» Juvenile Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [e novels to read online .TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [e novels to read online .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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How can I say this enough? Thank you to everyone that has kept up with all my books! You all are awesome! When I started adapting my fanfiction to these books, I was just doing it in order to introduce the Power Rangers to a new generation and to also help reluctant young readers to find a new love for reading. But I have found out that with each new book there is resounding success! Thank you all so much!

Author's Note

True love is something so rare many people never experience it. When I refer to true love, I don't simply mean an emotional connection, or even an exchange of vows. I mean a union of souls, a dedication to each other that is so complete, they might as well be a single person.

When a love like this is found, it must be celebrated. And that is the purpose of this tribute... to celebrate the romance of two young individuals who's love for one another grew into something so powerful, it changed their lives. I am referring to Tommy Oliver, and Kimberly Hart: the original Power Couple. Each story is written to a song, which I feel aptly describes what's happening through the various stages of their romance.

Get ready for some sugar-coated fun! This story is written to the MMPR episode "I'm Dreaming of the White Ranger."

I'm sorry, but I simply adored the whole mistletoe subplot, that culminated with the second full kiss Kim and Tommy shared. For the most part I'm faithful to the show, but I added bits and pieces. The song "This Kiss"

is performed by Faith Hill.


The Youth Center was always abuzz with youthful energy, but as the days edged towards Christmas, it was even more alive with mirth. Ernie, the jolly owner of the teen hangout, was busy organizing the decorating committee, composed entirely of volunteers. His yearly goal was to insure that the Juice Bar was the merriest locale besides the North Pole itself.

Gleeful teens participated in the traditional decorating of the restaurant, while the soft music of a youthful chorus filled the establishment with spirit. The chorus consisted of about a dozen middle school kids who were conducted by Aisha Campbell, a high school student who always took time to volunteer with young children as well as animals. The group carried their voices in union, backed by the soft tune of Kimberly Hart's guitar.

Kimberly gently slid her fingers along the chords in the final strum, bringing the famed carol to an end. She then rose from her stool, and together with Aisha, she congratulated the children for their splendid performance.

Both young women, slightly tired from the effort but nonetheless euphoric from the season, left the makeshift stage to join their friends Billy, Adam, Rocky, and Tommy, who were watching the performance nearby.

"That sounded great

, you guys," Adam commented with a wide grin.

Aisha smiled in appreciation. "Thanks. The kids have been working really


Just then, Ernie joined the assembled teens, a huge golden star in his grasp. "Here it is, guys!" he exclaimed proudly, holding up the ornament for all to see, "No Christmas tree would be complete without it."

He then handed the star to Tommy, who gazed at it with satisfaction. "Alright," he commented. The then glanced towards the monumental tree, standing tall by the entrance to the Youth Center and glittering with lights and glass ornaments.

All it needed was to be crowned.

As Tommy's dark gaze swept the decked halls of the Youth Center, he spotted a young girl from Aisha and Kimberly's choir. She sat upon a chair by herself, her shoulders slumped despondently.

Tommy felt his holiday cheer ebb at the sight of her. That feeling was instantly replaced with determination to cheer her up. "I'll be back, guys," he said suddenly, leaving the circle of friends.

"Okay," Kim answered, although Tommy had already left. While her friends continued their conversation around her, Kim kept her fawn-hued scrutiny on Tommy. She watched him approach the solitary girl, and lower himself to one knee to meet her at eye level.

"Hey," he said softly, winning the girl's attention, "you're just the person I was looking for."

His comment was met by a startled expression from the girl. He smiled warmly, holding out the star. "Wanna help me put the star on top of the tree?"

She blinked, turning slowly to the monumental tree occupying the entire corner of the hangout. "But I can't reach that high," she whispered.

Tommy's grin broadened. As usual, his warm, heart-melting smile did its magic, and invoked a smile upon her face as well. "I think we can fix that," he said assuredly, rising to his feet, "Let's go."

Holding the golden star in one hand, Tommy grasped her hand in the other, and led her to the large evergreen. Once they reached the base, he released his grip on her hand, and held out the golden ornament. She grasped the star, and then gazed at him questioningly.

"Here you go," he said, hoisting her onto his shoulders suddenly. The solemn girl let a giggle of surprise and joy escape her as the strong young men lifted her higher than she could reach on her own. Her excitement building, she reached out, and lay the star upon the tree.

A serene smile tugged at Kimberly's soft lips as she watched the scene unfold. It was simply incredible to her how Tommy interacted with people. He had such a charismatic appeal... to people of all ages. He came off as being so trustworthy and unassuming, it would be hard not

to like him.

Also, unlike some other men, he was just as honest and gentle as he appeared. No facade hid any cruel intentions or questionable motives. As impossible at it appeared, he was just as tender and compassionate as he seemed.

For the first time in her young life, Kimberly felt completely at ease in her romantic relationship. She had dated other guys before, but none were like Tommy Oliver. She had no reason to doubt him, or his devotion to her.

She trusted him implicitly... even with her heart.

Chapter One

I don't want another heartbreak
I don't need another turn to cry
I don't want to learn the hard way
Baby hello, oh no, goodbye
But you got me like a rocket
Shooting straight across the sky...

"Kimberly, what're you thinking about?"

Kimberly startled, and turned towards the source of the voice. She noticed that she was leaning against the railing of the steps, staring at Tommy plainly. She felt the embarrassment rise when she noticed her best friend's puzzled expression.

"Oh, nothing," Kim lied, trying her best to smile innocently. In fact, she was amazed that she was so disconnected from reality. She didn't even realize Adam, Rocky, and Billy had left them to get sodas!

Aisha frowned at Kimberly's response. It wasn't rare that Kimberly daydreamt, but on this occasion, she was somewhere in outer space! With a shrug, Aisha decided to cast her own gaze in the direction Kimberly's was formerly in, to see what was so captivating by the entrance to the restaurant.

Aisha's full lips pulled into an amused smirk when she surveyed Tommy by the tree, talking to Becky, a girl from their chorus group. Tommy was clearly trying his best to bring the girl out of the solemn mood that had trapped her during the holiday season.

"Oh, come on, Girl!" Aisha sighed, trying to prevent a giggle, "We've got decorating to do!"

Aisha grabbed Kimberly by the wrist, and dragged her friend towards a large cardboard box of holly, wreaths, and other decorations.

"Just grab something," Aisha advised, pulling out an evergreen wreath with flowers and wheat stalks woven into it, "You've got a natural eye for interior decorating. You should be overseeing this entire project!"

Kim giggled slightly, sticking her arm into the wealth of holiday decorations. Aisha walked away, joining Adam and asking him for advice on where to place the wreath. Kim's lips pursed when her fingers finally enclosed on something interesting, and she pulled it out.

An expression of surprised amusement washed over her countenance when she saw the mistletoe hanging from her fingers.

Well, I don't see any mistletoe hanging around here,

she realized, scanning the room quickly, It's certainly a great way to spice

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