» Juvenile Fiction » Last Things First, Emily M & Cassandra F [best book reader .TXT] 📗

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the car, I opened it up. It had everything I'd given him from our first year of friendship. It also had things I've given him over the two years of our dating relationship. He had a picture of us kissing, a picture of me looking off to the side, a note that given him when we had our first fight. Everything, He still had everything. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms arond my stumache. He was looking over my shoulder.
"Surprized that I kept everything?"
"Actually?..Yeah." I put the lid back on and set the box down on the front passenger's chair. My parents pulled up. And as they got out of the car, James' parents pulled up. His mom was glaring at me. James led me and my parents to his room through the garage. His mom stood in his bedroom doorway. James said he didn't want to bring anything else. We made our way to the cars. His mom followed us to the cars. She stood in the driveway as we drove away.
It's weird. Having James' stuff in my-our room. I like it, but I'm going to have to get use to it.
"So, it's official. We're living together." James was sitting on the bed cross legged.
"Ummm, I guess.." He laughed.
"How are you going to tell your friends? I mean you are going to tell them right?" He looked at me.
"I'm deffinitly going to tell Kenzie, and Christine. Maybe Shanon. I don't know about Taylor though. You know how she is about you. She's a..." James raised an eyebrow.
"Sorry. She gets to me."
"I can see and hear that. It's okay she'll never come between us, so stop hating."
"I don't hate her. I just hate how she trys to throw herself all over you when she sees you."
"What? Like this?" James walked over to me, picked me up and kissed me. He finaly stopped kissing me when I ran out of breath. His kisses always made my stomach fill up with butterflies.
"How are you going to tell them?" He was playing with my hair.
"I was thinking of putting the sonogram picture in my locker, they'll notice it right away."
"Oh. That's original."
I was walking down the stairs with James when it hit me. The smell of baccon. I ran to the washroom and began throwing up. I hated morning sickness. James was holding my hair up. Wen I got up I et over to the sink and brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth with mouth wash. James was rubbing my back.
"Are you alright babe?"
"No, I'm 16 years old nd 3 weeks pregnant. I'm not alright." I could see James frown a little.
"Sorry for snappig there. Hormones are wacked."
"That'salright Babe. I understand." We walked to the kitchen were my dad was eating the baccon so I wouldn't have a relapse of morning sickness. My mom still thought it was an act.
"Chrisily, can you please cut the act? I know you're not pregnant alright?" We all just looked at her. My dad broke the silence.
"Am I driving you or is James?"
"If it's okay with yourself and Chrisily, I'd like to drive her to school."
"Of course. Well I'll see you guys later. Bye." My dad walked out the door, and my mom left the kitchen.
"You ready?" I nodded.
"You sure you want to go in today?"
"Positive. Kenzie has been starting to worry cause I haven't been texting her lately and I didn't show up to class on Friday or monday." He nodded his head and opened the door for me.
"Thank you."
"Don't mention it." We walked to James' car in silence. When we got on, he turned the radio to my favourite station. The ride was short. We were pulling into the student parking lot, he found a spot and parked.
"Are you sure about this?"
"Yeah, I hve to go back now, or I'll never get back to it once the baby is here..."
"Okay, call me if anything goes wrong alright?" I'll text you when I get off for my lunch break."
"'K, that sounds good." I went to open the door but he caught my hand. I turned and looked at him.
"You have your gym note right?" I felt a grin grow across my face.
"Yes I have it. Can I go to class now?"
"Wait." I looked at him, and he leaned over and kissed my forehead.
"Now you can go." I opened the door and sarted walking to the school doors. When I got it, I went straight to my locker. Did my combo. 15, 09,12. Easiest combo in the world. Well atleast for me. I pulled out the sonogram and taped it onto the door. My gym teacher was walking by, and saw what I was putting up. She came over and talked to me.
Chrisily, if you don't mind me asking, is the sonogram yours?" She was sure to kee her voice down so no other students would notice. I reached into my sidebag and pulled out my doctors note. I handed it to her. She nodded her head.
"Alright. If you need anything or go somewhere during class, let me know. And we're doing health today in gym for the next 2 weeks, so you won't need to sit out." I smiled.
"No problem." She left, and Kenzie saw me and ran over.
"Where have you been missy?!" She trapped me in a bearhug. I laughed.
"I was at the doctors and home. Did you miss me that much?"
"Yes! And why were you at the doctors? Are you okay?" I saw her eyes go to the sonogram. Her mouth dropped. She lipped 'No way.' I nodded.
She pulled me into another bearhug.
"I'm going to be here okay? If you need anything let me know! Omg Does James know?! Did he leave you?!?!?"
"Yes he knows, no he's not leaving me. He moved in over the weekend. My parents know, my mom acts like I'm acting. James' mom hates my guts, and lastly you're the best."
"Well, it's his parents loss. Your mom will come around, It's good that he's owning up to it. And I know. Arn't I the best?" She gave me a third hug.
"So what are you doing about school? Are you going to come untill you show, or are you switching into a GED course?"
"I'm staying here. My gym teacher allready knows. I have to tell all of my other teachers though. Oh great. Here comes Shanon."
"What ever comments she says, I'll back you up. I can help you tell the other three teachers since we have every single class together." We smiled at eachother. I mouthed 'thanks.' Shanon had reached us.
"Hey hoes. What's new?"
"Not much." Kenzie and I said at the same time which made us giggle. Shanon noticed the sonogram.
"What's that? It looks kinda cool. What's it of?"
"My uterus.." I accidently made that sound bitchy, which naturaly, Shanon became a bitch back.
"You're pregnant?!" She said that so loud, everyone in the hall stopped talking and started looking at us. She did that on purpose. She was smiling. Kenzie spoke up.
"Really Shanon? Why would you spread such non-sense? Oh, is it one of your bitch days?"
"That's everyday!" A random kid threw in. Everyone began to laugh. Shanon's face grew red from anger and embarresment.
"Atleast I'm not pregers at 16."
"Your sister was." I threw that in her face. She didn't show any emotion of hurt.
"Yeah,so my sister was a stupid. You, on the otherhand.... Well we all know your reputation."
"A reputation of a hard working, intelligent, caring, sweet loving girl?" Why was James here? I turned and I saw him come up behind me and place his arms around me. He whispered in my ear.
"I knew someone would speak a little loud, so I came in to help." I whispered back.
"Thank you." Shanon spoke.
" James, why are you with her when she's clearly pregnant with another guy's child?" I swore I would of hit her, put James' grip tightened around my waste.
"No, I'm the father. She would never cheat. She's not that type of person." There was a crowd forming around us. The bell rang and everyone started clearing as soon as teachers came out and herded them into class like sheep.
"I have to go to work now. I'll see you at lunch alright babe?" With that he kissed my forehead and left. Kenzie and I entered our Science room. She came up to the teacher's desk with me while I handed our teacher a note. We took our seats. We watched as he nodded his head at the note and began todays lesson.

Text: The cover is a picture I took myself (Emily) Cassandra and one of our male friends possed. Copy writes go to us I guess. :P
Publication Date: 04-02-2011

All Rights Reserved

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