» Juvenile Fiction » It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗

Book online «It's Your Baby, Belén Domínguez [books for 10th graders txt] 📗». Author Belén Domínguez

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know if she is capable of forgiving you if you stay here and do nothing. You just need to try”


“She hates me” I stated the obvious. How can she not after what I've put her through?


“Maybe she hates you right now, but that's because she thinks you don't care for her one bit, which is completely false. I know you love her, now it's time for you to show her that that is true”


We stayed a few minutes in silence until I spoke up. “Thank you” I said, which made him smile.


“You're my best friend, Finn. And even though you did things wrong, I told you I would stick up for you through good and bad times” he said. I hugged him tightly, he patted my back soothingly, shushing me. I am so lucky to have him in my life, and honestly, I don't know what I would do without him. He's like my older brother and always knows what to say to me.


I promised I wouldn't give up for her. And that's exactly what I will do: I'll fight for that sweet girl that stole my heart.


I pulled away from him, and finally, a smile crept to my lips. “Even if she rejects me at first, I know she loves me too. I know that. . .”


He nodded, “Of course she does. Now, go and try to talk to her” he said. I grabbed my car keys from the counter and bolted towards the front door. But before leaving, I turned to Cameron, who was staring back at me.


“Thank you for always being there for me, Cam, I don't know what I would do without you” I said.


“Now, you will make me cry” he said which made me laugh. “Go and get your girl” he said. I nodded, and got out the door, slamming it shut once I was outside. She might kick me out, of course, but that doesn't mean I won't be persistent with her. The talk I had with Cameron made me realize how much I love her; how much I want her with me again. And crying won't do any good anymore, it will just make things worse.


I don't want this to end like that. I won't allow it. I won't allow the only girl in this entire world that made me feel happy slip away without putting a fight.

Chapter 51 - I Won't Give Up

Gwen's P.O.V


I lost count of how long I've been lying in my bed, with tear stained cheeks and a dry throat. I couldn't bring myself to sleep, my attempts in doing that were in vain. I stayed wide awake, still exhausted. I didn't want to talk to anyone, not even to Alec. I don't want him to find out about this, he will go look for Nash and most likely kill him.


I started caressing my stomach delicately. “It's not your fault” I mumbled. “It is mine, for allowing this to happen” I felt bad for this innocent child, even though he/she is not born yet. It was a mistake to talk to Finn at that bar, to let him seduce me, for always going back to him whenever I needed comfort. When he was holding me in his warm arms, I felt somehow safe, he made me feel in a way no human being has ever before. God, I want to stop thinking about him, but I can't.


I heard a light knock on my door, which made me look up. There stood Alec, leaning on my doorframe, arms folded. I turned the other way, not wanting to look at him, I didn't want to speak to anyone. I thought I made that clear when I left to the park.


“Gwen?” he called out for me. I didn't answer, my voice was too weak to mutter anything. I heard his footsteps approaching me, which made me hug my pillow even tighter. He sat down next to me, and rubbed my back soothingly.


“Are you okay?”


No. Of course I am not okay.


But I couldn't tell him that. So I went with a simple: “Yes”


“Then why aren't you looking at me?” he asked, concern clear on his voice. I glanced at my brother, and forced a smile into my lips. At least I stopped crying, but that doesn't mean my face will look good enough for him to believe me.


“I am okay, Alec, just a little tired, that's all” I said. He stared at me for a moment and caressed my cheek tenderly.


“You weren't okay this afternoon when you left for a walk” he said, frowning. I let go a heavy sigh, I know he's worried, but I would like to be alone.


“I. Am. Okay. I promise” I said each word deliberately slow. But his face showed me he didn't bought that. Of course he knows something is up, he's my older brother after all, and there's no one that knows me more than him.


“You know that you can tell me anything, right?” he asked, and I nodded slowly. There's no one I trust more than him, but this is something that I need to deal with alone. I need to deal with the painful heartbreak by myself, without my family on the way.


“Mom and dad are worried for you too” he commented. I stared at the ceiling before looking back at him.


“I know they are, though they don't have to be, there's nothing to be worried about, besides the fact that their little princess is pregnant” even though I've been through this for several months, I still can't help but cringe at the word ‘pregnant’.


