seen you around before.” Here it goes again… “Yes, actually I do. I’m in all of your classes. Here goes the ‘Really? Oh well, we need to hang out, then.’ “Really? Oh well, we need to hang out, then.” “Look. Josh, you don’t have to hang out with me because you hit me with a football. It was nice talking to you. I’ll see you around.”

During supper my mom asked me how my day was. I said, “It was good. I got hit in the head with a football and got smoothie all over my favorite shirt. I went surfing too. One of BP’s oilrigs exploded. Now there is oil leaking into the ocean.” “Really? That’s horrible about both things. How is your head? Who hit you?” The questions just kept coming. “Well, it was Joshua Owen who had the football. He was really nice and offered to help me clean my shirt. My head is fine.” “Isn’t that the boy you have a crush on?” I blushed and stopped talking about it then.
It was ten-thirty when I finally went to bed. I thought about everything that happened that day. I didn’t dream that night.

I woke the next morning ready to go watch the volleyball tournament. I got up and took a shower then went down the beach a ways. The first game was starting up. Melissa’s team was down by two points. “Come on, Melissa! You can do it!” Melissa lost that game. Which meaning, she wouldn’t play again until like one o’ clock. I bought a smoothie and sat at one of the umbrella tables.
I was watching the other game from there. Josh was coming over to where I was sitting. I turned my head away hoping he wouldn’t see me. Of course, he did.
“I’ve been looking for you. I went to your house but your mom said you came here.” Why is he looking for me? “Well, you found me.” I smiled. I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. “What do you want?” “Nothing. Just want to hang with you.” Okay? I better make conversation. I don’t want to be rude.
We sat across from each other and conversed. It wasn’t that bad hanging out with him. We talked mainly about the oilrig problem.
“Do you want to go get something to eat?” “Sure. I saw a shack right over there.” I followed him and we got our food. We sat on the sand and enjoyed our lunch.
We were walking down the beach when some of his friends came up. “Josh, you wanna play some football? Come on man. She can come too.” I knew they had no clue who I was and they really didn’t want me there. I looked over at him. He was debating for some reason. I couldn’t understand why. I started towards my house. “Hey! Wait do you want to play?” I smiled and shook my head. I went in the house and sat on the couch.
“He likes you, you know. I mean what boy invites a girl to a boys beach football thing?”
After supper I went outside on the beach to watch the waves. I kept thinking about what my mom had said. But, there’s no way on earth that he could be into me. He didn’t even know I existed until he hit me with a football. I kept arguing with myself after that.

It was Monday. I was in first block doodling in my notebook when someone walked up. I looked up to see Josh standing in front of me. “Good morning, Alise.” “Good morning?” Was this boy blind? First block went by quickly. I was walking to French when everyone was staring at me. I had no idea why. I turned around to see Josh right there. “What are you doing?” I all but yelled. “Going to class. What else?” I turned and went in the room to my seat. As soon as the bell rang I was walking to lunch. I got a soda and went to my usual spot.
The day went by quickly. I didn’t run into Josh after that.
I was walking home when a Jeep came up behind me. I didn’t turn to see who it was. I just kept walking. I heard the engine cut off and heard footsteps coming towards me. I already knew who it was.
“Yes? What is it Josh?” I had stopped and turned to see him standing right there. “Do you need a ride home? I mean I could take you home if you wanted.” “Will you explain something if I let you drive me home?” “Uh, sure?” I walked over to the Jeep and got in the passenger side.
“Why are you going through all of this?” I waited patiently. I knew that he would tell me when he was ready. “What exactly do you mean?” I sighed. “You know what I mean. I mean. Why are you going out of your way to hang out with me? For the past three days now you have been with me all day.” I let him think about this for a while.
We were at my house before he answered. I waited patiently. When I knew he wasn’t going to say anything I got out of his Jeep. I got all the way to the door before I was spun around. I looked at him shocked. He went in to kiss me and I opened the door and went in before he could. I changed into shorts and my bikini top and went to the beach.
“What was that?” I hadn’t realized I was talking out loud until a little kid came over and said, “Who are you talking to?” I still was shocked he would do something like that.

At supper my mom asked me what happened today. I said, “Like usual went to school; came home and changed then took a walk on the beach.” She wasn’t at all sold. She could tell I was leaving something out she never pushed me for information. Thank goodness.
That night I went to bed restless. I couldn’t get that out of my head. I mean where did that come from?

I woke in the morning from a restless night. I woke up in a rush for some reason. I didn’t feel like having mom drive me to school so I walked this morning.
I was walking to school when I noticed I was thinking of Josh. I immediately stopped that thought in its tracks and thought of something else. It was quite frightening.
I got to school and was at my locker. I thought to myself. ‘Think of the devil and he shall appear.’ When I turned around I noticed I was excited to see him. No. Stop feeling that.
“Good morning, Josh. How are you?” I was walking before he got to answer. “Good morning. I’m fine. How are you?” I was thinking what do you think? You of all people tried to plant one on me. “I’m fine, thanks.” “I’m…” I stopped him right there. “It’s okay. I figured after I went in the house you would realize that I’m not Melissa or even one of the other girls you have gone out with. Apology accepted.” I went to my seat and doodled in my notebook.
The day went by quickly. Josh didn’t talk to me after that. I figured I’d see him waiting at my locker but he wasn’t there.
I walked all the way home with no interference from Josh. I started to feel bad. I didn’t want him to think I thought he was shallow or anything. I went for a walk down the beach. I saw him there with his friends. I tried not to feel excited or any other feelings towards him but I was failing.
Then, I heard a scream. A few yards up the way there was a dolphin beached. I took off running.
“Excuse me. Please let me through.” The dolphin was beached and covered in slimy black oil. “Someone call the wildlife clinic and tell them that Alise is calling on a beached dolphin with oil on it. They will know what to do then. Now someone find some buckets we can use to splash water on her. Go!” Everyone did what I said. I was pushing her back some. Once I got her into the water a bit I started to try and get the oil off her.

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