» Juvenile Fiction » Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗

Book online «Power Rangers Zeo - Venusian Encounters, Heather Ray [e reader pdf best .txt] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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lighting up from the submarine, streaking dangerously close to the helpless red zord.

"Oh no! Divatox is planning to pick off Tommy while he's down! And he can't maneuvre, or fight back!"

^Katherine, Tanya, Rocky, do you read me?^

came a voice over Kat's communicator.


^Guys, Tommy's communications are down, and I'm willing to bet so is every other zord function -- including life support. We gotta get him out of harm's way.^


said Rocky's voice through the intercom, ^Tanya, Adam, and I can draw Diva's fire from Tommy, while Kat contacts the Aquitians to see if they can somehow teleport the zord to their hangar.^

"Good idea," said Katherine, "I'm on it."

Kat watched in her screen as the Blue, Green, and Yellow Super Zeozords flew into action, firing upon the bronze space sub as well as dodging the lasers that spat at them. Then, she activated her communicator again, and sent a message to Aquitar. Delphine's image appeared on the viewer.

"Delphine, we've got trouble up here," Kat said.

^We know,^

Delphine said, ^We saw the fight via satellite signal. Is Tommy alright?^

"I don't know, but he's not answering our signals. I don't think he can, and his zord is seriously damaged. He's no good in this fight."

^I shall teleport him here immediately,^

said Delphine.

"Thanks. Pink Ranger out."

Kat turned off her communicator, and watched in her screen as Super Zeozord V vanished in a flash of bright red light. Satisfied that Tommy was out of harm's way, she activated her thrusters to join the fray.

Chapter Twenty-Six

The streets of Angel Grove are in chaos. Hundreds of terrified citizens run for their lives as armies of Finster's Putties, enhanced by a dose of Super Putty, march through the downtown area, destroying everything in their path. The Tenga Warriors fly overhead, knocking over telephone poles, traffic lights, and street lights. In the center of the maylay stand Rito Revolto, Goldar, and Scorpina, directing the hordes of magical monsters.

"Remember!" growled Goldar, "Tear everything apart!"

"This is too easy," said Rito, "Nobody's fighting back."

"There is no one _to_ fight back!" said Scorpina, "The police department has never had to confront magical creatures. Their weapons are completely ineffective. And humans are easily frightened. They don't stand a chance, and with the Power Rangers gone, there is no one to come to their aid."

"I beg to differ!" called a commanding voice from above. The three villains looked overhead, and saw five women atop a building. They all leapt down from the building, in order of lavender, turquoise, orange, gold, and pink. The woman in pink descended slower, because her long, silken cape caught the air, causing her to glide down. She landed in front of the four other warriors, who stood with their hands on their hips. Goldar scowled.

"So, if it isn't Little Kimberly and her fan club," he chuckled, gripping his large gold broad sword. Scorpina's eyes flashed as she surveyed the team of her fellow Venusians. She recognized the lavender one as Jezebel, a young guard at the palace while Syren reigned. The turquoise one was Sophia, one of the rebels who remained imprisoned in the dungeons for being loyal to Queen Naya, even after her death. The one in orange was obviously Renee Ryan, Kimberly's friend from Florida, and the daughter of the enchantress Leila, who died at Scorpina's own hand. A small grin crossed her face as her onyx eyes locked with the blue ones of the woman dressed in gold armor. It was Dalal, Syren's right-hand warrior and enchantress. Scorpina knew where Dalal's loyalties truly lay. After all, centuries of loyal service to the forces of evil can't be simply disregarded.

"Okay," whispered Kimberly, "I'll take Goldar. He's the strongest, and I've fought him before. Sophia, you fight Rito. He's an idiot, and shouldn't be too tough to take on. Renee--"

"Scorpina's mine," Renee said, her teeth clenched tightly.

"Are you sure?" asked Kimberly, "Scorpina is one of the most powerful Venusian warriors ever!"

"And she killed my mother!" Renee barked, "Its payback time!"

"Fine," said Kimberly, "just keep your head on. Dalal, you take on the Tengas, and Jezebel, you keep those Putties busy. Everyone, keep the rest of the team in the corner of your eye. Someone may need some help."

"Then let's do it!" said Renee, leaping into the air. Scorpina smiled when she saw the girl flip in her direction. She leapt back, so Renee landed about a yard in front of her. Scorpina unsheathed her Stinger sword, and in reply, Renee's hands wavered, and her nails became razor sharp claws. Tiger claws.

"Let's see what you can do, Tiger," said Scorpina.

