» Juvenile Fiction » Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [e novels to read online .TXT] 📗

Book online «Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Love Is Series, Heather Ray [e novels to read online .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Ray

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up a holiday party...

Her entire thought pattern stopped when her gaze fell upon Tommy again. Now, he had moved towards Rocky and Billy, who were standing on ladders near the juice bar. He was instructing them on how to attach the large "Happy Holidays" banner on the ceiling, to insure the sign was straight and centered.

His back was turned to her, so he didn't notice her observation. Therefore, he didn't see a mischievous smile perk her lips as she strolled towards the entrance of the Youth Center, and stopped beneath the arch just flanking the magical Christmas tree.

Chapter Two

It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this --
It's centripetal motion
It's perpetual bliss.
It's that pivotal moment
It's... Impossible
This Kiss, This Kiss...
This Kiss, This Kiss

"Billy," Tommy said, squinting his chocolate eyes, "bring your end... half an inch down."

The genius nodded, and carried out Tommy's instruction. He then shrugged his eyebrows in an "is this good" gesture.

"There we go," Tommy said, a satisfied smile spreading onto his bronze face. He then began stepping back slowly, observing the sign from a greater distance to insure its position was perfect.

While he moved, suddenly, the archway that served as the entrance to the Youth Center came into his field of vision. He turned his gaze when he saw a continual movement, and watched as Kimberly kept jumping vertically, trying in vain to connect a small decoration to a hook at the height of the arch.

Faintly, Tommy wondered why she didn't get a chair. With her petite stature, there was no way she'd be able to reach the hook.

His eyes widened when he realized what

she was attempting to hang.

His smile returned. "Guys," he said, already moving in her direction, "I'll be right back."

Billy and Rocky were too busy fastening the banner with thumbtacks to notice Tommy's departure.

Once Tommy reached the vicinity of the archway, he straightened himself out, and slowly strode to Kim's side. "Need some help?" he asked over her shoulder.

Since her back was initially toward him, he didn't see the smile of anticipation on her face. She quickly bit her lip to mask her excitement, and turned around to face him, beaming at him innocently and handing him the green plant. "Yeah," she said cheerily.

Kim watched as Tommy easily reached the hook she was attempting to reach, and fastened the mistletoe securely to the apex of the arch. "Thanks," she said, once he began lowering his arms from the ceiling.

An innocent smile still spread on her lips, she closed her eyes in expectation of the traditional kiss under the mistletoe.

Tommy needed no more prompting. Slowly, he leaned toward her, in order to collect the Christmas present he wanted most of all...

"Oh, mistletoe!" came a voice, startling both teens from their romantic moment. Skull, the lanky member of the Angel Grove Junior Police Force, managed to squeeze between the couple, and planted a kiss on Kimberly's cheek.

Blinking in amazement at Skull's rudeness, she wiped away the kiss.

Skull then arched his neck backwards to glance at Tommy. "I love this time of year!" he exclaimed, releasing his trademark giggle.

"Yeah, right," Tommy muttered, gently pushing Skull from between them. He then glanced up, and frowned when he noticed Bulk standing beside Kimberly, with the clear intention of collecting a holiday kiss as well.

One glance at Tommy's impatient expression changed the young man's mind, and he quietly slipped away.

In unison, both Kimberly and Tommy release sighs of disappointment for the perfect moment lost. Still frustrated and annoyed at the interruption, Kim wiped her cheek again with a grimace.

Chapter Three

Cinderella said to Snow White
How does love get so off course?
All I wanted was a white knight
With a good heart, soft touch, fast horse.
Ride me off into the sunset
Baby, I'm forever yours

After another set of choir songs, Aisha and Kimberly dismissed the collection of kids. With an expression of worry on her face, Aisha approached Becky, who was lingering behind with a forlorn expression marring her young face.

"Becky, why didn't you sing?" she asked gently, lying her hand on the girl's shoulder.

"What does it matter," she sighed bitterly, stepping away from Aisha's grip, "No one will be here to hear me


With that revelation, Becky quickly left the Youth Center.

Kimberly glanced at Aisha, who shook her head and sighed. She was clearly at a loss on how she could help this young girl. "I'll go talk to her," Kimberly elected, grabbing her leather jacket and hurrying out of the Youth Center.

