» Juvenile Fiction » Tough Day's, L.S.M [phonics reading books .TXT] 📗

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Alice Coffman did not expect for the hostess guy to talk to her in school. When she shut the door of her locker and turned left, the direction of her history class she was stunned by the guy who was their waiting for her to shut the door of her locker.
“Hi” he said, his name was Drake Goldman almost the same name as me.
“Hi” I said back. “What are you doing here don’t you have um science class to go to. I knew his whole schedule. He shook his blond hair and blinked his ocean blue eyes he was everything to me I evolved around him. “Well cant a nice guy like me come and visit a pretty girl like yourself” he said. He was talking to me actually talking to me I was getting dizzy and my head was spinning my heart was pounding so loud I wondered if he could hear it. “You think I’m pretty?” I asked looking down at my shoes.
Wait hold up hold up we have been going to school with each other since 1st grade it was weird how he just now noticed me. “Um Drake, we’ve been going to school together for a long time and why are you just now talking to me?” He looked shocked like he was surprised probably because that was the most I have said to him so far. “well I guess I was caught by the mastermind, look Amber States wanted me to talk to You to see if you would freak or stay calm and collected She has a video camera recording this sorry” he said in a low voice I told him it was okay and he turned and walked away so my first true love moment had come and gone in about 3 minutes. I turned to the right and ran to the girls restroom in there was Amber States herself. I guess she figured out that I would run to the girls bathroom the first chance I got. The bell rang I guess I’m skipping class.
“Well if it is the old Alice Coffman”
I stopped right in my tracks.
“Where are you going?” said Amber in a snooty tone.
“You’re not the boss of me Amber”
“I am older than you”
“By one year just because your 18 does not make you the boss of everyone in the school.”
She casually walked over and stared at me. Amber had blue eyes and dirty blonde hair compared to my dark black hair in a ponytail and dark brown eyes a too small of a nose and small lips she was the queen of Iceland I was the slave.
“It does if my daddy owns the place and guess what he does” she turned toward the mirror and put on more unnesary lip gloss she had enough on as it stands.
“and I’m friends with everyone except people like you and I’m dating Drake you could call him the jock and me the future prom queen and you better vote for me” then she turned on Gucci pink high heeled shoes and walked away.
Proms ha like I’m going to that. Wait a sec. PROM! I totally forgot that’s a senior’s most favorite thing of the year how could I not go. Oh yeah you have to have a date as if I would ever get one.
I walked out of the bathroom and into the deserted halls of the school trace high school. I heard a locker door slam on the other side of the hall it was Sam my best and only friend. She had dark curly brown hair and crystal green eyes. She was holding a hall pass in one hand and a science text book in the other I walked up to her.
“Hi i thought you were in history not science this period?”
“I am Mr. Hayward gave me a pass to come get a book so if I had spare time I could study for the history test” she was always studying.
“Besides I thought you were in history class too?”
I told Sam about the whole Drake thing and meeting Amber in the bathroom she wasn’t all that stuned just a little freaked that she would even talk to me.
“Well what do you think this was all about?” I asked her walking her to class.
“Honestly Alice if I were you I wouldn’t make a big deal out of this just vote for her at prom so she won’t pick on us anymore”
“wait and let her win and be the queen no way she doesn’t deserve that and she needs to be nicer to people not just you and me but if she won as prom queen that would just wreck the whole thing” after I finished I took a breath and stopped in the hallway there was no point in going on.
“What is this thing you’re talking about sure she gets prom queen so what? Don’t let her get to you. And besides I thought you weren’t even going maybe we can go together as friends does that sound good?” Sam was almost too her class so I told her yes that was fine if we could go together. When Sam had left I turned around and went to my locker to get my books for next period, English.

