» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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just talking to herself. I stayed in silence, bringing my attention back to her. She stared at Nash, a mini glare was plastered on her face. “I don't want you to ever hang out with my daughter, you hear that?” Finn snapped his head up and had a shocked expression.


“Excuse me?” he choked out.


“You heard me, young boy, I don't care how much Gwen defends you, it clearly seems like you're a bad influence. I want you out of my daughter's life. . .Now get out” she said through gritted teeth. Finn looked at me, ignoring my mom's words.


“Gwen, say something” he pleaded, and his voice made my heart ache. I stayed quiet though, it's a better choice when there's such tension. I glanced at him, but I couldn't hold that gaze for longer, it pained me to see him plead like that.


My mom let go a heavy sigh, which made Finn and I bring our attention back to her. “I know that kids these days are curious and want to experiment. Believe me, I was a teenager too. But, it's not right that you put my daughter through this. This is for the best. . .I'm trying to protect her” I fidgeted with my fingers. I know my mother's intentions are good, and of course, this is her daughter that is pregnant. But, Finn is not bad. Forbidding me of seeing him isn't going to do any good, especially since I'm having his baby too.


“So do I” said Finn.


“I think is better if you leave” she said standing up. Finn did too, locking gazes with my mom. She put her hands on her hips, and his expression was pleading and almost sad. I know he was trying to be strong and not snap at her. I know Finn would do that for sure, but judging by the situation, arguing with her isn't going to be any good.




“Finn” I called cut him off. Shock and pain was plastered across his features, and I wanted nothing more but to hug him tightly.


He let go a heavy sigh and then stood up from the chair, walking directly to the front door. I was sitting there, motionless, watching the father of my baby walk away. I didn't want him to go, but I know things will get even more complicated if he stays. It's better if we take some time apart. He turned around and glanced at my mom, then locked gazes with me.


I mouthed 'sorry', to which he nodded slowly. The look on his face made my stomach be on a tight knot, my heart cracking. The sadness plastered across his creamy and baby–like face, makes it even harder to stay calmed. It made me have this huge urge to run over to him and hug him, to let him know that I have just as much fault as him. At the end of the day, we were both drunk, didn't know better. I bet he just wanted some fun for the night, I wanted to prove that I could be free and not such a goody-goody two shoes. I am pregnant, but is my fault too. . .


When he left, my mom turned to me, her face softened up a bit. “I know you will think that this isn’t fair right now, that you feel like you have anything to do with this. . .But, you know I'm doing this because I think is the best for you. Please, understand. . .”


“I–I do understand, mom” I said, taking a deep breath. “I just don't want you to believe that Finn is the only responsible in this situation. I was just as drunk and didn't know what I was thinking. I was the one to lie to you about being pregnant, I should've told you sooner, and I'm sorry"


She rushed over me and gave me a tight hug, pressing a soft kiss on my forehead. “Let's go for an ice cream cone” she suggested. I nodded eagerly, knowing that perhaps we can forget about this for a brief moment. I need to clear my mind a little bit, and a refreshing ice cream cone will do.


Alec denied when we offered to take him with us, he said it was better if he stays, claiming he has homework, but by the look on his face, I know he wanted me to spend some quality time with my mom, which I found very caring of him.


We got inside the car and she started the engine, glancing at me with a sweet smile across her face. She grabbed my hand and caressed it for a moment with her thumb. “I love you, do you know that?”


“Yes, mom, I know. . .I love you too” I said.


Finn's P.O.V


I've never had such feeling in my life. I felt like I was being torn down little by little by every word that woman said. Of course I'm an idiot for leaving her daughter pregnant. Yeah. . .I was drunk when I should've been more responsible and careful. I know, I know, I know.


But, not allowing me to see Gwen, the mother of my kid. That is my kid too. I got inside my car and started the engine, quickly driving away from that house. I sighed in relief when I spotted my apartment, I just want to go to my bed and never come out. But, at the same time, I want to see Gwen. I want to hug her, to kiss her once more. . .Those lips. Those lips that drive me crazy the second they touched my mine. God, I desperately need her to kiss me again.


I opened the main door just to reveal Cameron sitting on one of the couches, with someone beside him, who? You may ask. . .With my mother.


“Mom, what are you doing here?” I asked bewildered. My mom smiled sweetly at me while walking towards my direction. She planted a massive kiss on my cheek and a bine crushing hug, which I quickly returned.


