» Juvenile Fiction » The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗

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“I passed my Magic test with full marks with no blood. I can handle it.” I turned my back on him and everyone gasped at me. “Put your books away everyone and I want you all to stand up.” Everyone did what I said. I clicked my fingers and all the the tables and chairs disappeared. Everyone gasped again. “Each one of you focus on your table. What it looks like and what material it is made of and anything else you can think about it. Then do what comes naturally to you. Click or clap or something like that and see what happens. Go.”
Everybody closed their eyes and concentrated on what I told them to do. I leant over and whispered to Cassius.
“One of the vampires yesterday said that there would be blood donors available for me.” Cassius nodded. “I'll go and find on at break and I haven't really done any magic yet.” Cassius nodded again and sighed. There was a click and a table appeared. I clapped my hands and smiled at the student that now had a table in front of her. She sat down in her chair and smiled back at me.
“Shit!” A boy suddenly said. His table was now in front of him but he had cut himself on a jagged edge of his table. I could smell the blood already and I could feel my eyes turning red. Cassius took one look at me then went to the boy with vamp speed and healed his cut and then came back to me. He held my arms down and looked into my eyes.
“I'm okay now.” I said angrily and turned back to my students.
“Your a Vampire Princess?”
“Yes. I am.” Everyone shut up then and Cassius looked at me. He obviously didn't know that I was going to let that one out so easily.
The bell rang through the silence. I clicked my fingers and everyone's table came back into view. They all picked up their bags and left the room in silence and then irrupt into conversation when the left the room.
“What the hell are you doing? I thought you guys were meant to be secretive.” Cassius said to me.
“I'm not. Just because you can't see my marks apart from this one,” I lifted up the hair over my neck where the anti-vampire mark was. “Doesn't mean I'm not allowed to tell people.” Cassius stepped forward to have a better look and my neck then looked at me in disgust. He slapped me across my face so hard he drew blood. He stepped back away from me and looked down at his hand which had blood all over it.
“I'm so sorry Lucy. I'm sorry. It surprised me.”
“It's okay.” I said patting his arm and using my tongue to mop up the blood that was on his hand then I got a tissue and pressed it to my cheek. “It's okay. I'm used to being slapped.” I said looking down.
“I'm so sorry.”
“I don't want apologies.” I said then got up from behind the desk and went to the door to let my next class in with my eyes still tinged red and blood on my cheek.
Chapter Thirteen