"You'll pay for what you did to my mother!" Renee cried, slicing at Scorpina. Scorpina ducked quickly, and swung her blade at Renee. Renee stepped back, and then pointed her claws at Scorpina. Orange bolts of energy flew from her fingertips, and Scorpina deflected them with her sword. Renee snarled angrily, the spirit of the Tiger taking over her senses. She let the ferocity reign, and growled as she lept at Scorpina. She struck the surprised warrior in the stomach, knocking both warriors to the ground.

Meanwhile, Kimberly stood her ground as Goldar circled her, chuckling. "You know, Kimberly," he said, "it wasn't all that long ago when the very sight of me terrified you. Even in your Pink Ranger armor, you knew you weren't safe from me. You weren't a match for me."

"Things have changed," Kimberly said coolly, "and most of all, I've changed. I've grown up, and you've gone downhill. You're not such a big deal anymore."

Goldar growled at the insult, and leapt at the Pink Ninjetti at an incredible speed. Kimberly managed to leap out of the way, and watched Goldar land on his feet in a squatting position. He growled again, and raised his sword. Kimberly was unarmed, but she deflected the weapon with her silver armbands, which encased her forearms. She then delivered a powerful front kick, hitting Goldar in the stomach. To his surprise, she actually hurt him, since her Ninjetti power enhances her already immense Venusian strength. His red eyes flashed with anger as he released a terrifying roar, causing Kimberly to cringe. She gasped as the golden plated monster charged at her again, clamping down on her arm with his fangs. Fortunately, he bit her armband, and Kimberly's own eyes flashed -- with pink light. She transformed into the shape of a pink crane, and scratched Goldar's snout with her own claws. He snarled, and spread his wings, chasing Kimberly into the sky.

On the ground, Dalal fired small spheres of golden energy into the flock of Tenga Warriors, reducing them to piles of feathers one by one. She noticed how Scorpina and Renee were fighting ferally, with both of them bleeding from scratch wounds. Jezebel was tearing through the huge army of Putties in her animal form, trampling them with her mighty Horse hooves. Sophia was facing off against Rito, easily dodging his clumsy sword strokes, and delivering her own attacks while he was off balance. In the skies, Kimberly was still in the form of a crane, and Goldar was on her tail, flapping his wings madly to keep up with her. Dalal smiled, and waved at the Queen. Kimberly noticed Dalal, and saw the flock of Tengas, just ahead of her. She picked up speed, flying right for the closely packed birds dodging Dalal's spheres of energy. Goldar had to fly at his fastest speed to catch up. Suddenly, just feet in front of the massive cluster of Tengas, Kimberly vanished in a flash of pink light. But Goldar didn't have the power of teleportation. He flew directly into the swarm of Tengas, colliding with a good number of them before they all fell to the ground in a heap. Kimberly appeared beside Dalal, back in her human form. She smiled, and gave Dalal a high five.

Chapter Twenty-Seven

On the moon, Lord Zedd and Rita Repulsa watch the fight from the palace. Rita rolls her eyes impatiently.

"I don't believe this," she barks, "Your oh-so-mighty team of Putties and Tengas are falling like flies! And of course Goldar is getting his butt whipped by Kimberly!"

"Oh shut up, woman!" roared Zedd, "Its not like your brother is faring any better. He probably couldn't hit the broad side of an asteroid! And Scorpina is just barely managing to hold back that Orange Ninjetti."

"Well, Scorpina's your soldier, not mine," Rita snapped. Zedd held out his palm, and a silver sphere appeared.

"Its time to raise the stakes," he said, "Kimberly and her Venusians may be as formidible as the Zeo Rangers in hand-to-hand battle, but they don't have a squad of Zords to use. Once Goldar, Rito, and Scorpina are fully grown, they'll trample Angel Grove, and the Venusians, into dust!!"

Zedd threw the enlarging sphere down to Earth. It flew purposefully through the atmosphere, and landed in the open palm of Goldar, who had just risen to his feet, and was still a little dizzy from his run in with the Tengas. He smiled when he saw the sphere.

"Rito! Scorpina!" he roared. His two allies both managed to escape their opponents, and stood on opposite sides of Goldar. The Guardians also regrouped, and stood facing their enemies.

"Now its time to end this," said Goldar, detonating the grenade. In a bright flash of light, accompanied by a thick cloud of gray smoke, Goldar, Rito, and Scorpina grew to monster size. Also, Scorpina transformed into her animal form, becoming a vicious, venomous scorpion monster. The five Guardians were knocked back by the energy release. Renee brushed herself off, and looked up at the villains.

"Uh oh," she said, "We're in trouble!"

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