When I got to Ms. Raves English I saw Drake and Amber there before me and before the teacher arrived making out. How much I wish that I could be the girl kissing Drake’s wonderful and perfect lips.
All of a sudden Drake looked up and saw me in the doorway starring at them.
“Well it’s the mastermind” he then stood up and pushed Amber off of him and walked toward me. I can’t believe it he stopped kissing Amber to come to me it was the sweetest and coolest thing that has happened.
“Hi, Drake”
“Hi” he was now write in front of me his face inches away from mine.
“Drake, honey come over here we only have a few minutes left to cuddle”
When I saw drakes face it hurt me a lot he looked devastated like he wanted to stay there 1 inch from my mouth. Why did Amber States have to ruin it all? Drake turned away from me and walked back to Amber kissed her on the cheek grabbed his stuff and went to his seat right when Ms. Raves walked in. After that all of the other kids streamed in and sat down getting ready for the class to start

When the bell rang signing that it was the end of the day I was as happy as could be but when Amber and her followers came up to my locker and sneered at me the day got worse
“Um can I help you?’’ I asked.
“Ha ha very funny what is going on with you and Drake?”
She must be demented she thought something was going on between me and him no way.
“Um nothing Amber do you really think he might have a thing for me cause if you do you are so wrong”
“Whatever your hiding I will find out so you might want to watch your back instead of making up stupid little lies okay” she smirked turned and walked away.

No one was home when I got home so I was by myself when the doorbell rang. I got up of the couch put down my laptop and walked to get the door. My house was a very untidy and small place I hate it. When you first walk in theirs a little hallway that leads to the living room witch has a small couch and TV in the middle that it. Then there’s the kitchen with cupboards for the pantry. MY room leads off of the living room it has a small bed with a desk and chair and window. Write across from my room was my mom’s room it was just a bed and a TV and that room led off to the bathroom.
I never had a dad I guess my parents split up before I was born
When I opened the door to my small house ready to say sorry I don’t want to buy anything I was most shocked when I saw it was Drake.
“Hi Drake what are you doing at my house?”
“Hi I wanted to say sorry about the thing with Amber today”
“It’s ok you could had told me that at school you know that right?”
I was trying to stay calm as possible because it was a miracle that Drake Goldman came to my house to say sorry.
“Yea, Yea I think I just might have wanted to see you. Mastermind at work?” apparently he was asking if I was doing my homework. No because I already did it
“No just sitting working on my laptop…
Hey do you want to come inside for some water?”
He shook his head told me he would see me at school on Monday and left.
It wasn’t until I saw him leave that I noticed he had arrived with Amber in her cherry red corvette, lucky girl. I had a car but mine was a black BMW that was in the shop. I liked it okay just I wanted a fancier car. Is that a problem?
I went back inside got on my laptop and eventually I fell asleep

Into the deepest dream
I was running, running away from Amber who had gone after me saying she knows about me and Drake.
We were in the school hallways I was running away from amber and toward Drake.
I ran to him.
He had his arms out waiting for me to come into them.
I ran to him but when I got to him I fell through him like I was a ghost.
Drake started calling someone’s name but it wasn’t mine he was calling Amber.
“Amber come toward me” he shouted.
Amber ran up to him and hugged him. But over his shoulder she smiled at me. Taunting me that she had won Drakes heart.
“Alice?” the name interrupted my dream I could see Drake and Amber walking away and leaving me on the hallways ground
“Alice!” I heard the name more frantic this time.
“Alice wake up! Alice come back darling! Wake up…..

I woke up to someone shaking my shoulders.
For a second I couldn’t see, my vision was blurry
But when I came to I could tell it was my mom she was leaning over me on the couch shaking me telling me to wake up.
“Mom I’m awake” I said pushing her off of my shoulders
“Honey you scared me half to death because you wouldn’t answer the first time I thought you had passed out or were hurt” she said sitting down on the couch next to me.
“Well now that you know I’m save I’m going to fix dinner ok? And you’re going to stay here calming yourself down.” I got up of the couch and went into the small kitchen got some frozen meals out of the freezer. We’re not eating well tonight exspesualy after what my mom just went through.
I put the meals in

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