» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Kimberly uttered a choice Venusian curse she picked up during her month-long reign over Venus Island. She quickly pushed down on her steering wheel, causing the Crane to dive low, narrowly missing a well-aimed blow from Goldar's gargantuan sword. She had tried to fight from a distance, since she knew she wasn't in a position to put up much of a fight at close range. However, Scorpina and Goldar are both skilled strategists with centuries experience more than the young Venusian. They managed to corner her, and now Kimberly is just barely managing to keep ahead of the swordstrokes flailing from all ends.

"It's only a matter of time, Majesty!!" Scorpina growled. She was now in her monster form, and her deep voice was dripping with dark sarcasm at the use of Kimberly's title. Kim flew in low, blasting a round of laser rays at her fellow Venusian Ninjetti. Scorpina roared in pain, and swung her mighty arm, knocking the small zord off balance. Kimberly managed to regain control before crashing into a skyscraper.


came a voice over her communicator, ^Do you read me?^

"Yes, Alpha," she responded between clenched teeth, "Give me some good news!"

^Well, the Zeozords are ready for combat! But Dalal can't pilot one, so we'll have to combine into the Megazord before entering the fight. You need to teleport back here.^

"Gladly," she said, aiming her zord to the clear blue sky. The magical machine began to vanish, and in a flash of pink light, it was out of sight completely. Scorpina, Goldar, and Rito all gazed at where the zord had been, obviously confused.

"Coward!" Goldar rumbled, "She would rather save her own skin than protect her planet! Victory is ours!!"

"Not yet," Scorpina replied, turning full circle and scanning the area cautiously, "Kimberly is cautious, because she is the sole monarch of Venus Island. However, she is not a coward, nor a quitter. She will return."

^You got that right!^ came a voice from behind. All three villains turned around in surprise, and saw the Zeo Megazord standing, gripping its mighty sword in its right hand. "Okay, ladies," Kimberly said to her crew after turning off the outside speakers, "are we comfortable yet with the controls?"

"This thing is amazing!" Renee gasped, from her seat at the Yellow Ranger's controls, "Now I know what you miss about being a ranger."

"I think we've figured out all the necessary functions," Jezebel answered from the Pink Ranger's chair.

"And Zordon aptly explained the mechanics of the Megazord," said Dalal, tapping at the control panel at the Green Ranger's station.

"All systems are ready," said Sophia from the Blue Ranger's chair.

"Then let's get a move on!" cried Kimberly, programming the zord to leap forward, "I've got first attack!"

The Zeo Megazord rushed the villains, swinging its sword against theirs. It managed to outdo Rito rather quickly, forcing the dense villain to toss his sword away. He didn't manage to pick it up before the zord turned around and punched him in the jaw with its left hand. Rito wimpered and backed off, allowing Goldar a clear shot at the zord with his energy beams. The zord moved, and tried to approach Goldar. But he and Scorpina both continued firing energy beams, forcing the zord to stay back.

"Any ideas?" Kim asked.

"Let me try," said Jezebel, "Zeo One Battle Helmet!"

Pink and Lavender Ninjetti switched seats, allowing Jezebel control of the weapons. On the outside, the red helmet of the Megazord was replaced by a pink and blue one, with a large cannon at the top. From that cannon powerful bursts of energy shot forth, slamming into the unsuspecting villains with cosmic force. Both Goldar and Scorpina began to lose their magical energy, slowly shrinking to their original size.

"And now to hit them even harder," said Sophia, "Zeo Three Battle Helmet!"

This time, the head of the Megazord became blue, and a triangular burst of energy flew from the zord at all three villains. The energy exploded on contact, sending Rito, Scorpina, and Goldar reeling.

"Let's get out of here!" Scorpina growled. Goldar and Rito both nodded, and all three villains vanished from Angel Grove.

"That was easy," said Renee, glancing at Kim. Kim nodded pensively.

"Almost too easy."

Chapter Thirty-Seven

In five flashes of bright light, the Pink, Blue, Green, Yellow, and Silver Rangers appeared in the underground Battle Borg hangar. Now, along with the five borgs and Super Zeozord V stood the remaining Zeozords. All except the Silvertip Sharkzord.

"Billy," said Tanya, unclasping her helmet and glancing at the Silver Ranger, "where did you put your zord?"

"Back in the mountain range," he responded, "There's no need for it to take up so much space."

The five Aquitian Rangers hurried to where the rangers were standing, and Delphine took Billy's hand.

"Excellent job, Billy," she said, "I'm certain you have made Tympanus very proud."

Billy grinned, and took off his helmet. He then looked around expectantly. Kat saw this reaction, and glanced at the floor nervously.

"Where's Cestria?" he asked at last. Delphine's warm grin fell, and her grip on his hand tightened.

"She is still in the medical chamber," she said, guiding him out of the hangar, "She doesn't have much time left."

