» Juvenile Fiction » Tough Day's, L.S.M [phonics reading books .TXT] 📗

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the microwave and went back to my mom who sitting on the couch TRYING to calm herself down.
I sat down next to and started patting her back
“Mom relax I was only sleeping I was having a dream that was hard to wake up to”
“”I know it’s just that you mean everything to me I can’t bear to lose you” she said in a whimpered tone
“Mom you have no reason to worry that I can get hurt”
“I know I don’t it’s just….
Your father died in a fire while I was pregnant with you. He had fallen asleep smocking cigerate it caught on to the paper he was reading. Ever since then before I had you I swore never to let that happen so when I saw you asleep I thought about the fire and it scared me” reaching for a tissue she blew
her nose and started to cry.
For a second I felt like crying I wanted to curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out my mom has never talked about my dad before it hurt me a lot.
“Mom how come you never told me about dad before?”
“I thought you might have thought it was his fault and get mad at him or even me and I thought it was the best thing for you please honey don’t blame him I’m so sorry”
I heard the microwave beep so I got up put a tray out in front of my mom and went to go get the meals out of the microwave. When I came back to give mom her dinner she wasn’t sitting on the couch where I had left her so I went into her room there she was on her bed looking threw an old box of pictures. She had one picture in one hand and the other hand was covering her heart. Apparently the pictures were of my dad.
“Mom dinner is ready if you want it it’s on the tray in the living room” mom didn’t answer she was too busy thinking so I decided not to bother her so I left and went across to my room.
I fell on to the bed and fell into deep sleep almost immediately

I woke to a sound of something hitting my window I looked over at my clock it was almost 3 in the morning. I thought the noise was just a branch from the wind hitting my window.
So I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep.
Then I heard it again this time with a voice.
“Alice wake up and let me in”
I got out of bed turned on my desk lamp and looked out the window.
There waiting outside the window was Sam.
I slowly opened my window and helped Sam crawl inside.
“What are you doing here?” I whispered as I shut the door to my room.
“You know how you said that Drake was talking to you because Amber told him to?”
Sam must be nuts because she could have told me this on Saturday or even on Monday before school.
“Yes and I don’t understand why this couldn’t have waited till school”
“I know but Amber’s fixing to revive it and make it looked like you freaked out when you saw Drake!” Sam looked like she was happy that she knew about this
How did she know about this?
“Sam how did you find out about this?” I asked her uneasily.
“Oh um I heard her talking to her friends on the phone about what she was going to do”
Sam started making her way back out the window
“Sam, couldn’t this have waited?” I asked walking up to the window she was already halfway through my lawn getting ready to leave.
“Nope because I also herd from Drake himself that he was going to ask you out”
And with that she turned and ran the direction of her street.
As I closed the window behind her I could not believe the last thing she had said.
Drake was going to ask me out! I’m so happy but first I have to take care of this Amber thing first.
The one thing about this whole thing that I don’t get why would Drake tell Sam that he was going to ask me out that has no sense but that will have to wait for right now I talk to Sam fix the thing with Amber tomorrow.

