» Juvenile Fiction » Rejects, Seablue [smart ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Rejects, Seablue [smart ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Seablue

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In Earth,year 1157:

King HenryII: Have you gather them? ALL of them?

Knigh:t Yes. my king. Rest assure I have gathered all those wreached beast with the help of my many great helpers!

(Helpers Cheers.)

KIng HenryII: I see, then I do not see the point of not banishing them now. The people of the town is indeed eager to see the show.

Knight: Very well, my lord. Men, go GET them! They are the star of the show.

Worker 1: Yes sir!

KIng HenryII and the knight walk outside the castle, there were many town people waiting with eager faces. The King was right. They can not wait for the show.

King HenryII: Men and Women! Our time of horror has finally came to an end!

( The crowd cheers wildly.)

King HenryII: For many years we have seen our own kind being devoured by those monsters. Helplessly we keep on running away from them and helplessly we see our daughter and wife being raped by them, but not anymore! today they will be gone from our lives. Forever! Knight, bring them out!

Knight: Yes my Lord!

(The door opens, and the crowd gasps in horror as the filthy, disgusting monsters walk out, all tied by hard steel chains, there are workers with whips in their hands, constantly firing at them.)

Man 1: What are you going to do with them? Execute them?!

Man 2: NO! I want to kill them with my own two hands for what they have done to my two dear sons.

King HenryII: No, we will not execute them.

(The crowd starts complaining.)

Knight: BE QUIET!!

(The noise dies down.)

King HenryII: We will not kill them, but send them to Arthen!

Woman 1: Arthen?! What is that?

King HenryII: That is a question I, myself, can not answer. We will ask the Head Priest George.

(George walks from the crowd and stands beside the king.)

Man 2: Head Priset, what is Arthen?

George: Arthen is another Earth, which I'll create right in front of everyboby. TODAY!

Man 1: How? How can you possiably create another Earth!

George: From slaugtering demons, I have collected some of their powers to create a whole new world, where we will banish them forever.

Man 3: WHAT?! After what they have done to us we will still let them survive! No I reject!

Man 4: Me too!

(The crowd stated to rebel)

King HenryII: I know you are very angry with the decision, but think about it! In a world where they have no meat, but themselves, what will they eat to survive?

Woman 2: Each other!

King HenryII: Exactly my dear, they will have to eat each other for survival! This way they will know what we have suffered!

Man 2: Yes! lets do it!

(The crowd agreed)

Knight: Head Priest, start the chant.

George: As you command, your highness.
(George rised his two hands high up in sky and from his sleeve he took out a jar of black powder and placed it on the floor)

George: Earth shall now have a twin!
Arthen shall rise to follow thee!
What connect the two shall be never seen!
Earth shall be free!

(The black dust from the jar starts to glow and shot out from the jar and flew out of the sky, wind created a chaos and suddenly the chain, which was holding the monsters, broke loose! The monster leaped out as the soilders and workers took out their swords. Men and women fleeing from the dangers, some were caught by the demon, mostly women, the soilders start beheading them, but the monsters were to strong!)


(Most of the monsters lunged toward the Priest's direction, but the soilders got his back)

George:No monsters or demon shall exist in Earth!
They will go to another world!

(Suddenly there was a huge black hole in the sky, sucking only the monsters and demon, not the human. Except for the ones which was captured by the demon. There wasn't enough time for the soilders to rescue them, as the human and the monsters dissappered to Arthen.)

Knight: King! This is not how we planned it out!

King HenryII: I know, we wanted it to be perfect, but not everything went as according to plan.

(The King looked at the weeping family, who lost their family member to the demons and sighed)

King HenryII: We can only hope for their survival.

In Arthen,year 1160:

(A family of demons.)
Prokin: Look at them. My kids!

(There were 3 little kids there, full fledge monster kids, playing with their mother.)

Kimmo: Oh dear, aren't they beautiful! I can just look at them all day!

Prokin: No duh! Did you look at the other kids!? They are hideous! Ther are like a mutt or something! Half monster and half,yuck, human!

Kimmo: But you can also turn into a human, can you not?

Prokin: Yes, I can. Sadly, I'm the only demon who can change into a human. If we could all just do what I can do, than maybe we wouldn't be in this lifeless planet.

Kimmo: True, I'm glad to meet you my love. All those other shameless male-demon just keeps on making babies with the human girls. What have become of their taste in fine demon women.

( Prokin just looks at his wife.)

Kimmo: What is it?

Prokin: All the other female demons are...

Kimmo: Are what?

Prokin: Dead.

Kimmo:......I figured as much. We only have few male humans to feed on, and the girls are too important, as of now.

( Suddenly, the kids start to cry.)

Prokin: What's wrong?

