» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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How can you push but at the same time breath in and out? How the hell?


My mom stood beside me, holding my hand. I squeezed so hard I was kind of scared I would break it any second. But she kept reassuring me that everything was fine.


“Come on Gwen, you're doing great!”




“It's time” Dani informed me after what seemed like forever.


I grabbed the stick tightly, but couldn't flip it over to see the results, I was frozen on my spot. Dani noticed this and hugged me. “You can do it” she whispered in my ear. I nodded slowly and finally, flipped it over.


“Oh, my God” I said covering my mouth with my hand. One tear rolled down my cheek and I fell into the ground. I can't believe it; this can't be happening. “It's positive” I informed and dropped the stick beside me. I couldn't move, I couldn't stand. . .Nothing. Dani kneeled in front of me and hugged me. I rested my head on her chest and cried even more. She rubbed my arm up and down, trying to shush me. I shook my head repeatedly, still not believing this.









My heart cracked in a billion pieces as I picture him smiling to himself while writing those tweets, while lying to all of his fans. I am furious, sad, broken. . .He made me believe I was special, that he was actually into me. He made me believe that those moments we had. . .Meant something. But here I am, crying pathetically in front of the only boy in my entire life, that made me be head over heels but at the same time, heartbroken. . .


“Gwen, please don't cry—”


“What do you want me to do then!?” I screamed exasperated, as I backed away from him. “Do you expect to see me dancing around happy with life after you lied to me? After you made me go through this? So, not only you made me pregnant, but also you say those horrible things behind my back and expect me to be alright? It doesn't fucking work like that, Finn, it doesn't!” I folded my arms, he tried to walk towards me but I raised my hand for him to stop. “And to top it all off, you come here when I clearly told you not to talk to me ever again. Seriously, what is wrong with you?”




Hey guys, Finn here. Today's video is not a Q & A, or a challenge, or anything like that. Today I'm here to share the truth. Many and many months ago I met this beautiful girl. I got carried away and took things too far. She got pregnant because of me. And for several months I've been hiding it all along. Denying that in fact, I am the father of that so rumored baby. Is not a rumor, it is the truth. I am here in front of this whole crowd admitting that I did get a girl pregnant. That girl in the picture you all saw, is Gwen” he turned his attention back to me. “She is the one that I love”


I stopped dead in my tracks.


Did he just?—


Is this for real?


He loves me?




“Gwen, sweetie, come on, you're doing great, just a little bit more” my mom said. I took every ounce of strength I could go keep going. I was going to make it through. Lately, I've been through so much worse. And it seems like all of the events I had to deal with, helped me build some sort of protective armor. I dealt with so much pain that I can't let this get on my way.


I started pushing hardly. “I see the head!” the Doctor said. I kept pushing and pushing, until I felt like I was about to give up. But I kept going. . .


The tears kept streaming down my face but not even that pulled me down.


I started hearing crying and more crying.   My view was still kind of blurry because of the tears. I wiped my eyes and then stared at the Doctor, who was holding my baby.


“You did it” my mom whispered and kissed me in the cheek.


“Congratulations, Gwen. It is a healthy baby girl” the Doctor said. I took a deep breath, and carefully lied on my back, finally relaxed that it is over.


When they cleaned my baby, the nurse holding her walked towards me. And with a big smile and tenderness, wrapped her with a pink cloth. Then she passed her to me. Happy tears started falling down as I stared at her tiny blue eyes.


“She's beautiful” I said, my voice breaking.


It was over.


She was here, born in this world.


After months of crying, fighting, laughing, overcoming the constant judgement of everyone. She was finally here in my hands, looking at me. She was safe and sound. She seemed healthy and looked beautiful. She was so little and fragile. I feared that she may break.


“I am your mom” I said, softly placing a kiss on her head.




The End


Last Author's Note

 SO, that is it guys, that was the last Chapter of this Book. But, of course you noticed that I left some things open. You know what that means. . .




You need to know what is the baby's name. Or what happens when Finn finds out about the adoption idea. Erin and Hnery are on their way too. There are things that need an answer. I am indeed working on the Sequel at this moment, but soon will be up and ready for everyone's enjoyment. 




Publication Date: 06-04-2016

All Rights Reserved

To my family, who have always been there through every single moment. To my amazing group of friends, the most genuine group of people I have never met. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for every laugh and every time you have caused a smile on my face.

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