From his vantage point atop a ladder, Tommy noticed Kimberly's urgent departure. Curiosity taking over, he descended the ladder while still holding the wreath he was about to hang, and quickly made his way to Aisha, who had returned to the music stand she was positioned at and glanced over the selection of carols.

"Hey, Aisha!" he called, gaining her attention. Aisha glanced first at the wreath Tommy was holding, and then eyed him expectantly.

"What's up?" she inquired.

"Where'd Kim go?" he asked, casting another glance towards the arch, domed with the mistletoe.

"She went to check on Becky," Aisha answered, returning her attention to the sheets of music, "She'll be right back."

"Thanks," Tommy said, slowly returning to the ladder. He stopped short when an idea came to him, causing him to turn his gaze back to the entrance... and the mistletoe hanging, practically calling to him.

With a quick look around to see if anyone was watching him, Tommy casually strolled towards the arch. He pretended to fix his attention on the tree, but he slowly eased beneath the arch, lying the wreath against the wall.

Nervously shoving his hands in his pockets, Tommy glanced around the room innocently, while turning around every now and then to see if Kimberly was returning.

Chapter Four

It's the way you love me
It's a feeling like this --
It's centripetal motion
It's perpetual bliss.
It's that pivotal moment
It's... Unthinkable
This Kiss, This Kiss...
This Kiss, This Kiss

Kimberly stepped past the warmth of the Youth Center, and shivered slightly in the outdoor breezes. It was still rather warm, considering Angel Grove is in southern California, yet this day the breezes were strong enough to cause a chill.

Clutching her leather jacket, Kimberly spotted Becky, slumped on a bench once again lost in a silent reverie of emotional pain. Gathering her determination to break through the girl's forlorn shell, Kimberly approached her, and took a seat next to her.

"It's Christmas!" Kimberly pointed out, draping her jacket over Becky's bare shoulders, "You're supposed to be happy


"I'm sorry, Kimberly," Becky sighed, "I don't mean to ruin it for everyone... it's just that..." Becky exhaled again, and rose her chin to lock eyes with Kimberly, "...all I want is for my Dad to come and hear me sing, but he already told me he can't come because he has to work."

"You know what?" Kim said, leaning forward and smiling encouragingly, "I bet your dad works just as hard as he does because he loves you, and wants you to be happy."

"But, doesn't he know that what makes me happy is spending time with him?" Becky asked quietly, her frustration evident.

"Not unless you tell him," Kim pointed out.

Becky remained silent for a few moments, thinking about Kim's words. Finally, a small smile crept upon her face. "Okay, I'm gonna be extra sure to let him know exactly how I feel."

"Good," Kim said, pulling her into a warm hug. Kim then hopped off the bench, and walked with Becky back towards the Youth Center. Once they passed through the doors, Becky's grin widened suddenly, and she pulled off Kim's jacket.

"Here you go," Becky said, still grinning knowingly, "I'll see you later."

Kim accepted the jacket, and followed Becky with her eyes as the girl walked quickly into the Youth Center.

It was then that she noticed a silhouette standing in the arch... a silhouette she had memorized to the point that it was as familiar as her own name.

Biting her lower lip, Kim hugged her leather jacket closer to her body, finally understanding why Becky had left her.

Where Tommy's and her intentions so transparent to everyone


Frankly, she didn't really care. All that was on her mind was not to keep her white knight waiting.

Taking a deep breath to calm her pounding heart, Kim slowly strode through the arch, stopping beside Tommy and tapping his shoulder slightly. He grinned widely when he saw her, and then his dark eyes rolled upwards, fixating on the mistletoe.

"Ah," he remarked, as if he didn't notice it earlier. Kimberly bit back a small giggle as their lips inched closer together.

They each savored the anticipation, feeling the space between them narrowing. Finally, as their lips just brushed together with the delicacy of a butterfly's wing...

...a familiar six-tone signal sliced through the haze of their minds.

"Oh, man," Tommy sighed, as the couple pulled apart again. Kim rolled her eyes and slumped her shoulders in disappointment as Tommy discreetly beckoned the other Power Rangers, so they could congregate outside.

With an inward sigh, Kimberly followed the group

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