» Juvenile Fiction » Last Things First, Emily M & Cassandra F [best book reader .TXT] 📗

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it to be a surprize.
"The flower shop called, the manager asked if I could start monday."
"Well that's good."
"Okay I'm guna come out and say it. Why don't we keep our baby? It won't be easy, but we can do it. We can work it out so you can finish your school, go to college. We can make it work." I think I surprized her, but then again, maybe not. She had a relieved look on her face.
I'm cnfused Chrisily. Did you want to give the baby up for adoption, or keep the baby?"
"I said all of those things, because I wanted to know what you would say about the whole thing." I must of looked confused 'cause she started to explain further.
"James, I said I wanted to do adoption, to see how you'd react. I don't want to give her or him up for adoption."
"Oh. What do you want, like Girl or Boy? I kind of want a boy myself." She smiled and let out a small laugh.
I want a girl. Well as long as it's healthy, I don't really care."
"True. What do you want for desert?"
"I'm pregnant, I'm not dying. I don't usually have desert when we go out."
"Well tonight special isn't it? We're discussing our future. Our family's future." The last three words made a smile come across her face.
"I'll have some if you have some."
"I'm thinking chocolate cake?" She nodded.
* * *
"Okay, I got clohes. Can we go now?"
"Okay. Did something happen in there? You're upset."
"Nothing." Okay, wrd. The rest of the ride was silent. We went to my room.
"What do you want to do now?" She fell on her back onto my bed. She looked so peacefull. She was out cold. Guess that answers that. I lied down beside her, and wrapped my arms around her stumcahe and closed my eyes.

3. Chrisily
"Babe?" I paused. What's taking him so long?
"Jaes, we're guna be late."
"No we're not." He took my hand and turned me around so I'd be facin him. He kissed me on the forehead then opened the door for me. I smiled. He returned the guesture. I don't know what it was about it, but it alwaysade me melt when he smiled. I hope our baby has his smile. He locked his parents in the house and walked with me to the car. He opened my door for me. As we drove away, my stumache turned. A part of me was still wishing that they had made a mistake on my results from the test.
* * *
"I have to tell you about this dream I had last night, Chrisily. It was soo weird."
I turned to face him and squeezed his hand harder. The lights of the waiting room were blinding me.
"You were pregnant."
"Wow" I could hear the sarcasim in my voice.
"That;s not it!" He smiled - and I tried to keep myself together.
"You...gave birth. They were healthy and so beautiful..."
"THEY?" I wasn't sure if I heard him right. They? 'They' was only used when you're talking about more than one person.
"Well...we had twins" My eyes popped, just as the secratery came and lead us to the ultrasound room. We entered a medium sized room. There was two screens on stands and a chair that looked a like a reclined dentist chair. A young women in her late twenties was in the room playing with the equipment.
"Hello Chrisily and James." She smiled and held out her hand for us to shake it.
"Hello." I gave her a smile back. James waved.
"Alright, so I'm going to have you lay down here hun, and pull your shirt up exposing your stumache alright?" I did as in instructed. I breathed in deeply then exhaled. James squeezed my hand.
"If you look at the screen there, you'll see your baby. There's his or her's head." She pointed at a weird orange-brown circle.
"Is this it's foot?" James pointed at another orange-brown circle on the opposite side of the screen. His question and tone brouht laughter to me.
"No. Not exactly."
"Then what part is that?"
"A head."
"But you said this was the head" He pointed to the left side of the screen.
"Yes, but so is this circle." She pointed the right side of the screen.
"Twins?" I could hea the own confusment in my voice.
"Yes, it's twins. Congradulations." She sounded happy for us. I could feel James getting iratated.
"Did you hear us taling in the waiting room?" The woman looked like she was affended by the question.
"Pardon? I'm not following you hear.."
"In the waiting room. I told Chrisily that I had a dream last night about us having twins!"
"No. I did not. I was in here getting ready for this appointment."
"Sorry." He sounded sincere.
"I understand. Twins is hard enough to deal with but at your age, it will be difficult." She wasn't judging us, but trying to help us.
"Well, umm, when will we able to know the genders?"
"Maybe at your next appontment. Which will be on May 3rd at 2:45 pm."
"Okay. Thanks for you time." I got up and James had a damp cloth and wiped my stumache to get the gell off.
"Thanks." He nodded and smiled. We walked to the car.
"We have to tell our parents today."
"I know."
"I know you don't want to, but we can't keep it from them. They'll know when you start showing."