“I missed you like crazy, Finn!”


“M–me too, mom, me too”


While hugging her, I kept looking at Cameron who had a stern look plastered across his face, folding his arms. "Tell her" he mouthed. I shook my head, but he glared at me, which made me sigh heavily. Cameron left to another room to give us some privacy. Dammit, this is going to be hard.


“M–mom” I stuttered, pulling away from her embrace. She locked gazes with me, the smile never leaving her lips. Well, that is about to change, am I right?


Can you imagine telling your parents that you will become a parent yourself.


“Yes, sweetheart?”


“You better sit down” I said. She stared at me with a puzzled expression.




“I need to tell you something. . .”

Chapter 21 - Killing News

Finn's P.O.V


“How's your mom?” asked Cameron while sitting on the stool next to me. I sipped on my juice before responding to him. Obviously the news that I got a girl pregnant, wasn't very thrilling for her.


“She've been passed out for an hour” I replied and then glanced at her, laying on the couch.


“At least she's not dead, right?” he asked.


My eyes widened. “Did I killed her by telling her these news?” that never crossed my mind. What if she died? Oh. My. God.


“I don't know. Let's check her pulse. Quick!” Cameron said and we rushed to my mom's side. She was still passed out, obviously she didn't take that well the news that I left someone pregnant. . .


Cameron check her pulse. “Still has it” he informed me. I sighed in relief and then took some hair out of my mother's face. I knew she was going to be upset, but I didn't know she would pass out. I know she will get me a lecture about protection, and remind me of course that we had this type of conversation multiple times back in North Carolina. I wish I wouldn't have been that drunk the night I met her. Plus, I had to prove my point that I could get any girl I wanted, since the boys were making fun of the fact that girls usually never lay attention to me—bullshit, I would tell them. And there was Gwen, sweet and beautiful Gwen. Who happened to be in that same bar the same night as me. With that gorgeous and innocent like dress I loved in her. She looked pure and angelic, with that cute smile that could light an entire dark room.


“Mom, can you hear me?” I asked. She mumbled something I didn't quite get, she slowly opened her eyes and looked at me.


“I-I had the worst nightmare ever” she said and I helped her sit up straight. “I dreamed you actually had sex with someone and you didn't used protection. And now that girl is pregnant” she chuckled nervously, staring at me, a glint of hope lingered in her small round eyes. But, of course, Cameron's and I's serious look gave it all away, which made her smile fade away.


“Umm, mom?” I called her, “that wasn't a dream”


“What!?” she nearly screamed. “Finnley Tyler Harries, how could you!?”


“It was supposed to be a one-time thing. . .But then, well. . .This happened” I said and scratched the back of my head.


“How many times have I told you about this topic, huh? We spend hours and hours talking about how to be careful cause this type of things could happen. . .”


“I know, I know mom. We were drunk and well—”


“Don't finish that” she cut me off. “Where is this poor and misfortune girl?”


“In-in her house, here. . .In L.A.” I replied. She stood up and grabbed her purse from the counter. She put her hair in a ponytail and then turned to look at both of us. She walked towards us and looked at me straight in the eyes.


“I want to see her” she said and crossed her arms across her chest.


I looked at Cameron and then back at her. “Mom, I-I don't think that's a good idea. I went to her house to speak to her, and her mom knows, she doesn't want me near her. She hates me”


“Of course she is indeed hating you right now. I would hate you too if you leave my daughter pregnant” she said. “Now, let's go”


“Perhaps, I should just stay here” I said.


She let go a sigh, but nodded. “Okay, then give me the address and I'll go. . .I need to see who did you got pregnant”


Gwen's P.O.V


Once I finished my chocolate ice cream, I turned towards my mom, who was still sipping on her strawberry one. “Thank you” I said, which made her look at me. She smiled and placed her hand on top of mine, which was cold thanks to her ice cream.


“I'm your mom, Gwen. And I just want the best for you. . .This bomb did explode n my face, but we'll find a solution, I promise”


“Yeah” I simply said.


“But, I don't want you any near Finn. You get that?” she asked.


“Why not?” I asked.


“Sweetie, you can't be near this guy, look what he did to you. . .Plus, he will most likely just vanish away once this baby's born. What tells you he's not taking off in a plane right now? Boys are like that. Trust

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