» Juvenile Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [which ebook reader TXT] 📗

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She... she wants to see me. Tonight. She says we need to talk."

"Well, what do you think?" asked Jason quietly.

"She's right," Tommy admitted, "we do need to talk. There's alot that needs to be cleared up, for both of us. If we're going to remain friends, we need to come to an understanding. But..."

"But what?"

"But, I've never had the courage to talk to her after she sent the letter. I mean, lots of times I picked up the receiver, and even dialed her phone number. But, after the first ring, I just couldn't stand it any longer. I'd rather face a million Cogs than hear Kim say she doesn't love me anymore. Or worse, that she never really did."

"So are you going to talk to her?"

"I... I have to," Tommy decided, "Its the only way I'll ever be able to move on. About two weeks ago, I had a talk with Katherine over dinner. She said that she loved me, and waited for me to say it back. I... I couldn't. It was then I realized that... I still love Kimberly. I really, really

thought I had put her behind me, and moved on. But I didn't. I latched onto Katherine just because she was wearing pink! I guess I convinced myself I could pretend it was Kimberly in the pink armor. Man, Jase, I felt so horrible when I saw Kat's face! I couldn't lie to her, and I couldn't tell her the truth."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything to her! I just sat there, like a zombie or something. She waited for like a minute for me to answer, and then, she started crying. I wanted to die, right then and there. I mean, I hurt the one person in the world who didn't deserve it. She... she told me she understood, and got up and left. I wanted to follow her, and apologize, but I couldn't move. I was so shocked by the realization that I didn't love her, I just couldn't move. I still feel awful."

"You didn't do it on purpose," Jason said, putting his hand on Tommy's shoulder, "She'll forgive you."

"She probably will," Tommy sighed, "She's such an inherently good person, she'll forgive me, no matter how badly I used her. But that's not enough to make me love her."

"When are you meeting Kimberly?" Jason asked.

"About an hour," Tommy said, glancing at his watch, "right here."

"Then, I'll see you later," Jason said, rising to his feet, "Good luck."

"Thanks, Bro."

Tommy watched as his best friend stood up and walked across the park. Once Jason was out of sight, Tommy turned back to the lake. In his mind, he remembered the day when he and Kimberly first kissed, just down the shore. He cringed as he remembered the day when he received Kim's first letter, and he came to the lake to reflect and to wallow in self pity. It's funny how the lake always is associated with Kimberly. No matter what I do, I'm drawn to the lake. Just like I was drawn to Kimberly...

Chapter Three

Take back that sad word goodbye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

"What I wouldn't give for Kimberly to come here, and take back all that she said in that letter!" Tommy sighed, lying down on the grass and staring at the clouds, "I guess I'm still counting on her taking me back. I... I know it won't happen. Kim's found someone else. Someone better for her. I mean, I should have expected this. She's way too good for me. She's just perfect, and I'm... well, I'm not. And I constantly leaned on her, burdening her with all my problems. What kind of boyfriend was I?"

Tommy sighed deeply, and watched the clouds pass over the horizon. The sky took on a pinkish shade, meaning the sun would be setting soon. Tommy stared as the white clouds danced in the pink light, and smiled to himself.

Being the White Ranger was definitely the best time of my life, he thought, I mean, I was unbeatable! Zedd's magic couldn't take control of me, like when I was the Green Ranger, and I always had Saba for guidance. At first, I was uncomfortable being the leader, but I learned to love it! And of course, I always had Kimberly by my side. We stood firm, the Pink and White Rangers. No one could stand between us. Then, she left. She went to Florida to realize her dreams. Little did I know that it included finding someone else. But if she's happy, then I should be happy for her. At least we can still be friends. Just as long as I can have her infectious laughter and bright smile in my life again. That's all I ask.

Tommy's watch alarm sounded, and he sat up. It was five minutes to eight. He rose to his feet, straightened out his clothing, and quickly fixed his hair. He then stuck his hands in his pockets, and waited.

Chapter Four

Un-break my heart
Say you love me again
Un-do this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Un-cry these tears
I've cried so many nights
Un-break my heart
Oh, ooo

Tommy spun around when he heard a rustling in the bushes. Sure enough, he saw her approaching. Tommy tried not to stare, but he had no control over his eyes. He hadn't seen her almost a year, and she'd never looked so gorgeous.

Kimberly Anne Hart was wearing a pink tank top and denim shorts, but she would've been breath-taking in a plastic bag as far as Tommy was concerned. Her caramel hair fell loosely, framing her face and gently brushing against her shoulders. Tommy noted her hair was at least three inches longer than when she left, and it reached down her back with the slightest hint of curl to it. She had a healthy tan to her soft skin, and her eyes, as usual, were bright with life. When her eyes met with his, Tommy thought he saw a twinkle in them, as if they were stars in the heavens.

"Hi, Tommy," she said timidly, walking closer to him.

"Hey, Kim," he responded. He grinned when he saw Kimberly glance at her own watch.

"Wow," she said, "you're early! I... I guess alot has changed since I left."

"Not as much as you'd think," Tommy said truthfully, praying that she'd get the hint. There was an awkward silence for a few moments.

"So," said Kimberly, glancing around to make sure there weren't any onlookers, "how are things in the ranger business?"

"Well, things've been quiet for awhile. Lord Zedd and Rita recently showed up again, meaning we've got to deal with them and the Machine Empire. Jason joined the team last week as the Gold Ranger. He got the Power from Prince Trey of the planet Triforia, to use temporarily while Trey heals from some wounds he received during a fight."

"Wow," Kim commented, "sounds exciting. How are the others?"

"Billy's still a little upset about not being able to accept the Gold Ranger Powers. Something about negative protons, but he's getting over it. Tanya's doing pretty well with her martial arts training, and she's been spending lots of time with Adam. Rocky's been doing pretty well, too. He joined the Big Brother program, and spends a lot of time with this orphan named Justin Stewart. Nice kid, and pretty good at Tae Kwon Do, actually."

"How's Kat?" Kim asked suddenly, gazing deeply into Tommy's eyes. Tommy felt as if she was peering his very soul with those golden doe eyes.

Chapter Five

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back those nights
When I held you beside me

"She's... um, fine," Tommy said finally, "I guess. So, how're you?"

"I'm well," Kim said, rocking back and forth on her feet, "I'll admit I'm a bit tired of gymnastics, but it'll all be worth it come next week."

"How're your friends in Florida?"

Kim regarded him for a moment. She knew where this was leading. "Everyone's doing well. We're all overworked, though. That's why Coach Schmidt gave us this time off."

"How's your... um, boyfriend?" Tommy said. He didn't mean to, but his voice lowered substantially from the beginning of this short sentence to the end. Kim remained silent for a while, and turned her head away from Tommy, to gaze out at the water.

"I'm sorry," Tommy said, "its none of my business."

"Yes," Kim said quietly, "yes it is. Um, Trevor's doing great. He graduated from the University of Florida two weeks ago, and after that he went to Cleveland, where his parents live."

"He's in college?" Tommy asked, "That's good. What's he studying?"

"International Relations and Economics," Kim recited with a smile, "He's been accepted into Harvard Law come September. He's planning on being a corporate lawyer."

"Wow," said Tommy, "Harvard Law? Impressive."

"I guess," Kim continued, turning to look at Tommy. Their eyes locked for a moment, and then he cast his eyes to the ground.

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