» Juvenile Fiction » Snow Sato, Kinomi [sight word readers .txt] 📗

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his shoulder length black hair then put his mother’s cross necklace on. After that he went down stairs with a smile. “Good morning!” he cheered. “Good morning Ganjou!” he said bowing his head to Ganjou.
“Good morning Taizen,” Ganjou replied.
“You finally woke up! And it’s almost time to go!” Yuki scolded.
“Hey, at least I got up, right?” he said. “What’s for breakfast?” he asked.
“Toast,” she said picking up the plate of toast. Her purple eyes were full of disappointment
Taizen took the one from the top and headed for the door. “Thanks Yuki!” he teased walking out.
“Taizen Yaiba! Come back! How is it that he wakes up last, but is always the first one out the door?” she asked Amai.
“I don’t know, but I wish he would stop charging off!” Amai answered.
“Give him a break, girls. You’d do the same thing ya know!” Ganjou teased.
“Okay, we’d better be on our way,” Amai said smiling at Ganjou.
“Come home safe,” he said sitting down at the table to eat.
“See ya dad!” Yuki said walking out the door.
“See ya later girls.”
When they were outside Amai looked at Yuki. “Which way should we take today?” she asked.
“Hmm, let’s take the path that goes by Hoshi’s house. Does that sound okay to you?” Yuki suggested.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea!” Amai said.
Yuki moved her waist long, braided hair over her shoulder and started to school.
On the way, they saw Hoshi and Kei walking out of their house.
Kei was Hoshi’s little brother, his silver hair came just above his shoulders. His blue eyes made him look older than he really was. But he was really 14 just like Taizen. He was reading a book called, ‘Fight to the death’. When he looked up he saw Yuki and Amai.
Hoshi closed the door behind him then turned to Yuki and Amai. His shoulder length silver hair brought out the color of his blue eyes. He was just a year older than Kei.
“Hey, Yuki! Good morning, Amai!” Hoshi said walking over to them.
Amai bowed her head then put her hands behind her back. “G-good morning Kei,” she said hiding the fact that she was blushing.
Kei wasn’t rude so he replied with a simple but sweet, “Good morning, Amai.”
Hoshi stood beside Yuki smiled. “It’s so obvious,” he whispered to her.
“Yeah,” Yuki chuckled.
“Hey, would you guys like to walk to school with us?” Hoshi asked elbowing Yuki a little.
Yuki took the hint and answered before Amai could say anything. “Sure!” she said looking at Hoshi.
Amai bowed her head even more. She went to Yuki’s right side.
Yuki put Hoshi between her and Amai. Then she smiled at Hoshi. “She should get use to having to be by boys,” she whispered.
Hoshi nodded. He looked at Kei and smiled.
Kei stuck his tongue out then walked beside Amai.
Amai looked up at Kei then looked back to the ground. Blushing while she thought. Why am I so nervous around him?
“If you blush anymore your head is gonna explode,” Kei said looking ahead while he walked.
Amai stopped and pushed Hoshi between her and Kei. “You walk by him!” she demanded.

Taizen just got to the school; he walked into the classroom to see Futeki and Kitai. “Good morning!” he said walking over to them.
“Taizen,” Futeki put her hand on Taizen’s chest. “Good morning!” she said hugging him. “You’re wearing your cloak today right?” she asked.
“Yes, the black on to be exact,” he replied moving a piece of her blonde hair out of her sightless eyes.
“Sister, don’t be so rude!” Kitai said. She was pulling her waist long blonde hair up into a tie. Her soft green eyes were all the more excited to see Taizen. She was a year younger then Taizen and Futeki.
“Oh…did I do something wrong?” Futeki asked turning her head to Kitai. Her gaze was only a little off. “Is Yuki and Amai here?” she asked.
“They’ll be here. I always leave before them,” he said.
As soon as he said that, Kei, Amai, Yuki, and Hoshi walked in.
“Hey, long time no see, Hoshi!” Taizen said going over to greet him.
“It’s been to long!” Hoshi replied giving Taizen a quick hug.
“Do you know where Mrs. Hotaru has been? She hasn’t been here the past few days,” Taizen asked.
“She’s sick,” Kei spoke up.
“That explains it. And so close to the Winter Futari (W.F) too…,” Taizen said.
“Oh! Um…Taizen…,” Futeki paused.
Yuki smiled and went over to her desk. While Futeki thought of the words to say, Yuki pulled out a piece of paper and wrote ‘Taizen & Futeki’. She tried not to laugh.
Hoshi and Kei took their seats while Amai and Kitai took theirs.
“I was wondering if…,” she was twitling with her skirt.
“Futeki, before I forget to ask,” he started. He looked at Yuki and gave her a face that said ‘watch this’. “Would you like to go to the Winter Futari with me?” he asked.
Futeki gasped. “Really?” she asked with a joyous look on her face.
“I really mean it,” he said smiling. “I like spending time with you,” he said wishing he could take those words back he looked down.
Futeki blushed. “Thank you Taizen.”
What is it with all this blushing?! It makes people look like their head is about to explode! Kei thought looking at Amai. Ugh… either she’ll ask me or I’ll ask her… “Would you like to go with me?” he asked Amai.
“Y-you really mean it?” she asked looking up.
“If I didn’t mean it, why would I even ask?”
“Okay, I’d love to!” she said. This is my chance to prove I’m not as shy as I look!
Girls…I just don’t get them… Kei thought sitting down beside Amai.
I’m gonna be sick… Amai said getting up. She ran to the bathroom, went into a stall, and closed the door. Why would he ask me? I thought he like Hisakata…she prettier and more popular… she thought sitting on the lid of the toilet.
“Amai, what’s wrong?” Yuki’s voice was concerned.
Amai pulled her feet up so Yuki couldn’t see her.
“I know you’re there,” Yuki said. “If you like Kei, you shouldn’t run away from him. Be bold,” she said.
“Easier said than done…,” Amai said putting her chin on her knees.
“Come on out.”
Amai didn’t budge.
“Amai Chi Yaiba, I am not giving you a choice!” Yuki demanded.
Amai slowly stood up and opened the door. “You do know that I could make you walk back to class saying I was sick don’t you.”
“Well, I’ll take my chances,” Yuki said.
“You win…but do I have to tell him how I feel?” Amai asked.
“Yes! If you don’t, you might never get another chance!” Yuki said pushing Amai out of the bathroom.
“Yuki stop!” she pleaded. “Don’t make me do this!” she said when she saw Kei walking down the hall.
Yuki gave her one more push then went into the classroom. “Good luck!”
Amai bowed her head. I’m gonna kill her! Taizen you can tell her! She thought steaming with anger.
“Uh, Amai, are you okay? You left so fast,” Kei said walking up to her.
“Do I look okay?!” she exclaimed stomping into the classroom. She glared at Yuki then took her seat.
Kei was about to sit by her but Amai pulled Kitai into the seat. “Sit here for me,” she whispered.
“No problem,” Kitai said with a smile.
Kei sat behind Amai then started writing on a piece of paper. He gave it to Amai and waited.
Amai read the note that said,
I’m sorry if something I said offended you. I came to check on you to see what was wrong. Are you mad at me?

