» Juvenile Fiction » Snow Sato, Kinomi [sight word readers .txt] 📗

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knew I shouldn’t have let them be alone!” he said.
“What’s wrong? Did Kei do something?” she asked.
“I don’t know. But she’s really mad, and really confused,” he explained.
“Big brother!” Amai cried when Kei wouldn’t let go.
“Futeki, I’ll be right back,” Taizen said.
“O-okay,” Futeki stuttered when Taizen hugged her.
“What’s wrong Amai?” Taizen said running up to her. He didn’t see Kei, but he ignored that.
“Big brother, Kei…he…,” Amai said looking up.
Taizen picked her up like the little kid she was. “Tell me all about it. I’ll listen,” Taizen said sitting down with Amai in his lap.
Amai put her head on Taizen’s chest. “He’s not the right person…he…,” she started.
Taizen listened to the thoughts around him until he heard Kei’s.
Where is she? All I wanted to know is what I did wrong…maybe she’s mad because I think about Hisakata… Kei thought.
Taizen twitched. “What’s this about? Are you just jealous?” he asked.
“I am not jealous! You listen to his thoughts in class! You listen to his thoughts when he’s around me! I barely ever hear any thoughts about me! Not even my name! If he really wanted me, my name would be in his head at least once! Don’t you think?!” Amai exclaimed.
“Shhh, hush now,” Taizen said with and understanding look. Go hang out with someone else. If you want you can stick with me and Futeki.
Amai nodded. I don’t want anything to do with Kei!
“C’mon, the Futari is about to start,” Taizen said. He lifted Amai up then put her on her feet.
Taizen and Amai walked back over to Futeki.
“Sorry about that Futeki. Do you mind if Amai tags along with us?” Taizen asked with Amai’s hand in his.
“Sure, I don’t mind one bit!” She said smiling. She shivered then pulled her blue, long sleeved dress over her hands.
“Hey, Yuki and Hoshi are here!” Taizen said watching them come in.
“So are Kitai and Hatsu!” Amai said with a cheerful expression.
Futeki listened for their voices. “I really wish someone would tell me where they are!” she said.
“We’re right here,” Kitai teased Futeki.
Futeki stuck her tongue out. “You try being blind!”
Hoshi looked around. “Where’s Kei? Wasn’t he with you Amai?”
Amai looked away.
Taizen shook his head in a motion to stop.
“What happened?” Yuki asked. She ignored Taizen.
Taizen glared at Yuki.
Hatsu looked around for his twin brother Takai. Through the crowd he saw him and waved for him. “Takai! Over here!” he called. His brown hair and green eyes was a perfect match. He was around 15.
Takai looked over to Hatsu. “Come on Hisakata; let’s interact with the other people a little bit.”
“Okay,” she said moving her icy blue hair out of her face. Her hair came to the middle of her back; her eyes were a shimmering blue. She was about 14 like Kei.
They walked over there holding each other’s hand.
Amai looked away. Can I go home? This day is just getting more frustrating by the moment… she thought looking at Taizen.
Taizen hesitated. Stay a little longer, if it’s not too much…
“Okay,” Amai said.
“Huh?” Kitai, who was now beside her, asked.
“Nothing…,” she said. “I’m gonna get some punch…,” she said walking off.
She was at the punch table when she heard a voice.
“Hey,” it said from behind her.
She turned around to see a boy with orange hair and orange eyes looking straight at her. “Who are you?” she asked. “And your little fox is…so cute!”
“Um…,” he paused. “My name is Fox…this is Foxtrot,” he said putting his hand out to shake Amai’s.
Amai hesitated, but shook his hand. His thoughts are so clear… “Amai Yaiba. So you’re the new student? You skipped yesterday…,” she said pouring a cup of punch.
Fox turned his head but kept his eyes on Amai. Beautiful…that’s the only word I can think of…. he thought.
Amai stopped and turned her body to Fox. “I couldn’t be more thankful…,” she said with a smile.
Uh… “What do you mean?” he asked looking at her.
“I can-” she stopped herself. Only Taizen, Yuki, and Ganjou know that I’m a spell master… I can’t tell anyone else… “I can…read your face…it’s not that hard,” she lied biting her lip.
“Awe…can’t you tell me the truth? How did you know I was a new kid, I skipped school yesterday, and I didn’t say anything a moment ago,” he said leaning up against a nearby tree.
Amai bowed her head. “I’m…a spell master…,” she whispered so that only Fox could hear.
“Ah, that explains…,” he said looking at the bright blue sky. “Who were you running away from? I can read your expression. You’re too easy to figure out,” he said petting Foxtrot.
“I wasn’t running away-”
In an instant, Fox’s finger was at Amai’s lip. “Truthfully. I can tell when you’re lying,” he said moving his finger.
Amai bowed her head. “Kei Toku…he…,” Amai paused. Why am I telling him about my life? I just met him…
“I get it-”
“There you are Amai!” Kei called trotting over to Amai.
She bowed her head.
“Who are you?” Kei asked looking at Fox.
Fox looked at Amai. He put Foxtrot on the ground and smiled. “I’d rather know who you are first.”
“I’m Kei,” Kei said reaching his hand out for Amai’s.
“Would you just leave me alone?!” Amai shouted at Kei. She pulled her hand away and glared at him.
Kei looked at Amai with confusion. He put his hand on her shoulder. “Amai calm down-”
“Don’t you see that I’m trying to get away from you?!” she shouted trying to push him away.
Fox watched with confusion as Amai’s eyes grew angry.
