» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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her back down. She then stood on her toes, and kissed him. Rocky rolled his eyes, and cleared his throat.

"Sorry," he said, "but we don't have much time --"

"Right," Kim said, her cheeks reddening, "Zeo Rangers, I'd like you to meet... the Guardians! These four are my band of elite fighters, in case of an emergency. You already know Renee and Dalal," she said, pointing to the ones in orange and gold, "but you may not know the other two. They just returned from their mission to Phaedos, to be trained by Dulcea in the art of Ninjetti. The one in lavender is Jezebel, guided by the swift and powerful Horse, and the one in turquoise is Sophia, guided by the silent and steady Deer."

"Is Dalal a Ninjetti?" asked Tanya, "She's not wearing a badge."

"I am not Ninjetti," Dalal said, "I am an enchantress, but I am well trained in the art of combat. Although Renee is also an enchantress, she was exposed to the Great Power, and so she is acquainted with her spirit animal. I have yet to make the pilgrimage to Phaedos."

"So," said Renee, "where's Jason anyway?"

"He and his family went to the Bahamas for a week," said Rocky, "They haven't been on a family vacation in a while."

"Well, we'd better get going," said Tommy, twisting his wrists. His Zeonizers appeared at his command. "We have a long trip ahead of us. Its Morphin Time!!"

"Zeo Ranger One -- Pink!!"

cried Katherine.

"Zeo Ranger Two -- Yellow!!"

called Tanya.

"Zeo Ranger Three -- Blue!!"

yelled Rocky.

"Zeo Ranger Four -- Green!!"

shouted Adam.

"Zeo Ranger Five -- Red!!"

bellowed Tommy. In a blinding flash of light, all five teenagers morphed into the Zeo Rangers. They all touched their belt buckles simultaneously.

"We'll get outside and summon the Super Zeo Zords," said the Red Ranger, "Then, we'll fly to Aquitar."

"Right!" said the other four, and all five vanished from the Power Chamber. The five Guardians, Alpha, and Zordon all watched as the Zeo Rangers summoned their colossal Zords, and combined them to form the Super Zeo Megazord. Then, the thrusters on the feet of the huge robot activated, and the Zord launched itself into the atmosphere.

"How long will it take them to get to Aquitar?" asked Kimberly, turning to the wise sage.


"I sure hope Aquitar lasts that long," said Renee solemnly.

Chapter Nine

Meanwhile, Lord Zedd sits upon his throne, tapping his metallic chin in thought.

"Now let me see," he muttered, "how do I destroy the Power Rangers?"

Suddenly, the entire palace quaked violently, and from the balcony Lord Zedd saw a large machine fly past the Moon, and out into space. Zedd leapt off his throne, and rushed to the balcony to get a better look. He gasped as he saw the Super Zeo Megazord fly away into the blackness of space at speeds defying the basic laws of physics.

"Where in the universe are they headed?" he asked himself. He then started to chuckle. "It doesn't matter!" he declared, "So long as they are away from Earth, the entire planet is mine for the taking! Rita! Goldar! Rito! Scorpina! Get in here!!"

Rita Repulsa, Rito Revolto, Goldar, and Scorpina all entered the throne room at the same time. Goldar and Scorpina bowed low to the throne, and Rito waved at the emperor, but Rita walked right up to Zedd and stuck her index finger in his face.

"Never, ever

yell at me like that!!" she screamed, "Who do you think you are?!"

Zedd ignored her. "Everyone, I have an announcement. It appears the Zeo Rangers have business somewhere other than Earth. They have just taken the Zeo Megazord into space."

"Why didn't they just teleport?" asked Rito, "That would be quicker."

"They can't teleport the Zords, Moron!" roared Zedd, "Wherever they are going, they'll be needing the use of the Megazord. They'll most likely be gone for days. Now's our chance to destroy Zordon, and the Earth, before they get back!!"

Chapter Ten

A small silver submarine pulls away from the capitol city of Aquitar. Inside, at the helm of the one-man vessel, is a young human man, clad in a black wetsuit. Beside him is some scuba gear, and a harpoon gun, in case he is confronted by some enemy. He also has an energy pistol, just in case. In his right hand is a fist-sized pearl, glowing faintly.

