» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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on the spellbook, smearing the text into an illegible mess.


she barked, "I can't cast the rest of the spell! I don't remember the exact words!"

Divatox snatched up the spellbook, and hurried back to the bridge. This is the only copy of the dehydration spell in existence! I must salvage this book!

She steps through the gate, and marches right to Porto, the brains of her operation.

"Back so soon?" he asked.

"Shut up and tell me if you can restore the text in this book," she ordered, handing him the smeared text. Porto leafed through the pages, shaking his head.

"I can run a restoration program on the computer, and print you a new copy--"

"Fine," Divatox interrupted, "Hop to it then!"

"-- but, it'll take several weeks to complete the process."

"Several weeks


"Well, it is a rather large book, Captain."

"Just restore these three pages," Divatox said, tearing the dehydration spell out of the leather-bound volume, "and make it snappy. The longer we delay, the more likely the Fish Rangers will launch another attack. I want to destroy that planet, get the Sword of Tympanus, and get outta here."

"Computer restoration is a very delicate process," Porto explained, "Even though only three pages are here, the computer has to hypothesize the words that were originally present, and run various syntax and semantic tests to make sure the hypthesized words make sense--"

"Please get to the point," Divatox growled.

"I'll need at least five hours to make sure the spell is perfect."

Divatox rolled her eyes, and folded her arms. "Fine. You have five hours, and not a minute more. Now, get going! And don't speak to me until you're done."

"Yes, Captain," said Porto, turning back to his station, "I can do it here, if you'd like."

"Fine," she said, sitting back on her captain's chair. Porto immediately got to work, feeding the three pages into the computer.

"Five hours," Divatox muttered, tapping her chin, "We need to buy ourselves time. Rygog!"

"Yes, Captain?"

"Fire the torpedos!"

"Where?" he asked, shrugging.

"Good question," Divatox said, twirling her ponytail over her index finger, "Where would a torpedo have the most devestating affect? Elgar, bring up a visual of Triton on the main viewer."

"You got it, Auntie D," he replied, typing a list of commands into the main computer. Divatox stepped toward the screen and studied the layout of the underwater capital. She walked right up to the screen, and touched her index finger to the highest pod in the complex.

"Here is your target," she said finally, "the main laboratory. Its the highest dome, which means it'll sustain damage easier, and if we're lucky, we'll be able to pick off some of Aquitar's head scientists, and maybe even a ranger or two. Also, its the communications hub of the entire planet. If the Aquitians do intend to call for help, they can't do it from here. Fire at will."

Elgar turned to his aunt in confusion. "Who's W --"


even say it!" she yelled, her ice blue eyes flashing. Elgar cringed and remained silent. Rygog shook his head in disbelief, and turned to the weapons display.

"Torpedos away," he said, pressing the blue button. Two sleek bronze torpedoes streaked from the space submarine, aimed for their target.

Chapter Nineteen

Inside the laboratory, Cestria continues to study the data of the planet's atmosphere, taken from satellites surrounding the planet.

"Nearly 48% of the ocean has evaporated," she read off the screen, "and the entire percentage is accounted for in the cloud cover around the planet. This means Divatox has not yet dispersed the clouds."

"So, there is still time," said Tideus, the Yellow Aquitian Ranger, "The spell is not yet irreversible."

"But how do we make the clouds rain? They are magical in nature, so --"

Suddenly, red lights flash around the laboratory. Cestria gasps, and switches the view on the main screen.

"What is happening?" asked Tideus.

"The alarms have sounded," Cestria said, "We are under attack! Look!"

On the viewscreen, two small bronze cylinders quickly approached the underwater complex. Tideus frowned, and strapped his helmet back on.

"The torpedos are heading directly for us!" he yelled, "We must leave immediately."

Cestria nodded, and the two hurried across the spacious laboratory. But, they didn't reach the exit in time. One of the torpedoes exploded beneath them, destroying the pillars that held the elevated pod nearly a kilometer above the sea floor. The dome quickly began sinking, shaking everything inside, and causing both the Yellow Ranger and Cestria to fall helplessly. The second torpedo smashed into the lab itself, punching a hole in the ceiling, sending tons of salt water into the chamber.

"We've got to get out of here!" yelled Tideus, "The water will short out the computers! They weren't meant to be submerged!"

Cestria tried to rise to her feet, but the main computer exploded, throwing the young scientist into the concrete wall on the other end of the lab. Tideus waded through the rising water to Cestria's side. She was face down in the water, unmoving.