He nodded, “If you need anything, don't hesitate in telling me. I would do anything for my little sister” he said and kissed the top of my head. I am glad he is in my life, I feel so blessed with him, he always knows how to make me feel happy.


“I know, thank you big bro, I love you so much” I said and hugged him. I felt like crying when I was burying my face on his shirt, inhaling his cologne and lavender scent, a smell I came to love so much, it felt somehow comforting.


He hugged me even tighter, caressing my hair. “I love you so much more, to the infinity and beyond” he said. When we pulled away, he held my face in between his warm hands, staring at me for a moment into my eyes.


“You are my little princess, and if anyone ever hurts you, I will do anything in my will to hunt down that person” he said before placing a kiss on my forehead.


“I know” I said, smiling for real this time. I know he can be able of doing that and much more. When he left, I let go a heavy sigh, and stared at my surroundings, the night was quiet, no one was on the road at this time of day.


I heard my phone buzzing in my nightstand, so I grabbed it and unlocked it.




Finn was texting me? Wasn't I clear when I told him to never speak to me again?




We need to talk.




Baby, please, let me explain.




I know you're reading this; you're just ignoring me. Please give me a chance to explain. Please baby.


I wanted to throw my phone out the window, I was so mad at myself at that moment, because him calling me ‘baby’ still made my stomach flutter and my heart pound fast. What is wrong with me?


Then the next text made me frown at my screen.




Then I guess I'll have to wait outside your house until you decide to come out.


I quickly rushed towards my window, opening it completely, the night breeze hitting my face like a truck. I saw a figure down pacing back and forth, the street dimmed lights illuminating him. I knitted my eyebrows together. God, is he serious?


“What part of stay away from me don't you understand?” I asked. He looked up abruptly, startled at my voice.

“You know me by know, Gwen, I don't quit. Specially towards the things I care the most” he said, putting his hands inside his jean pockets.


“What do you want?” I asked, folding my arms. I tried not to scream too much so my family wouldn't hear.


“I want to explain”


“There's nothing to explain, Finn. You got what you wanted, what else do you want from me?” I asked.


“I want you to come down, and talk to me”


“I don't want to talk, because there's nothing you can say or do that will make me change my opinion about you. You blew it, get it in your head. You never cared about me, you always wanted your fifteen minutes of fame”


“We both know that is not true. You know, deep inside of you, that every moment we shared, everything we talked about, every kiss, hug, all of that was completely true” he said, sadness plastered on his voice. We stared at each other for quite a while, until I turned on my heels and walked outside my room, directing myself downstairs, trying my best not to wake up my parents or call Alec's attention.


I opened my front door and saw that jerk waiting. His gaze instantly fell on mine. His expression was blank when he saw me, almost surprised for being there with him. We didn't speak right away, he was just looking at me, like if he was studying me. I didn't want to hear him out, it will possibly make things worse.


“What do you want from me, Finn?” I asked, crossing my arms across my chest. “Do you have any idea how much you're hurting me by being here right now?” I asked, frowning. He nodded slowly, scratching the back of his head.


“I know, believe me, I do know how you feel, because I'm going through the same thing” he said.

I shook my head in disbelief. “Really? Do you really care? Cause it didn't seem like that when I read those tweets”


“I was stupid to put that, Gwen, but you need to fucking understand that I had to!” he said frustrated.


“Oh, you had to, because that's just the perfect excuse. So, you just had to lie to me about it? You had to lead me on and pretend everything was fine when in reality you were lying to your fans about us, about this baby that is yours too? I am pregnant because of you!” I said, getting angrier with every passing second.


“I know that! Do you think I don't fucking know that I am the father of this child? I am well aware of that!”


“This conversation is going excellent” I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.


He rubbed his face with both of his hands before locking his gaze on mine. “I didn't mean any of this to happen, Gwen. In all honesty, I wanted to have sex with you, I admit that. I saw you in that bar all innocent and vulnerable, I wanted to prove to the guys that I could make you mine, that I could have any girl. But—”


“Oh really?— ”


“Don't interrupt, please” he said, making me shut up. He let go a heavy sigh and took a step towards me. I took one step back, but he grabbed both of my arms pulling me towards his hard chest. “But, then you became part of my life. You

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