» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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hand on the prince," said Cestro, folding his arms.

"But, I don't mean him any harm," she said sweetly, her eyes once again glowing silver, "I just want to talk is all."

To Delphine's horror, Aurico, Cestro, Corcus, and Tideus stepped away, allowing Divatox to come dangerously close to the reigning sovereign of the entire planet. Delphine leapt to her feet.

"It's Morphin Time!" Delphine declared, "White Aquitar Ranger Power!!"

Delphine was immersed in bright white light, and transformed into the White Ranger. She turned towards Divatox and the prince.

"Don't come to close, White Ranger," snapped Divatox, "I won't kill him. But don't press the matter!"

Delphine warily stayed back, and clenched her fist angrily. Divatox chuckled and gazed back at Phaemon.

"Are you familiar with a woman named Ariel of Filleus?" she asked him.

"No, My Queen," he answered dryly. Divatox's confident grin fell.

"Do you know anyone of the house of Filleus?!" she snapped angrily. She then turned around, allowing her icy silver stare to hypnotize every man in the room. "Does anyone here know of the house of Filleus?!"

"I do," said Cestro dully. Divatox turned away from the entranced prince, and smiled at the blue Aquitian Ranger.

"Oh, really?" he asked, "Do you know Ariel?"

"Ariel was my great-grandmother," Cestro said dully, "She died before I was born, but her son, my grandfather, told me of her."

"So, you are of the house of Filleus," said Divatox, grinning widely, "Perfect! Tell me, where is the Sword of Tympanus?"

"I do not know of the sword. It is only a legend."

Divatox snarled and pushed Cestro away from her angrily. Cestro flew back, and crashed into the dining table. Delphine siezed the opportunity to attack, and leapt at the pirate queen. But Divatox held up her hand, and Delphine was suspended in mid air. Divatox rolled her eyes and floated up, so she was eye to eye with Delphine.

"Big mistake, Fish-Girl," Divatox snarled, "No one crosses Divatox and lives."

The White Ranger fell to the ground, and Divatox continued to rise until she nearly touched the ceiling. Her eyes flashed silver, and suddenly, all the men in the room were aware.

"Hear me, Aquitians!" Divatox roared in a mind-rattling voice, "You have exactly one hour to hand over the Sword of Tympanus. If not, I will destroy this entire planet. Now, I'll give you a small taste of my powers!"

With that, Divatox vanished from the chamber. Delphine rose to her feet, and powered down. The Aquitian Rangers regrouped around the Prince, who was touching his brow.

"Are you well, Majesty?" asked Aurico.

"I am," he said, "but Divatox's threat..."

"Can she truly destroy the whole planet?" asked Corcus, "It doesn't seem like she had a fleet of warriors to aid her."

"She gave us an hour," said Delphine, "and we should use this time to find out as much as we can about Divatox."

"How?" asked Tideus, "I have never even heard of a race of beings called 'Venusian'."

"I have," said Billy, "although I don't know much about them. But, the Zeo Rangers have encountered them before, and one of my friends back home is actually part Venusian."

"Then we must make contact with Zordon of Eltar," said Cestro, "Perhaps he can help us."

"Quickly," said Aurico, "Let us make contact with Earth."

The five Aquitian Rangers hurried towards the laboratory, the only place on Triton with the technology sufficient for sending a transmission all the way to Earth, which was hundreds of light years away. Billy was about to follow them, when Cestria reached out and clasped his hand.

"Cestria?" he asked, turning around. She looked up into his eyes sadly.

"Billy," she said, "Aquitar is in great danger, and its up to me to stop it. You must come with me."
Chapter Four

"Cestria!" called Billy, stopping in his tracks to catch his breath, "Please, slow down!"

The young Aquitian stopped, and turned around. She walked over to Billy, and took his hand.

"I apologize for this, Billy, but time is of the essence! We must get to my chambers immediately."

"Why?" asked Billy, allowing Cestria to lead him down the hallway.

"I shall show you."