Billy grew ghostly pale. "Until what --?" he asked absently.

"Until she dies," Delphine responded as she lead Billy into the medical chamber. Tommy was still sitting beside the glass tube, his hands clenched tightly and a morbid expression on his face. He glanced up at Billy, and sighed.

"She... she's --?" Billy stammered helplessly, gazing at the tube.

"No," said Tommy, standing up, "Not yet, at least. She's comatose, but she's still alive."

"Barely," said Aquiva from across the room. He came to Billy, and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I am sorry, William. There's nothing I can do for her."

"But... but... she can't be dying! You've got to do something!! Aquitar has the most advanced medical technology in the galaxy!!"

"And she is beyond medical care," Aquiva said calmly, "You came just in time to say goodbye."

"No," Billy said, his hands shaking as he drew out the Sword of Tympanus from its sheath, "she's not going to die. I won't let her! Silver Rush!!"

Billy touched the silver blade to the glass, and squeezed his eyes shut. A silvery glow exuded from both Billy and the sword, and everyone stepped back from the intense magic. Billy began to sweat, and he staggered under the stress of the energy. After a solid three minutes, he collapsed to the ground, dropping his sword. Tommy and Delphine helped the distraught Silver Ranger to his feet. He glanced at Cestria, who laid unchanged, and unresponsive to his efforts.

"Why didn't it work?!" he yelled.

"She is beyond all help, Billy," Delphine answered, "Medical as well as magical."

Billy's eyes welled with tears of despair and frustration, as he turned and lay his hand on Cestria's tube. He wiped his face with his other hand, and trembled. Meanwhile, the other Zeo and Aquitian Rangers stood at the doorway, watching in silence. Katherine approached Billy, and touched his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry--"

"Don't give me apologies, Kat!" Billy yelled suddenly, turning to face the Pink Ranger, "Why didn't you tell me she was dying?! You knew, didn't you?!" Kat bowed her head, blinking back tears. Billy then turned to Delphine, tears streaming down his red cheeks.

"And you--! Why didn't you tell me?"

"Tell me, Billy, what would my telling you have accomplished?"

"I could've gotten here sooner! I could've helped Aquiva save her!"

"How?" she inquired, "Aquiva is the most skilled physician on the planet. Your help couldn't have been useful."

"Maybe if I had gotten here sooner, I could have cured her with the Sword!"

"The chances are minute--"

"--but still existent!" Billy yelled.

"Billy," said Cestro, walking into the room and looking at his friend sadly, "you are a servant of Aquitar, just like the rest of us. When you came, you became an honorary member of the Aquitian Rangers, dedicated to protect this planet. If you had come here instead of fighting Divatox in space, this planet would have been destroyed. She is my cousin, Billy, and I love her deeply. But there was nothing anyone could have done. Nothing."

Billy wiped his eyes again, and glanced at the computer alongside the tube. It was her heartbeat, being monitored. And suddenly... it stopped.

Silence reigned for a solid minute.

"She's gone, Billy," Tommy whispered, wiping his own moist eyes. Billy glanced blankly at Tommy, as well as all his human and Aquitian friends. He then glanced at Cestria's serene face, and screamed in anguish, collapsing to knees. Finally, he bowed his head to the ground. Tommy approached him again, but Delphine caught his hand.

"We should leave him alone, Tommy," Delphine said, "Billy is now in mourning, and surely would rather grieve in solitude. Aquiva, please come with us."

The elderly physician nodded, and followed the two teams of rangers out of the medical chamber. Billy remained kneeling on the floor, leaning his head against the glass tube that held the wordly remains of his love.

"William?" came a familiar voice, "What are you doing here? You have a job to do!"

Billy turned his head, and saw Tympanus sitting in the chair Tommy had occupied earlier. Billy's eyebrow arched.

"How did you get in here? How did you find me?"

"A good magician never tells his secrets," Tympanus answered with a grin. His grin fell when he saw Billy's pained expression.

"You know she had to die, William," Tympanus said at last, startling the young man.

"Why?!" Billy demanded.

"Because, she is the only thing tying you to Aquitar. You see, you were destined to come here, to claim my Sword. But you can't stay here forever. The only way for you to leave was for her to die."

"I... I don't understand..."

"Divatox wants revenge, and the Aquitian Rangers can't beat her. Only the Zeo Rangers, along with you and the Venusian Empire, can finally bring this witch to justice. She has destroyed many lives, and many worlds, Billy. Her villainy must end."

"So you knew she was going to die too?!" Billy asked incredulously. Tympanus nodded.

"Unlike most Earthlings, Eltarians and Aquitians believe quite strongly in destiny. I knew you were destined to return to Earth with your friends. It is where you truly belong."

"No its not," Billy muttered, "Without Cestria, I don't belong anywhere."

"You belong where you feel loved and needed, Billy. That was Aquitar for a time, but without Cestria, you no longer

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