» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Twelve

"We have two axis rotations," said Delphine, "until everything that is Aquitar is destroyed. We cannot wait for the Earth Rangers to come to our aid. There is no way to know if the damage being done can be reversed. We must take action."

The five Aquitian Rangers stood in a row, with Delphine in the center. "Its Morphin Time!" she cried, "White Aquitar Ranger Power!"

"Blue Aquitar Ranger Power!"

bellowed Cestro.

"Red Aquitar Ranger Power!"

yelled Aurico.

"Black Aquitar Ranger Power!"

called Corcus.

"Yellow Aquitar Ranger Power!"

shouted Tideus.

The five Aquitian Rangers instantly morphed, and the Blue Ranger turned to Cestria, his cousin. "We shall teleport directly into the Battle Borgs," he said.

"But, you always pilot the Battle Borgs telepathically!" she said in surprise.

"True," said Tideus, "but we cannot properly control the Battle Borgs at so great a distance as outer space. And that is where Divatox is presently."

"But, you have never fought from within the Borgs!"

"That is why I am asking you to monitor us," said Cestro, "If anything goes wrong, teleport us back to Triton."

"I shall," she said. The five rangers then vanished in five bright beams of light. Cestria turned on her monitor, and watched as the five humanoid Battle Borgs launched from within the seafloor, and quickly shot through the deep ocean towards outer space. She sighed deeply, and then turned to another screen, which showed the entire sphere of Aquitar. The water levels were continuing to recede. Cestria chewed on her lower lip nervously.

At least the water isn't completely gone,

Cestria thought, Scans show that the atmosphere is becoming saturated. I deduce that the spell first evaporates all the water, and somehow prevents the clouds from raining. Then, the clouds somehow disperse into outer space, leaving the planet desolate. There must be a way to force the rainclouds to shower. But how --?

Chapter Thirteen

Meanwhile, the five Battle Borgs race into outer space. The White Battle Borg flies in the front, with the Blue Borg bringing up the rear. The White Ranger turns on the intership communications relay, so she can speak to the other Aquitian Rangers.

"Rangers," she said, "we are approaching the bronze Space Submarine. Prepare all weapons for firing."

^I read, Delphine,^

said the Red Ranger.

^Weapons locked,^

said the Black Ranger.


said the Yellow Ranger.


said the Blue Ranger, ^I'm having difficulty maintaining a target lock, as well as communications...^

"What's the matter Cestro?"

^The Blue Borg is low on energy!^

he said in surprise, ^The stored energy is down to sixty percent, and still dropping!^

^Could there be a leak somewhere in the energy pathway?^

suggested the Yellow Ranger.

^Negative, Tideus. There shows no malfunction in any system... just a lack of power.^

"Perhaps you should return to Aquitar, Cestro," suggested Delphine, "You can determine exactly what is wrong with the Blue Borg. I'd rather not risk it."

^Very well,^

said Cestro, turning around. The four remaining Battle Borgs continued to the space submarine.

"Prepare to fire at the wings of the ship, to disable it," ordered Delphine, "On my mark --!"

Chapter Fourteen

Inside the space submarine, inside a large silver chamber, is Divatox. She is sitting cross-legged on her large bed, her eyes squeezed tightly. In front of her is an ancient book of spells. She had finished casting the first stage of the dehydration spell, which causes all the water to evaporate into clouds that would not recycle the water into rain. The second phase of the spell is when the clouds containing all the water pass through the planet's atmosphere, forever leaving the planet. Divatox is busy studying the ancient encantation, to make sure she recites it flawlessly. She would begin casting the second phase of the spell shortly.

"Soon," she whispered, opening her ice-blue eyes, "it shall be time to cast the second phase of the spell. Then, Aquitar's fate is eternally sealed! I think I'll approach Phaemon once again, just in case he has the Tympanus Sword for me. That'll make it much easier than if I have to go find it myself. That is only a last resort."