Kimmo: They are just hungry, that's all.

Prokin: Me too. I 'll get the food.

(Prokin walks to a chamber and opens the big, cold door. Inside was dark, but you can sense it was a huge room.)

Prokin: Ah! Isn't this a very nice view. Never gets old does it.

( There were men tied up in a huge rope, whimpering for their lives.)

Man 1: Let us go, you demon!

(Prokin lookes at him, anger and wickedness was in his eyes, the man regrets saying anything.)

Prokin: You seem healthy, don't you? Have you been enjoying this place?

Man 1: N-No.

Prokin: Well then, I have a present for you.

( Prokin yanked the man out of the chain. The man fell on his back.)

Man 1: What are you going to do to me?

Prokin: Eat you, of course.

Man 1: W-W-What! NO! Please show mercy!

Prokin: MERCY! After what your kind have done to us! Banish us into this lifeless planet!

Man 1: I'm sorry.

Prokin: You are? Are you? Maybe, if you say sorry for 1,000 time, I might not eat you.

( The man leap on his feet and press his hands together.)

Man 1: Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry...

( Prokin suddenly clawed the man, and he went flying and crased against the wall.)

Prokin: HA-Hahahaha! Frogive you!? Not eat you!? Where DO you THINK you are! Earth! NO! WE are NOT in Earth! We ARE in ARTHEN!!! YOU HEAR! ARTHEN!!HA-HAHAHAHAHA!

( Prokin lunged at the wounded man, who was tring to get on his feet and grabbed on to his neck and jerked him. The other tied up men started to scream.)

Man 2: Please stop, please...

Prokin: All of you now will pay for you sin!

Men 1: *Choke* Le--let me g...

( He never got finish his sentance, Prokin has already ripped his head apart from his body. Men cried in terror. As Prokin walked away with the broken man, others started to beg.)

Man 2: Let us

Man 3: I want to be free, I want to die.

Man 4: No more! Just kill me, I don't want to suffer anymore.

Prokin: Don't worry you will get your death soon enough....


Few Yeas Later, Arthen:
( As the years goes by, Prokin starts to grow greedy. He saw a new light on Arthen. He realized that he

wants to be the king.)

Prokin: What a beautiful world we live in.

Kilik: But daddy, didn't you say that you hate Arthen.

Filluis: Yeah, I always hear you complain about it.

Jilon: He must be in one of his moods again.

Filluis: That's mom, you idiot! I swear boys are so stupid!

Kilik: And girls aren't?

Prokin: Enough! Go and help your mother with work.

Filluis: Yes daddy. Come on, stupid boys!

Jilon:(Under his breath) Hate her.

Prokin:(As he watches his kids leave, in his mind, he thinks) They won't do. I need bigger armies, stronger armies! If I want to rule this world I need someone strong enough to defeat my enemies.

( Prokin suddenly hears some screaming noise behind his house's fence and runs up there to see what the commotion was. He saw a half demon stand on top of a full demon, with his claws pointed at his throat.)

Demon: S-S-Stop you half-demon! You dare try to kill me! A full-demon!

Half-Demon: Shut up.

( The half-demon killes the full-demon and leaves. After withnessing such scean, a strange thought occures to Prokin. He decides to use the half-demons as his army, the full-demon doesn't like them very much because a half-demon are stronger than regular demon. Later on Prokin gatheres up all the half-demons in his house.)

Half-demon 1: What are we doing here?

Half-demon 2: Don't know, the old man said he wants to talk.

( Prokin walks in. All the demons in the room stops talking and stares at him with curiosity)
Prokin: I've noticed you, half-demons, have been treated un-fairly by the full-demons.

Half-demon 3: Why do you even care!? Aren't you a full-demon yourself!?

Prokin: Yes, but I'm different from the others, for you see, I can also turn into a real human being.

( Prokin changed into a human, and the half-demon were in awe.)

Prokin: I want you guys to help me destroy those full-demon, who thinks they are better than us.

( All the half-demons mutters in confusion.)

Half-demon 3: What do you mean? Your a full demon yourself, infact you are one of the most respected demon around here. Why would you turn against them?

Prokin: True, I am a full demon, but I have never felt like one, I always stood out because of my ability to take on a human form, the other full demons talk behind my back, insults me and never truly saw me as an equal! They always saw me as a butt of the joke. That's why I want to help you, half-demons, take down all these full demons so you will dominate Arthen! I will help you become the superior race! So please join me in this war, with your power we shall conquer all of Arthen! We will show those full demons that we are much stromger than they. 

(Prokin's speech touched the half-demons' heart as they cheered)

                                                                                                                                                            ( Prokin's wife, Kimmo, who was listing to the whole speech, rushes over.)

Kimmo: Prokin, how could you turn against

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