Amai looked at Fox with tears in her eyes. The look on her face was shouting ‘help me’.
“Foxtrot,” Fox said watching Amai.
“Don’t hurt him…,” she whispered. She fell to her knees.
Fox ran over to her. “Amai? Are you okay?” he asked kneeling down beside her.
Amai looked at Fox. Is he the one? I feel comfortable around him…but… she thought as she looked at him. Her eyes were filled with tears. “I’m…fine…,” she cried. She leaned on him.
Kei glared as he held Foxtrot in front of him. “Stupid fox…see what you made me do?” he said looking at Foxtrot.
“You’re the stupid one!” Foxtrot yelled snarling her teeth.
Kei put her down. “Heh…guess I didn’t see that coming…,” he said watching Foxtrot.
Amai looked at Kei then back to the ground.
Kei reached his hand out. “I’m sorry Amai.”
“I said go away!” she yelled. She stood up bowing her head.
Kei took a step toward her.
She ran off crying. Kei…you…you jerk! She thought running away from the festival. She ran to the memorial stone.
When she got there she wiped the snow of her mother and father’s names. Mother… father… she let out a little chuckle. “I couldn’t even say his name right…how do you expect me to fight him?” she cried tracing her finger over the lettering.
She felt a hand on her shoulder then turned her head to see who it was. She looked back to the memorial stone once again feeling the names. “They died when I was five…I miss them,” she said.
“I know how it feels…I lost my whole clan. No one survived. Not even our leader,” Fox said letting Foxtrot crawl into his coat.
Amai turned to him. “That’s horrible…,” she said wiping the tears from her eyes.
“Yeah…well, I don’t want you to get sick. Let’s go back to the festival,” he said.
Amai stopped and bowed her head. “Kei…he’s still there.”
Fox hesitated. “Yeah….”
“I’m going home…,” she said walking past Fox.
“But do I?” Fox asked putting Foxtrot on the ground.
“What do you mean?”
“I’d like to get to know you, Amai,” he said walking to her.
“I’ll see you tomorrow at school. We can talk then, I’m just not in a good mood…,” she said. She closed her eyes and said, “Terepo-to. See ya Fox,” then she vanished.
“Ya try to comfort them and they vanish…I don’t get it. Hmm…,” Fox said dazed.
“Fox, snap out of it! Hello, earth to Fox!” Foxtrot said looking up at Fox. She looked at Fox then to where Amai was. She smiled. Awe…she’ll love Amai. I don’t think Fox even knows…hmm…

Amai sat on the front porch with her face buried in her hands. Why should I cry so much?! She sat there until it started getting dark.
Taizen and Yuki were walking to the house when they saw Amai on the porch.
Taizen looked at Yuki. “You’re a girl, you talk to her…,” he whispered.
Yuki nodded. She went up to Amai. “Amai…is there something wrong?” she asked.
“Yeah…can we talk about this later? I’m not in the mood…,” she said.
“Amai…now is fine. Let’s go up to my room,” Yuki said.
Amai nodded. “You win…,” she said standing up.
Taizen went up to his room. Sheesh…girls… he thought.
He went to his closet and pulled out his black t-shirt. He changed after he closed his door.
He pulled out his note book and went to his bed.
Can’t people care to observe? Taizen heard through his thoughts. He closed the note book. “Where and who are you?” he asked looking around his room.
“I’m right here. You haven’t given me a name yet,” a female voice said.
Taizen looked beside him. “You’re a ferret…I think I’m going crazy…,” he said putting his hand on his head.
“You’re not going crazy, Taizen,” she said.
“Hey, how do you know my name?” Taizen said looking at the ferret.
She sighed. “You’re my master. I haven’t been able to come to you until now because of Sardis. I’ll explain that later though,” she said.
Taizen picked her up. “How old are you?”
“Don’t you know it’s rude to ask a girl how old she is? But…you are my master, you’ve gotta know…,” she sighed. “I’m the same age as you. Your mother and father were the masters of my father and mother,” she explained.
“Mother and father didn’t have any pets…,” Taizen said.
“Yes they did. You didn’t see them because your parents didn’t let you. If a master doesn’t want their companion to be seen by certain people, those few people can’t see them. Do you understand?”
Taizen soaked it in. “Um, I guess so. Am I the only one?” he asked.
“No. There’s Fox and Foxtrot, who you’re sister knows. There’s one who will belong to Amai. And another who will belong to Yuki,” she explained.
“Amai knows…Fox and…Foxtrot?” Taizen asked.
“Yeah, they’re from the ‘Kitsune’ clan,” she said.
“Hmm…,” he paused. “You really need a name…,” he said when he was about to call her.
“I’d love one!” she said with glee.
“Koichou…that’s good,” he said.
“I love it!” Koichou said crawling into Taizen’s lap. She looked up at him as if to say, ‘thanks’ to an old friend.
“That’s good,” he said.
“You said that Yuki and Amai had an animal each…what animals are they?” he asked.
“Um…Amai’s animal is a snow fox. Yuki’s is a silver dove,” she said smiling.
Taizen laughed. “Have they come to them yet?”
“Yeah, we should go check on them now,” Koichou said.
Taizen stood up with Koichou on his shoulder. He walked to Yuki’s room and knocked on the door.
“Come in?” Yuki called.
Taizen walked in to see Amai holding a snow white fox and Yuki holding a silver dove.
Yuki looked at Taizen. “They were right!” she said.
Amai smiled. “This is Chiisai,” she said snuggling the white, three tailed fox.
“This is Rikka, may I ask her name?” she said
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