"Cestria! Do you hear me?" he called, lifting her into his arms. She didn't respond. Tideus frowned under his helmet, and looked out the wall window. He gasped in horror as he saw the seafloor getting dangerously close.

"If we remain here, we will certainly be crushed on impact," he said aloud, "Our only chance is to swim for it!"

Tideus threw a mighty kick at the glass, shattering it with his enhanced strength. He mustered all his strength, and fought against the water pressure, swimming outside of the dome while still carrying the unconscious Cestria. He swam upwards, and watched as the laboratory crashed into the seafloor.

Our best chance is to get back inside Triton via the Battle Borg hangar,

he thought, swimming across the complex to the bunker under the seafloor. He removed his glove, and touched his hand to the fingerprint scanner. His identity was verified, and the small gate opened, allowing Tideus and Cestria access to the underground facility. He peaked up in a pool of water, where he saw the five gargantuan Battle Borgs standing. He swam to the edge of the pool, and pulled himself and Cestria out of the water. Tideus breathed heavily, and saw Cestro and Corcus standing on a hoverpad, welding a gash in the upper leg of the Red Battle Borg.

"Cestro!" Tideus called, "Corcus!"

Both Aquitian Rangers turned around, and their eyes widened when they saw their teammate and Cestria down by the main computer console.

"Tideus," said Cestro, programming the hoverpad to descend, "what happened?"

"Divatox destroyed the laboratory," Tideus explained, "We've been cut off from long-range communications, as well as teleportation. Fortunately, we still have the zord hangar."

"Cestria has serious wounds, including a broken leg, deep cuts, and a concussion," Cestro said solemnly, "She needs medical assistance."

"Teleport her to the medical wing," suggested Corcus.

"We can't," said Cestro, "We have to reserve power, so I cut off all systems to divert power to the repair of the zords. It'll take some time to turn the teleporter back on."

"You should turn it on anyway," said Tideus, "Now that the laboratory has been destroyed, this teleporter is the only one remaining in Triton. I shall take her to the medical wing."

"Thank you," said Cestro, as the Yellow Ranger gently picked up Cestria, and hurried out of the hangar. Cestro immediately activated the teleportation system, and began rerouting energy to that system. "I shall contact Delphine," said Corcus, "Now that Divatox has attacked Triton, nowhere is safe above the sea floor. She must bring Prince Phaemon and the rest of the court here. Also, we must regroup."

Chapter Twenty

On Earth's Moon, Lord Zedd sits upon his throne. Scorpina, Goldar, and Rito Revolto wait patiently before the throne, and over a dozen Tenga Warriors squawk and shuffle about behind them. Rita stands beside Zedd's throne, tapping her foot impatiently.

"What on Earth are you waiting for, Zeddie?" she shrieked angrily, "Send the troops!"

"Patience, Rita," he said calmly, "Finster's preparing a little surprise for Earth."

As if on cue, Finster walked into the throne room. He bowed to Zedd and Rita, and stepped beside the entrance.

"Okay, boys, you may come in," he called. Dozens of Finster's famous Putty Patrolers marched into the room. Each was a dark grey, with black stripes on their shoulders and chests. Rita's eyebrow rose skeptically, and she rolled her eyes.

"I can't believe you are sending those

things to Earth!" she barked, "The Power Rangers were able to defeat them without even morphin! Just because the Zeo Rangers are away on a mission doesn't mean the rest of the planet is comprised of push-overs!"

"That is true," said Finster, "but my Putty Patrolers are the only troops we have at our disposal that we have in unlimited supply, my Queen. Lord Zedd's Putties may be more durable than my original batches, but they deplete his magical energy. Also, they have a weak spot that can be easily exploited. Finally, these aren't ordinary Putties. I found a wad of Super Putty remaining in my laboratory. It wasn't enough to make a full batch of Super Putties, so I mixed it in with the standard putty. These Putties are stronger than Zedd's Putties, as well as more durable."

"Don't you think we should send a monster?" asked Rita.

"Why? I think Goldar, Rito, and Scorpina, aided by legions of Putties and Tengas, are quite capable of destroying Angel Grove. Especially considering the Power Rangers are gone. We will raze their beloved home to the ground, capture their loved ones, and eliminate the Command Center. We'll start by destroying Angel Grove itself, and hording the citizens as captives. Goldar!"

"Yes, Lord?"

"You are in charge of this operation. Try to keep casualties to a minimum, but destruction to a maximum."

"As you wish," growled Goldar.

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