Soon, the young couple was in Cestria's quarters, which was near the level closest to the sea floor. Billy waited by the door while Cestria went into her clothing closet. She pulled out a small silver case, and brought it out of the closet. She laid in on a table near the full wall window, and Billy stood up and walked beside her.

"What is that?" he asked her.

"This is a treasure, and a responsibility, that has been passed down in my family for generations. It hasn't been needed until now."

Cestria opened the case, and inside it was a white pearl, about the size of a fist. She picked it up with both hands, and looked up at Billy.

"I know what is causing the volcanic activity, Billy."

Billy was astonished. "But, how? Why didn't you say anything before?"

"Listen, Billy, this is the Eye of Tympanus. It is a compass, that guides one to the Sword of Tympanus. It is prophesied that the mountains will roar when the Sword calls to its owner. That means the time of destiny is upon us."

Cestria placed the white pearl into Billy's hands. It gave off a warm, silvery glow. "Billy, do you recall the day when your body was infused with the negative proton energy?"

"Yes," he said, almost bitterly, "I couldn't become the Gold Ranger because of it."

"You weren't meant to become the Gold Ranger. By absorbing the negative proton energy, your body has been prepared to accept the power of the opposite. The Sword of Tympanus is a weapon related to the Staff of Tympanus, also known as the Gold Ranger staff."

"You mean, I'm

the one destined to retrieve the Sword?"

"Yes. That may be why I was so drawn to you, Billy. Our destinies are intertwined. As a member of the house of Filleus, I was charged with the responsibility of protecting the Eye, so that the Chosen One will be able to receive it, and be guided to his goal. You must go."

"Go where?" he asked, still having trouble with the concept of destiny.

"To wherever the Eye leads you. Divatox cannot be allowed to possess the Sword, Billy. A being such as herself is unworthy of the gift, and she would no doubt misuse the power to wreak havoc throughout the cosmos. We must hurry. Divatox will be back soon."

Cestria led Billy outside of the residential dome, and into the docking area, where many undersea vessels were kept. Right before he left, she kissed him lightly on the lips. "Be strong, My Love," she said, "The path you must now walk isn't easy. You must prove worthy of the power, or you will certainly perish while trying to claim it."

"I will," he said, "Please be careful. I don't know what Divatox has in store, but she seems to be willing to do anything to get what she wants."

Chapter Five

Divatox marched onto the bridge of the space-submarine, a bitter scowl on her face. She stood in the center of the room, with her hands on her hips.

"So, the little trout-people think they can stop me?" she snarled, "Well, I'll show them! I'm the premier enchantress of Venus! Well, at least I was, before I destroyed it. Now, I'm going to do the same to this backwater planet. Elgar!"

"Yeah, Auntie D?"

"Take the ship into orbit around the planet," she said, sitting down on the captain's chair, "I need to get a good distance before I can cast the spell."

"What spell?"

"The spell of dehydration! The one spell that will forever destroy the Aquitian culture. Now move it! I gave them an hour, and it'll take me that long to fully cast the spell."

"But, what if they concede to your demands?" asked Porto.

"Hey, no skin off my back. Now, move it!"

"Time to go," said Elgar, turning on the thrusters. The bronze space submarine lifted off, out of the water, and through the thick atmosphere of the submerged planet. Once they were out of the atmosphere, Elgar programmed the ships computers for synchronous orbit, so the ship would remain over Triton as the planet rotated on its axis. Divatox rose from her throne, and marched into her bed chambers. She opened up a book of spells, and her eyes began to glow with silver light.

"Let's see how long these fish can survive out of the ocean," she chuckled, and then the Pirate Queen began to cast the deadly spell.

Chapter Six

Meanwhile, on Earth, the senior class of Angel Grove High is busy in graduation practice. Rocky has a frown on his face, and taps his foot impatiently. Tommy, who is sitting beside him, turns around to look at his friend.

"What's the matter, Rocko?" he asks.

"I'm bored as heck," Rocky whispers, "How many times do we have to line up, and march in step down the football field, only to sit down and listen as the Valedictorian gives the same speech? I'm getting tired of this."

"Well, it'll all be over soon.

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