The rest of the week continued slowly with classes and drinking blood. I only saw Ethyl once in the week and that was when I passed her on my way to have some blood and she was walking in the opposite direction. I gave her a wave and she smiled at me.
By the end of the week I had decided that I wanted to go home – back to school with Sam and Kahn. I told Cassius that I would be leaving at the end of the school week and he nodded understandingly. I contacted Ethyl and told to her to expect to be transported into her sons office at the end of the week.
At the end of the week, I went to the feeding rooms and went into the feeding room that I normally went in expecting to find the young women there but instead I found Cassius. “Sorry Cassius.” I said and then went for the door.
“Wait. I have been instructed that when you were to come for your last feed here before transporting back to your school, that your last feed is to be with me.” Cassius said. I turned to face him.
“I cannot be trusted with men and blood taking. Thus I have been feeding from women all week.” I said sincerely.
“But you can trust me to not let anything happen. I've been making sure of it all week.”
“Who instructed you of this task?”
“My Head. He cannot be said no to.”
“Sam is going to kill me but I suppose what The Head want, The Head gets.”
“Yes. He does.” I walked over to Cassius and took his hand and got ready to bite into his wrist however he moved his hand away and pushed his neck towards my mouth. “Bite me Lucy.” He said softly into my ear.
I bit hard into his neck and I started sucking his blood. I felt myself swallow and the gag. I started coughing and choking on his blood as he rolled me over onto my side on the floor where I had evidently collapsed. “Come on guys.” He said to some people that I couldn't see and they lifted the top half of my body up and fed me some blood. This time I didn't choke or gag. This time it was fine and I could swallow.
“What the fuck was that Cassius?”
“Your allergic to my blood.” He said quickly.
“How can I be allergic to your blood?”
“All Princes and Princesses are.”
“No offence but I'm compelled to kill you. A vampire that makes Princes and Princesses an allergic reaction to their blood, you should die. You could be used to kill one of us.”
“No one else knows but you. You don't have to kill me. We have no royalty here, it'll be fine.”
“Okay but I now have to leave. Will you escort me outside?”
“Of course.” I got up and took Cassius' hand and led him out side. There was a single star shining. I looked up at the star and smiled. I was going home. I turned to Cassius and gave him a kiss of his cheek. He smiled and went red. I stared at the star and thought about what I was leaving behind but what I was going back to.
I sighed and looked up into the night sky and jumped up, reaching for a star that was above me.
When I reached the ground, I prepared to jump once more, all the while thinking about my school and this time, as I jumped, a ball of fire surrounded me and engulfed me as I let out a silence blistering laugh and transported back to the hell hole I had come from.
“Lucy! You came back.” Tristan said to me as I landed and brushed my fringe out of my face.
“Yeah, I did come back to this shit hole.” I said watching how Sam physically flinched and took a step back. This allowed Tristan to get up off the floor and take a few steps towards me.
“You,” pointing at Tristan. “Come here right now.” He did what I asked and came straight to me and engulfed me in his arms. I laughed out loud and bit deeply into his neck and kicked him in the shins. Over the buzz of Tristan’s blood I could hear Sam’s commanding voice.
“Everybody out. This could get messy.” I heard him say and then a scurrying of footsteps and door clicking shut. I clicked my fingers and Tristan slumped against me and I lowered him to the floor.
I rushed over to Sam and he met me half way. I smiled willing my eyes to go deep green again and he smiled. I went onto my tip toes and kissed him softly on his lips. His arms went around me and pulled me too him, as close as I possibly be. I put my arms around him and pulled him to me too.
“You reek of other people’s blood.” He whispered neutrally in my ear. I let a tear from my eye and let it fall down my cheek and onto Sam’s finger placed just below my cheek.
“Just one more time then I’ll never have another man’s blood. I promise you Sam.” I looked up into his eyes and begged him to understand. He nodded stiffly and released me to go over and kneel next to Tristan’s unmoving body.
“I’m not sorry your life is going to end Tristan. You should have come for me a million times rather than try and hurt me through other people but I’m going to destroy you now. This is the end of your life Tristan.” I lowered my mouth to his neck and quickly and efficiently sucked and swallowed all of his remaining blood. “Can you rip him up please?” I asked Sam quietly after pronouncing him dead. He gave me a little nod and promptly helped me up. I looked down at my blood stained clothes and whipped my hands on my trousers. “I’ll see you in my room in a while.” I said to Sam as I turned my back to him and walked out of the room, gritting my teeth against the sound of ripping flesh.
As I walked through the twists and turns of the corridors, everyone avoided me and gave me as wider birth as possible. I didn't blame them. I had caught a glimpse of my reflection in a classroom window and I looked terrible. I had blood all over my face, especially around my mouth, and all over my clothes. I sighed at my reflection then continued on down the hall ways.
I reached The Heads office and I gave the receptionist one look and she waved me straight through. I opened the door and cleared my throat as The Head looked up at me and smiled his warm and welcoming smile which I ignored. I walked straight up to his desk and banged my fist on the papers on his desk, getting blood on them.
“What can I do for Miss Daniels apart from thank you for sending my mother to me?” He asked calmly.
“Tristan's dead. I killed him. Are you happy now?” I said trying to suppress my anger and trying not to shout at him. He widened his smile.
“Yes, I am extremely happy as you should be. You are now ready to learn about the ancient ways of our kind. But first we should get your marks back and fast.” He clicked his fingers and a line of humans walked into the room. The Head stood up and walked around his desk and over to me. He handed me a hair band and he inspected my neck closely when he saw the mark. He touched my arm and guided me to the first human. “You will

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