"But today though?" I really didn't want to tell them.
"Chrisily. They'll start catching on if you keep avoiding them. Plus you really shouldn't stay at my house much longer."
"Why not?" Is he dumping me?! He looked at me. I guess he heard the 'hurt' in my tone.
"My parents get high every day. I don't want you breathing that in, or the baby-babies. You guys need clean air not dirty air."
"Oh. Sorry. I forgot."
"It's okay." He looked back at the road. I fiddiled with my shirt , there was still a few centermeters of my stumache showing.
"I'm guna call my parents and tell them to meet us at A&W. Can you do the same?"
"I allready told mine. I told them to not bother coming if they were high too."
"What time should I ask them to be there at?"
"I told mine 2:00pm."
James and I told our parents to grab a table,andthat we'd order/ I carried mine and James' food and drinks, while he carried our parents orders. We started handing out everyone their burger.
"Hun, I asked for a papa burger." My dad was trying to make a joke. But after he said that, he looked at our burger packages and everyone elses. He was the first one to catch on. He sighed.
"I see. How far are you along?"
"About two and half months. I'm sorry dad. We didn't mean for this to happen." I could feel warm tears going down my cheeks. My mom caught on but chose to deny it.
"Haha! Good one guys!"
"What?" My dad, James and I all said tht at the same time.
"It's april fools day hun. They're pranking us! I must say it's a good one."
"Mrs.Duncan, we're not kidding about this. We have four pregnancy tests, doctor appointments and a sonogram from the ultrasound from earlier today." I took the sonogram out of my pocket and handed it to my dad. James' mom was glaring at me. She spoke.
"You're a slut that is ruining my son's life." I actually expected that. She never seemed to like me. She spoke to James now.
"James, I told you to stay away from her, but you chose to ignore my advice. Now look." My parents and I looked at her. My dad started to defend me, then James cut in.
"Don't talk to Chrisily like that!" James was becomin red in the face.
"James I forgive you. You're welcome to stay, but tat peice of knocked up trash isn't allowed to set a foot on my property." She gave me another death stare.
You know what? Chrisily shouldn't be at our house anyway!"
"There's my boy!" She smiled at him. What a B.I.T.C.H.
"She shouldn't be there from now on, because what you do will harm her and the babies! You guys get high everyday! She can't,and won't breathe that in while pregnant.Neither will the babies. You won't see, or hear your own grandchildren because you're a threat to their health!" My parents, James and I stood up and walked away. James took my hand. I wanted to tun around and stick my tounge out at his mom but we kept walking untill we got to the parking lot.
"Can the two of you stay at our home during the pregnancy? I agree with James. I don't want you or the baby breathing that in." I love how my dad never judges me. Even though this is the first time I've given him reason to be disapointed.
"Dad. It's babies. We're having twins."
"Oh. Alright."
"Were you asking me to move in during the pregnancy?" James was a little shocked the my dad had suggested that.
"es. We are. Chrisily is going to need your support. She has room for you things in her room. I can help you move your things in, if you'd like."
"Are you sure?" Still shocked.
"I mean, I thought you would of hated me now for getting Chrisily pregnant..."
"I don't hate you. It was a stupid choice on both your haves but, it's no reason to hate you."
"Okay. Would you mind if we moved the things out before my parents get home?"
"Yeah, we'll meet you there no if you'd like?"
"Alriht." My dad and mom walked off to their car. James opened the passanger door for me. I smiled and got in. I looked into the A&W window, and I saw James' mom give me th mddle finger. Whatever. We listened to the radio on the way to James' house. My favourite song came on. James turned it up for me. I didn't even have to ask. I love how he knows. We got to his house before my parents did. James reversed his car into the driveway. He parked and took the keys out of the ignition.
"Ummm, I don't wan you doing much lifting okay? I'll hand you things that are light alright?" Wow. I'm only two months but it's nice to see that he cares soo much. I smiled and nodded. We walked up to the front door and he unlocked the house. We went to his room. He tol me to wait in his room while he opened the garage door since his room was near the door that led to the garage. He came bck in.
This way, you don't inhale as much toxins, and it will be faster moving stuff into the cars."
"Oh, alright. What do you want me to carry" He hesitated before handing me his pillow. I looked at him and raised my eyebrow.
"OWW! This is SOO HEAVY! Why the pillow?" I made him laugh with my bad acting. I brought it to his car, and came back for more things to carry. This time he handed me a shoebox. I gave it a gentil shake and I heard items move around. I went through the garage and when I got to
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