» Juvenile Fiction » LOVE FOR ANOTHER KIND OF GUY, sandra afia ohemaa [best books for 20 year olds TXT] 📗

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preface 3 years ago...

zaina pov

i held the 20 dollars my father gave me closely in my hand.trying to look cool whiles i walked into shoppers world knowing exactly what i had my eye on, a pair of non named brand blue shoes by icy. 7 dollars not to shabby shopper world, not to shabby.i was walking to some cute varsity jackets when i heard my big sister and my father calling my name. 

"yes dad ", i yelled back

"hurry up , i need to pick some one up, are you done", he said

"yea", i replied longing for the jacket but knowing my dad needed the money

running out side with my new shoes in hand i dashed for the car ,whiles my sister ran through the bushed wincing in pain from the sharp bushed.shaking my head i got to our fathers" soccer mom taxi van", as i would call it

"get in the back seats " he said whiles my sis closed the door"

brian pov

"dad can we please go back to the hotel, the sun is burning my skin", i said whiles massaging my sore arm

"i called a taxi so we just have to wait for hime to arrive so be alittle patient", he replied while heading for the main lobby in the country club


"dad i think the taxi has arrived" i said hope in my voice

"naa its only a van outside", he said staring  out the window

i followed his gaze, when my eye caught movement in the window, my vision wasnt the best but i was able to make out a purple head band and a radiant smile frome inside the car. i tried focusing alittle more but my gaze snaped back to my father talking to a tall dark skined man wearing matching blue sweats .

"come one brian, the taxi is here "

walking behind my father i forgot about the van until we stoped dead infront of it ,remembering of the movement when i saw purple in the coner of my eye, turning my head my breath caught in my throat,making me nearly choke on my spit.stairing back at me was a beautiful darkskined girl with a long nose, round brown eyes, and cute pouty lips.she looked at me for a second befor turning to what must have been her sister, a small smile tugging at he lips.

i quickly got in the seat infront of the girl when i noticed my dad looking at me with a smile on his face.

the driver quickly pulled out of the country club.

my father and the man quickly caught up on a conversation. i noticed that the man had an african accent.

"i was just shopping with my little girls when you called me",he said 

my father finally turned around and notice that there were people sitting right behind us.


i have no i dea how this happend but my father and the mysterious girls sister started talking.

"i hope he ask them their names ", i thought to myself, wanting to no more about this girl who was so close yet so far.

"so what are your names", my father asked practiaclly reading my mind

"nena",replied the other girl

" zaina",my mystery girl wispered  making me kind of strain my ears to hear her alittle better.

"  how old are you two and which gradeare you guys in",my father said turning his attention to me when he asked this question.

"im 16 in the 11th grade"nena said proudly

"im 13 in the 8th grade",zaina wispered sounding alittle nervous

this got my full attention considering i to was 13 in the 8th grade,yea im 5'6 in the 8th grade but you couldnt blame me.most kids were 14 and i was mostly alone when i came to being 13, so i suprised me.

 my father and the girls talked alittle about school and the weather when he asked them what they wanted to do. nena said airforce, and boy did that seend a spark in the driver-who is apperently their father-he started speaking quite proudly about a very short girl that he met in the airforce.

"how tall are you guys then " my father asked

zaina replied first saying she was 5'2, i nearly turned aroun and staired at her but thought that be akward.

nena may have been older by 3 years than zaina but she was 5'0 compaired to her 13 year old sister.

the rest of the ride sliped my mind, because all i could think about wasi wish i could get to no mor about zaina.


3 years in the present

zaina pov

even after 3 years i could never forget this boy i had met. i felt such a strong connection between him that i couldnt even understand. i would have ask more about him but my shyness prevented me from even saying hi.he was so close but yet to far.



i sat in my hot and stuffy spanish class trying to pay attention .my eyelids feeling so heavy i had to practically pry them open.i looked at the clock hoping for good news,but i was told diffrently. 5 minutes seem to take centuries in this class for some reason. it was the last period of the day and i was just wanted to go home.i closed my eyes and waited for the now 4 centuries left in this school.


I opened my eyes and quickly wiped the drool from the side of my mouth. i grabed my stuff and stormed out the class before mr. lopez could even mention the word spring packet.

now i could enjoy my spring break at home with my boring parents,ahh life is good.


it was spring break and my father wanted to go to atlanta, but this time he wanted to bring my mother along. both my parents looked alittle nervous when they told me this. i didnt really care to ask why.the last time we went to atlanta was 3 years ago and we havent been since.this time i was hoping for less of golfing and more or exploring the city alittle more.

but i guess i was in for more than that.

whats going on?!!!?


i practially skiped to my apartment building, wanting to get home and take a long nap and not wake up until the next day. my happy mood stoped dead in its track when i noticed that both of my parents cars were in the parking lot.

"oh crap, what did i do this time", i thought to myself walking alittle slower. i finally reached the stairs  and took the first rattling step towards my doom. yet that was a big mistake because my apartment door sung open and my mothers head poped out.

"zaina hurry up we have important news to tell you" she said her eyes looking quite puffy. 

"oh my gosh mom im so sorry what ever i did please dont send me back to africa",i yelled at her before her head dissappeared .

on the verge of tears i quickly ran up the stairs and opened the door.what i saw infront of me made me turn around and head where i came from . my mother and father calling after me

"why are there two rich looking white people in our small living room", i thought whiles running down the stairs.

" oh shit, they selling me off to be a maid , noooooo". my eyes got all cloudy from the tears, that i didnt see where i was going ,evidently causing me to slam staight into a wall. stumbling back and holding my sensitive nose i forgot that there was a slope that led down to the parking lot, my feet tripping from under me i landed on my butt then my shoulder whiles rolling on the rocky slope. pain shooting me in every part of my body. i mean EVERY part. i think the slope sexually harassed me on the way down , if that were possible.

i finally landed on the hard concret with a loud "THUD".

where the hell am i ??!!!!


the taxi parked right infront of some broke down looking apartments.

"brian wait here for alittle while whiles me and your mother go up, we will call you when were ready for you to come up stairs",my father said whiles he opened the door.

to my suprise the taxi driver got out and followed them to an apartment door, knocking twice and waiting until a moco colored lady opened the door and steped aside while the entered.and i swore she looked directly at me and smiled before closing the door. i sighed heavenly

"this is going to be a boring break", i thought to myself.


i have no idea how many minutes i spent just sitting in the car, practically planning on commiting suicide.

curious thoughts running through my mind,i felt as if my mind was about to explode. then i heard fast approaching foot steps coming toward my direction. turning my head my breath caught in my throat,she was beautiful. light brown carmel skin, dark brown curly hair with red highlights, but the most captivating thing about her was her ligh brown eyes with what seemed to be green flecks from afar.they seemed so farmiliar yet i couldnt point my finger on it. taking my phone i took a picture of her, looking up i notice the smile that was on her face awhile ago was now replaced with a frown , staring straigh at me... or was it the car she was stairing at. she was captivated for a second before slowly shuffling past the car and slowly making her way up the stair in wich my parents had decended, the whole time my eyes were on her. my phone started vibrating in my hands,

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