"I guess it's time for you to tell me which way to go," Billy said to the pearl, "I wonder how I am supposed to activate you?"

Suddenly, a black hole appeared on the surface of the pearl, making it resemble an enlarged eye. From the hole, a beam of silver light streamed forth, and pointed out the glass. Billy followed the beam with his eyes, until he recognized a mountain range in the distance.

"Now I see why you're called the Eye," he said, "Well then, the Azure Mountains it is."

Billy turned the vessel around, and sped towards the high mountains, whose peak reaches above the surface of the vast sea.

Chapter Eleven

Cestria slowly walks into the laboratory of Triton, where the five Aquitian Rangers had just sent a distress call to Earth.

"Cestria, my cousin," said Cestro, "are you alright?"

"Yes," she said, "Cestro, rangers, I have something to confess. When Divatox came here earlier, and asked if anyone knew of the house of Filleus, she was looking for me."

"Why?" asked Tideus.

"Because, I am the one of our generation honored with the duty of protecting the Sword of Tympanus."

The Aquitian Rangers were shocked. "Why did you not say something to us immediately?"

"I had to first ensure that the Chosen One was sent on his mission to retrieve the Sword."

"I do not understand," said Aurico.

"The legend is that the Sword of Tympanus was hidden by the first minister, because it wasn't needed, and the lure of power may be dangerous. But, the possibility always remained that the Sword may at some time be needed, if ever Aquitar were placed under attack--"

"But, isn't that what the Power Rangers are for?" asked Corcus.

"Essentially, but the Sword possesses great powers that can aid the Power Rangers if they ever need it. The problem is that the Sword of Tympanus can cause great harm to he that uses it, because of the vast amount of power it contains. Also, the Sword and the Staff, its sister weapon that is owned by the Gold Ranger, are polar opposites in power, so they actually cancel each other out if they were ever fighting against each other. Not just anyone can safely wield the Sword, so it was said that a Chosen One would be born, who has sustained the bodily changes necessary to obtain such power. He was also described as being wise, and specifically to have lived both as a young man and as an old man, so he would have gained knowledge through his experiences. When the time came that the Chosen One would need to claim the Sword, the mountains would quake, and spew fire."

"The Azure Mountains," said Delphine in surprise, "You knew what caused the seismic activity?"

"Yes. It is a sign that the time has come. I have sent the Chosen One to claim the Sword of Tympanus. It may be the only power that can save us from Divatox."

"Does the Sword possess the same abilities as the Staff?" asked Aurico.

"According to the legend, the Staff is more of a weapon, and the Sword is more of a healing device."

"That is ironic," said Delphine, "One would think the opposite. Staffs are used more commonly by Healers, and swords are used by warriors."

"Not on ancient Eltar," said Cestro, "Swords were used often as surgical tools, or at least something similar to a sword. Staffs were the fighting weapons of choice."

"Who is this Chosen One?" asked Tideus.


"But, William is a human!" said Cestro, "Can he sustain the power that was originally meant for an Aquitian?"

"By absorbing the negative protons that repelled the Staff of Tympanus, he has made his body compatible with the opposite power-- that of the Sword. Also, he fits the legend of the Chosen One. I have given him the Eye, so he can find the Sword. I pray he can find it before Divatox has her way."

Suddenly, alarms began going off from consoles all over the laboratory. The other rangers watched as Cestro activated the main computer.

"What is the emergency?" asked Delphine.

"The water level across the planet has dropped thirty-two meters, and it is continuing to drop at an alarming rate! The computer estimates it is continuing to recede at a rate of a kilometer every three hours."

"What?!" said Aurico, "How is it possible? Not even Hydro-Hog can dehydrate the planet at such a speed!"

"It must be Divatox," said Corcus, "Cestro, if this rate of evaporation continues, how long shall it take for the entire ocean to evaporate?"

"So long as the rate of evaporation remains constant, Aquitar will be completely dry in about fifty hours."

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