I woke up in the morning to silence nothing but silence I got up showered and put on jeans and tee-shirt.
We live in Florida the weather is mostly hot.
Then I went into my mom’s room to see if she was awake.
But she wasn’t there. So I went into the kitchen and she wasn’t there either. I looked in the garage everywhere but she was nowhere to be found.
Then I relized that her car wasn’t in the car she must have left to go to the store she does that every Saturday.
Now all I know about Amber’s house is that she lives somewhere near my street so when I left the house to go in search for Amber’s I coulsd easily tell which street she lives on.
Rose street.
She lives on Rose street the richest street in the state of Florida.
Now if that part was easy the hard part is finding her exact house maybe I could wait to see if she would come outside to get the mail.
That’s ridicules she probably has a maid get the mail for them. But who would have thought that at 10:30 Mr. States the guy and Amber’s father who own Trace High School would come out and get the paper.
When I saw him I ran down to his part of the street and walked up to him like I was one of Amber’s old friends.
“Hi I Mr. States it’s so good to see you” I said to him in a polite way.
Mr. States looked old and tired he had his gray and white hair and his gray rope on with his gray house shoes. He was a bleak person.
“Why is it Alice how are you?” he had the paper in one hand and was shaking mine in the other.
“I’m great I just wanted to say hi to Amber mind if you can tell her I’m here and send her outside?
He nodded and told me to wait out in the yard.
Amber’s house was big and it was red brick her patio out front had bushes and shrubs and one palm tree in the front.
Then I herd the grand white door slam I turned around to see Amber in a white silk blouse with desiner jeans and white high heeled boots.
“And would you care to explain why the hell you’re at the front of my house?’
She pursed her plump lips and waited for me to answer.
“Amber I know we don’t get along that well but do you really think that posting that video is necessary?”
I turned to her to look her straight in the eye.
Then she caved.
“Look, we don’t get along and that’s just how it’s supposed to work ok so if I were you I would just get out of my yard walk your little sorry and poor but to where it came from!” she smirked her evil smile went back inside and slamed the door.
I had no idea it could go that bad.
As I walked home I rembered that I needed to go see Sam to ask her about wy Drake told her About him asking me out.
I decided that could wait till Monday I wanted to see if Drake would still like Amber after he found out that she’s messin with the video.

When I got home mom was still not there.
Strange, so I went to my room pulled out a book and read until I heard the garage door open.
I opened the door that lead to the garage to find my mother trying to get out of her car and unbuckle the seat belt. My mom had been drinking. She said she would stop last year and hadn’t had a whiff of alcohol since. Now she’s starting all over again.
I helped her out of the car and into the kitchen sat her down and got her a glass of water.
When she finished that I lead her to the bedroom to let her sober up.
Gosh how could she do this to me she knows how much I want her to stop but drinking out of no where? Something is going on something I don’t even want to know about. And I left it at that.

When Monday came around it was just a blur of the weekend. Mom slept all night the day she came home drunk. When she woke up the next morning she was real sick it was unusual for a hangover but she said it was for her. I awoke on Monday morning to find my mom lying in her bed crying I went to lay down next to her she told me she was okay but to just get ready for school so I did I left the house with my mother still in bed crying. When I walked down to the end of my street Sam was already waiting for me.
“Hi” I said right after I said it Sam had known right away that something was up.
“Ok tell me what is going on?”
I told her, I told her everything about visiting with Amber to my mom getting drunk to the hangover.
Just then I relized I had wanted to talk to Sam about the Drake thing.
As we walked down to the bus stop at the end of Sam’s street I asked her.
“Sam how come Drake told you he was going to ask me out?”
As I said this I could see a smile coming on to her lips.
“Alice were you worrying about this the whole weekend?”
Actually no I hadn’t I was so busy trying to help my mom that it had escaped from my mind.
“No I was just wondering”
“Well picky, picky Alice he was asking me for advice on where he thought you might like to go”
That was it I thought it was something like more guess not we didn’t say anything till we got to school.

When we got their I saw drake in the hallway waiting for me at my locker.
“Hi” I said and started turning my lock to undo the code.
“So how was your weekend?”
He turned and he was so close to me. I wanted to throw my arms around him and kiss him on those plump lips.
I turned and we were even closer than before.
“It was really um weird” I said and I could feel his breathing on my face.
Then he slowly put his arm around me we were so close now his lips were almost touching mine.
My eyes wondered down to his cute grey and red tee and his almost like skateboard shorts with the plaid designee and his Rhino shoes.
“Look at me please”
I looked up to his eyes found them wondering all over my face.
“Ever since I saw you 2 years ago in high school, I wanted you I needed you, I forgot about Amber but when she told me to go and talk to you last Friday I was scared out of my wits and now I’m here face to face with you”
Then he slowly but stilly moved his lips closer and closer to mine, until finally our lips met and we were kissing in
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