Suddenly, the entire ship began to quake violently. Divatox fell off her bed, and landed unceremonially on the carpetted floor. She scowled angrily and sat up, flinging her long ponytail out of her face.

"ELGAR!!!!" she roared furiously, rising to her feet. Moments later, the navigator appeared at her chamber door.

"You roared, Auntie D?"

"What's going on?" she asked, straightening her velvet cape.

"Four zords have flown through the Aquitian atmosphere, and are attacking us. The first volley damaged the ship's wings."

"The Aquitian Rangers just don't know when to quit, eh?" she said with a wicked smile, "Well, I'll show them not to mess with the Queen of the Galaxy!"

Divatox stormed out of her room, with Elgar at her heels. She marched right onto the bridge of the ship, and stood with her hands on her hips in front of her chair.

"Damage report!" she bellowed. Rygog cringed, and then read off the screen.

"Um, left wing inoperational," he said, "but right wing has sustained minimal damage."

"Fire the acid torpedos!"

Rygog nodded, and looked down at the weapons console. There were four colored buttons -- red, blue, yellow and green. The red button sent out the torpedos that magically made creatures grow. The blue button launched explosive torpedos. The yellow button launched the new experimental drill torpedo. Finally, the green button launched acid torpedos.

"Firing torpedos!" Rygog called, launching two torpedos. They both converged, and flew at the White Borg at blinding speeds. Delphine managed to destroy one torpedo with her sword, but the other struck the zord in the stomach.

"Rangers!" Delphine cried hysterically, "The acid is eating its way through my Borg's outer hull!"

Chapter Fifteen

Inside the undersea city Triton, Cestria gasps in horror as the White Borg is half coated with a glowing green substance. It was plain to see the Borg was damaged seriously. Suddenly, a flash of blue light heralds the arrival of Cestro, the Blue Aquitian Ranger.

"What is the matter?" asked Cestria, turning to face her cousin.

"I was sent back because of a malfunction in the Blue Borg," Cestro explained, removing his helmet, "I piloted it back to the hangar, and did a thorough diagnostic. The water supply within the Borg has been nearly completely depleted!"

"Of course!" said Cestria, "All five Battle Borgs are powered by an element-- water, fire, wind, earth, and light. Each Borg converts these elements into raw energy, which is used to operate all the Borg's functions. In your case, the depletion of water means that even the water energy that runs the Blue Borg has evaporated. Is it competely inoperable?"

"Negative. However, the energy readings continue to recede at an alarming rate. It would be extremely dangerous to use the Borg in battle, because it is impossible to predict how long it can last."

Cestro walked to Cestria's side, and glanced at the computer screen showing the planet's condition.

"The water supply still decreases," he muttered.

"Yes, but I discovered something interesting," Cestria began, "The water takes the form of clouds, but for some reason, the clouds do not reach a maximum amount of water, and burst. However, the clouds do not disappear, or in any way leave the planet's atmosphere. If we can discover a way to force the clouds to rain, Aquitar is saved!"

"It is most difficult to fight magic with science," Cestro said, rubbing his chin in thought, "mostly because magic breaks all the laws of science. Aquitar is a planet of scientific achievement, not witchcraft. The only magical power here is that of the Power Rangers."

"As well as the Sword of Tympanus," Cestria added.

"Do you think it can reverse the spell Divatox cast?"

"I do not know, but it is a creation meant for healing. Perhaps it is within its power to negate evil magic, and heal on a greater level."

"Have you heard anything from William?" Cestro asked.

"Not yet," Cestria sighed.

"Very well," said Cestro, snapping his helmet back on, "I shall make sure the Prince is safe. You monitor the battle, as well as see keep an ear out for William and the Earth Rangers. Once I have determined Phaemon is safe, I shall return, and together we can study the spell Divatox cast. Perhaps we can find a scientific means of breaking her enchantment."

Cestria nodded and watched as her cousin ran out of the laboratory, to check on the monarch. Cestria then turned back to the screen, and watched the battle taking place above.

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