» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

In an alternate reality, distant in the Multiverse, there is a race of warrior women known as Venusians. Their past is shrouded in mystery, yet their culture has been intertwined with that of mankind since the beginning. These immortals, skilled in sorcery, existed with humanity for centuries. To learn their story, and how they clash with the Power Rangers Zeo, I invite you to read on...

The Power Rangers are Saban Brands. The Venusians are mine (although Venus Island is directly from the show, and a few Venusians are actually Saban characters

). The Aquitian Rangers are also Saban's, but this particular Silver Ranger is mine. I know there are as many Silver Rangers on the web as there are authors, but I thought I'd make one of my own.

Chapter One

William James Mitchell awakens to the sound of birds chirping. They sounded a great deal like the birds that always made nests in the large tree right outside his bedroom window back home in Angel Grove. But Billy knows that the sounds he's hearing aren't the birds in his backyard. Rather, its a recording, programmed to awaken the young scientist bright and early in the morning. The Aquitians have tried their best to make Billy's life on Aquitar as pleasant as possible. But, no matter how technologically advanced this oceanic planet is, there is just no way to make synthetic birdsong sound real.

Billy rose from his bed, and stretched. He then glanced out the full wall window, watching as schools of alien fish swam by. Billy is revered as a great hero here on this planet of scholars, and so when he came here to stay, Delphine, the leader of the Aquitian Rangers and powerful politician because of her rank, arranged for him to stay in one of the most elegant rooms in Triton, the capital city of Aquitar. Triton is known for its magnificent view, most significantly of the Azure Mountain Chain, the only group of mountains tall enough to actually reach above sea level, if only by a few hundred feet. Although at first the sight of these colossal mountains was breathtaking, now Billy would much rather rise to the sight of a sunrise. Its amazing how people take the inspirational beauty of a sunrise for granted, until its gone.

I wonder if that's how the rangers think of me,

Billy thought silently, preparing to take a bath, I wonder if they miss me, now that I'm gone. I wonder if they even realized how they... took me for granted.

Billy isn't bitter about his lot in life. However, he cannot deny he feels short-changed. After all, he had been a Power Ranger from the beginning, fighting to preserve humanity against an invading evil. At first, he felt extremely awkward about being a superhero, but he soon grew into it, and used his role as a hero, as well as his unbreakable bond with his friends, to grow as a person. He felt he was at his peak when he, Jason, Kimberly, Trini, Zack, and Tommy fought Rita Repulsa on nearly a daily basis, and they always managed to succeed. But from there, things slowly went downhill.

First, Jason, Zack, and Trini left Angel Grove to attend the Peace Conference. This distressed Billy more than he could ever admit, because he lost three of his best friends. But they were more than friends--they saved him. Saved him from a life of solitude. They, along with Kimberly, welcomed him, a 'computer geek', for a lack of a better term, into their fold, without trying to change him, or mold him into someone he's not. They accepted him for who he was, and they respected and loved him. But without them, he couldn't help feeling alone. Rocky, Adam, and Aisha viewed Billy in a somewhat different light. They saw him as a veteran, someone to be respected from afar, or admired for his amazing intelligence. But, they weren't the closest of friends. And Kimberly and Tommy became closer and closer, and without knowing it, they managed to alienate Billy.

As time passed, things only got worse. Kimberly, Billy's closest friend for years, left Angel Grove to compete in the Pan-Global Games, and after a month or so, greater amounts of time passed between letters and phone calls. When Mastervile changed the rangers into children, Billy managed to find a way to return his body to its true age. He then began working from behind the scenes, and watched as his friends went on quests, finding meaning in their lives. But Billy didn't go on this soul quest, and so he didn't have a place on the Zeo team. Billy graciously gave his spot to Tanya, even though he knew he'd miss the Power. But, deep down, he also knew how a chasm had formed between him and his friends. They didn't see him as a friend anymore. They saw him as another Zordon, always in the Command Center, ready to come up with a solution to their problems. After a while, they began to ignore Billy completely, as if he was part of the Power Chamber. Although Billy didn't show it, he was extremely hurt by his friends' lack of sensitivity. But Kimberly, the most sensitive person he's ever known, was away in Florida. The team was different, and Billy was just a shadow of the past. A shadow in the Power Chamber.

But the Aquitians admired Billy in a different way. They weren't merely impressed by his intelligence, they also were impressed by his modesty, character, and gentleness. It was these qualities that attracted the attention of Cestria, a cousin of the Aquitian Ranger Cestro. Cestria truly cared about Billy, and it was obvious when she came to Earth as soon as she learned Billy was aging at a dangerous rate. She did everything in her power to help Billy, and it wasn't because of duty. It was out of love. And Billy soon learned that he cared a great deal for Cestria. She was special to him. She was worth leaving Angel Grove. After all, the rangers didn't seem to care much when Billy sent the message, explaining that he'd found happiness. And he was right. They never, not even once, tried to contact him after he left. Billy understood that saving the world took precedence, but that didn't mean they could just forget about him, and never leave a quick message, just to check in. It would only take a few moments.

Billy sighed and got dressed. He then walked back into his bedroom, and gazed out as the water. Maybe he could learn to love the view of the Azure mountains, and even the sound of the computer generated bird song. At least he was appreciated on Aquitar. Here, he is engaged to marry a beautiful, compassionate, respected physician, and he is also an honorary member of the Aquitian Rangers. He also is making a name for himself as a skilled computer scientist. As Billy zipped up his black and silver uniform, a soft chime rang from the door.

"Come in," Billy called, turning to face the door. The door automatically slid into the wall, and a short young woman with bright eyes and short brown hair stepped into the room, her hands clasped behind her back. She smiled warmly at Billy.

"Good morning, Billy," she said, "I trust you rested soundly?"

"Indeed, Cestria," Billy answered, "I'm slowly acclimating to the colder temperatures and lack of direct sunlight."

"I'm glad," said Cestria, "Although I admit, your home planet Earth is indeed lovely. When we visited twenty-two axis rotations ago, to attend the festivities at your former center of education, I was impressed by the warmth of the climate and beauty of the scenery. I would like to visit for longer periods of time, if only I weren't so dependent on Aquitian water."

"Perhaps in the future we'll be able to develop a way for Aquitians to survive on Earth longer."

"Meanwhile, we had best join the others for First Meal. Cestro and Corcus have returned from their mission to the Azure Peak, and they have many interesting findings to report. Shall we?"

"Let's," said Billy, taking Cestria's hand. Together, they walked down the tunnel, leading out of the residential dome, towards the larger dome, which is home to the meeting halls.

Chapter Two

Meanwhile, not too far away from the shimmering aqua-blue planet of Aquitar, a large bronze space submarine flies through the vastness of space, quickly approaching its destination. This submarine is the vessel owned by the dreaded pirate queen Divatox. Divatox was, once upon a time, a princess of the planet Venus. But her thirst for power led her astray, to the point where she challenged her sister Naya for the throne. But Divatox's coup failed, and she was forced

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