Amai wrote something then gave it to Kei.
Kei read it.
I’m not mad at you. Before I forget, and it’s totally random, do you like me or Hisakata more?

Kei smiled. “You,” he whispered.
Amai blushed then wrote down what was on the chalk board.
On the other side of the classroom, Hoshi slipped Yuki a note.
Would you like to go to W.F. with me? So long as Taizen doesn’t get mad...

Yuki smiled and nodded. She gave the note back.
Taizen won’t get mad. He’s just a friend. He’s going with Futeki any way 

Hoshi wrote something down then gave it to Yuki. He raised his hand and asked to go to the bathroom.
Good, I have something for you after class.

Yuki smiled and kept the note.
After class Hoshi gave Yuki a box and a letter. He walked away hiding his face.
Yuki gasped when she opened it. It was a friendship ring with an amethyst in the middle. She read the note that said, ‘I hope you except my offer to be more than a friend. I have one just like it. Now you can talk to me any time you want, through this.’
Taizen came up behind her and started chanting, “Yuki and Hoshi sitting in a tree-”
“Shut-up, Taizen!” she yelled.
When they got home Ganjou told them he had to go on a mission in a few days and that they would need to prepare for him to leave by sparing.

“I’m gonna win this time!” Yuki said taking out her shuriken.
“Yeah, you might win…in your dreams!” Taizen teased.
“Shut-up, Taizen!” Yuki said. She vanished appearing behind Taizen.
“Shut doesn’t go up!” he teased her. He took his two swords out then flashed away. He chanted something then disappeared.
“Taizen, that’s not fair!” Yuki exclaimed looking around for him. Then she felt two blades at her throat. “I give…,” she admitted.
“Okay, done with training. I wish I had a more challenging opponent…,” he said sarcastically.
“You always win with that move! I don’t know any spells…it’s not fair!” Yuki exclaimed.
“Well, you should learn from the first time. I might use a different technique now that I’ve told you that.”
“Hmph, show off…”

The next day is the W.F. At noon couples will get together and spend the day together.

Kei and Amai were the first people there. Amai went to the fountain with Kei while they waited.
Kei sat down on the edge and looked around. “I still can’t believe we’re the first people here…,” he said.
I’m not sure about this…I’ve never been alone with a boy…well, besides Taizen. But it just doesn’t feel right…is he really the right guy? Amai thought not realizing she was crying.
“What’s wrong?” Kei asked. Am I doing something wrong? I’ve never been on a date before…
I can’t tell him… “I’m just…confused and frustrated,” she said. It was partially true.
“What are you confused about? Did I say something to frustrate you?” he asked.
“No! I’m confused because of your actions! I’m frustrated because I’m apparently not exactly who you want!” she yelled standing up.
Kei listened but didn’t know what he had said wrong. How does she know? I really like her…I don’t see why she’s so mad…what did I do? He thought.
“I’m a spell master! That’s how! Taizen is the same way…our whole family…biological family is that way!” she said turning her back on him.
Kei stood up when Amai did. He grabbed her into a hug. “Calm down-”
Taizen…why did I get myself into this mess?! “Let go…,” she whispered.
Kei didn’t hear her so he kept hugging her.
What’s wrong? Did Kei hurt you? If he did…! Taizen thought. He was holding Futeki’s hand. His grip grew a little tighter
“What’s wrong Taizen? Is something happening?” Futeki asked when she felt Taizen’s hand.
“It’s Amai…,” he said with a worried tone. “I
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