» Juvenile Fiction » The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗

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I crossed my legs and sat back in the throne.
“So what actually happens down here then?”
“We teach all sorts of magic and combat in case of conflict with the fire people. Everyone goes to classes including you and I and my two guards are the best women in each class. You have free choice over who you pick as your guards.”
“You don't know anything about me do you?”
“No, I do not but I plan to get to know you extremely well in the next couple days.”
“I can not stay here this evening Murray. I must return to the land and rejoice with the others at my school and many other schools for I am of water.”
“You must not return alone to the land Damita. And you must not tell anyone of the land that you are the queen. Too many people will try and get converted from you.”
“Converted from me? What does that mean?”
“Something you will learn in your next days here but now you must pick out your guards. Most of the men will already be competing. One section will be using magic and the others will be using brute force. Come. You must choose.”
I followed Murray away from the thrones and into the distance were I could see green and white and many different colours randomly appearing. I guessed that this was the magic section. There were two chairs placed obviously for me and Murray to sit on but I gave one look at the chair and collapsed cross legged on the ocean floor.
“My precious Damita, you have habits beyond weirdness.” He sat on the chair next to me and reached down to stroke my beautiful wavy hair.
“Which is the best?”
“The small one to the left at the front.” Murray pointed and I watched him. He was well built and as Murray said small. However, he was no competition for anyone. He beat everyone that came his way.
“Do you have a spell book or something like that that I could read through quickly?”
“Of course Damita. May I ask why?”
“If he can beat me or come close to beating me then I'll have him as one of my guards.”
Murray looked at me surprised but handed over the spell book to me and I flipped through it. “Will I be able to use spells that I could use on land down here?”
“Of course.”
“Brilliant. What is his name?”
“Morgan.” Murray said to me then turned to the battle field. “Morgan,” he shouted. “The queen wishes to battle with you.” Everyone went to the sides of the field and I could see markings on the sea floor that marked out a battle field. Morgan stood as one end and I rose up from the floor and joined him.
“Hello Morgan. My name is Damita but you can call me Lucy since if you over power me or come close you will be one of my guards.” I held out my hands and expected him to shake it but instead in fell to his knees and kissed to the top of my hand. “Hold out your hands.” I shouted back to Murray. He looked a bit confused but did it. I clicked my fingers and I transported my crown from my head to Murray's out stretched hands. I then clicked my fingers again and transported myself to the other side of the battle field.
While Morgan was staring at me in awe I shot a spell at him. I caught him by surprise and he fell back. While he was down I shot another spell at him but this time he was ready. I set a protective barrier up in front of him and then shot me a spell underneath it. I don't know what spell it was but I was obviously very weak towards it because it made me scream out in pain and fall to my knees.
I then used my anger against him and shot him another spell but while I was getting up, Morgan had shot the same spell at me so I fell to my knees again with a scream of pain. Morgan had obviously found a weakness of mine but he ignited a fire inside of me. I got up and sprinted to him In my vampire speed and shot him a spell. When it made contact with him through the barrier, he fell to the floor and didn't get back up again. I had knocked him out. I was breathing heavily but I ran over to Morgan and made sure he was still alive before retreating back to Murray.
“That was amazing Damita. How did you do that?”
“There are lots of things I can do. I'll show you all of them when I next come back. But for now, I have to go and rejoice on the land.”
“Okay my precious Damita. What shall I tell Morgan?”
“Tell him that he is now one of my guards and that after he had recovered he should wait for me upon my next visit. Thank you Murray, my king. Please show me the way to land.”
“Of course pretty Damita. Follow me.”
Chapter Fifth teen

When my feet touched the rocks they didn't get cut and the didn't sting either. Obviously the spell on the rocks and the sand had been reversed when I'd been in the water but Sam and Eric hadn't risked coming any further then where we had landed hours ago. They had sat down cross legged and they were playing some kind of card game.
I took in my first breath on land and they both looked up at me. Abandoning their card game they both stood up and tested the sand with their feet. It burned their feet so they retreated. I staggered over to them and noticed that my right arm was dripping blood onto the sand. Sam had smelt my blood and beckoned me over to him.
I got to where we landed and then collapsed onto the sand. Sam immediately ripped his wrist and put it to my lips. I sucked until I felt myself again and then sat up. Eric was studying my arm and the cut on it which was still oozing blood.
“This is extremely deep Lucy. What happened down there?” Eric asked.
“Nothing. Nothing happened. Just leave it alone and it'll heal on its own. That's what he told me to do.” I said snatching my arm back and using it to push myself up to standing. “What time is it?”
“Its nearly time for the rejoice back at school. We have to get back and get changed. Transport us Lucy.” Sam said and I gripped his and Eric's hands. I envisioned the school and my room and I transported.
We landed in my room and Eric and Sam ran off to get changed themselves. I dried myself off with my towel and them got changed into a black dress which I had recently bought and put on some black heels. I added my engagement ring and a necklace and I was ready to go. I had a quick look in the mirror and smiled at myself and imagined myself with my crown on. I smile widened and I turned and walked out the door.
As I walked through the twisting and turning hallways, I blew on the cut on my arm and tried to make it dry out. Sam caught up with me while I was walking and told me what I had to do.
“The Head called while you were in the water. He is waiting for you out side of the hall and he will lead you in. Everyone will clap and then we will eat and toasts will be made towards you and each of the elements. After we eat and rejoice many will leave but some will come and ask you questions about the water and what it was like. The Head will be there all the time next to you and you will always be able to see me and Eric in case of any outbreaks during the rejoice. Have fun Lucy.” Sam stopped so I also stopped. He looked either way and then when he saw no one was coming, he pushed me against the wall and kissed me. I smiled as he kissed me and he smiled back and when he pulled away we were both smiling like idiots. I tilted my neck slightly and Sam's bite marks were still on my neck. His smile widened and then he tilted his neck to the side.
I bit his neck and sucked and moaned at the taste.
I blew on his neck to heal the bite marks and smiled at him. We grasped each others hands and walked hand in hand to the hall where The Head was waiting. I kissed Sam once more and the let him walk into the hall while I waited with The Head. I think he was as nervous as I was. He gripped my arm and took me to a classroom which was going to be empty.
“How was the water?”
“Brilliant. And your okay with people asking you questions, not that many will?”
“Yes but I can't give too many details.”
“That's fine. What happened to your arm?”
“It's nothing.”
“It's too deep of a cut to be nothing. What happened to you down there?”
“It's nothing really Sir. It's just part of shall I say initiation.”
“Okay. We must proceed into the hall. Ethyl will be there so try and keep Sam under control.”
“Yes Sir.”
We left the empty classroom and emerged into the hallway and stopped in front of the double doors leading into the hall. “You ready?” The Head asked me.
“As ready as I can be.” I replied and then we pushed open the double doors and walked into the hall.
The hall was packed full of everyone in the school including al the teachers. The year one students were at the back in the left all together. The year two students – my year – were at the back on the right. The year three students were in the middle on the left. The year four students were in the middle on the right. The teachers were lined up on either side of the table at the front of the hall where there were four seats.
As we entered the hall, everyone stood up and clapped for me and The Head. I smiled to Angela and Josh as I walked past and they gave me a slight bow. Everyone that knew me also gave me a small bow and all the teachers gave me a bow. I acknowledged their bows and then The Head and I sat down at the table at the front of us and then Ethyl sat on The Head's left and Eric sat on my right.
“You look beautiful Lucy.” Eric whispered to me when he had sat down next to me.
“Thank you.” I said and I started to put up

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