» Juvenile Fiction » The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗

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place within me.
I cried out in pain as he penetrated me and pulled his torso down to meet my bare chest. I held on as tight as I could as the pain took over my body and finally turned into pleasure. And as the pleasure of the love making took hold I groaned and moaned in pleasure of the slow and comfortable movement. I pushed and pulled on Sam's back as the pleasure and pain fought against each other, creating the ultimate battle within me. I cried out for the fifth or sixth time and this stopped Sam.
“I do not wish to hurt you Lucy. You must stop me if the pain is more than the pleasure.” Sam said, his eyes shining with tears, looking concerned.
“I don't want to stop Sam. I will be fine. Trust me.” I said back, sounding more confident than I felt but slowly pushed my hips up and moved Sam's waist to recreate the slow and comfortable movement. I closed my eyes and allowed the pleasure to evolve inside of me and take over my body and my mind.
“Lucy,” Sam whispered in my ear. “You must stop this.” I opened my eyes and looked around me. The tree's around us were surrounded by freshly grown grass and the petals still falling around us had transformed into flames slowly falling around us. The wind was blowing so hard making the water ripple and the trees sway, making them dangerously close to collapsing.
“There's no water.” I said almost to myself.
“Lets not worry about that darling.” Sam said to me and continued to make love to me.
I allowed once more for the pleasure to accumulate within my entire body and I allowed Sam to get faster and faster until he could not go any faster and his moment came.
His body crumpled on top of mine with his lips on my neck and without warning he sank his teeth into the soft flesh that was located on my neck. I moaned with this incredible pleasure and felt myself go dizzy before Sam pulled away and let my blood soaked neck reveal the deep bites that he had created. Sam smiled at me and then offered me his wrist. I dizzily shook my head knowing what I wanted more than his wrist.
I grabbed his neck from behind and bent it to my mouth. I bit him as he had bitten me and started suckling on the delicious flow of the red liquid that gushed out of the bitten neck. However, I took only half the amount of what Sam had taken out of me. I didn't mind though, I had making up to do.
Chapter Nineteen

I ran into my Combat for Novices class late again and everyone turned to look at me.
“Lucy Jahd,” Professor Reeves began to say.
“Hey, I'm Lucy Daniels. I'm not a Jahd yet.” I said calmly back to him.
“Lucy Daniels,” Professor Reeves said, accenting the Daniels. “You are late again. Just because you are what you are, it doesn't mean everyone will treat you differently.”
“Sorry Professor Reeves, for being late. I was in the water last night and its more exhausting then one might think.”
The whole class gasped in amazement and all turned to me to ask questions but before they could, I sat down in my seat and got out my text book. Professor Reeves was staring at me and was fuming. I smiled sweetly back to him and slowly and deliberately turned my eyes blood red.
Shit. She needs to leave or die. She's changed since she came here. Sam should never have Turned her. I could kill her myself but...
“I would stop that thought now.” I said aloud. His eyes stared into mine and I stopped smiling. His face turned a pale white and I looked away from him. I closed my eyes and found Sam's buzzing mind.
Sam, don't come to me. We need to leave. As soon as possible.
“Concentrate.” Prof Reeves shouted at me.
“Yes Sir.” I said with a nice smile.
The lesson continued as a normal lesson would. Prof Reeves would give me a look. A scared look and part way through the lesson, I truly realised that I had really scared him. I sat in silence throughout the rest of the lesson.
When he dismissed us, I walked calmly out of the classroom until I turned back and walked back into the room. When he saw me, he pressed himself against the wall, backing away from me.
“I thought you'd be happy to know, that I will no longer be attending your class. I am leaving tonight so you won't have the temptation to kill me and rip me apart every time you set eyes on my face.” I said this very calmly and I even waved at him when I left his room and stood in the silent hallway. I walked slowly through the deserted hallways on my way to Performing Arts. I inhaled the smell of newly disinfected hallways and looked at the few displays in the corridor.
I rounded the corner and saw some graffiti. 'Lucy Daniels should die' It read in red spray paint. I sat cross legged in front of it. I reached my hand out towards the paint. I curled my fingers in towards my palm and eventually made a fist with my right hand. Splashes of paint were hovering in the air next to the wall. I reached out my left hand and curled my fingers to create a fist. Now all of the paint had come off of the wall and it was floating in the air, just off of the wall. I released both of my fists as Angela rounded the corner in search of me and the paint dropped to the floor creating a pool of what looked like blood. Angela gripped my shoulders and shook me out of the trance that I had been in.
“What are you doing Lucy?” She asked me sounding worried.
“There was paint on the wall.” I said stupidly.
“Yeah, well lets go to Performing Arts okay?” I nodded and let her pull me up. I shook myself and followed her to Performing Arts. Prof Strigiyo told me to sit out and the continued with the rest of the lesson.
When we were dismissed for break, I went with Angela and we sat down at a table in the hall. Josh joined us and then Sam joined us. Sam took one look at my pale face and the pointed at Angela.
“I found her sat playing with magic and what looked like blood. Took her to class.” Angela said quickly while Sam gripped my hands in a blindingly tight grip.
“I'm fine.” I said into the silence surrounding our table. “We must leave. Tonight, Sam.” I looked dead into Sam's eyes letting him know I was serious.
“Your leaving?” Josh said to us. I nodded still looking at Sam. “Why are you leaving?” Josh sounded heartbroken. I turned to look at him. I took my quickly bruising hands away from Sam and took Josh's hands.
“Personal reasons.” I said to him willing him to understand. I turned back to Sam. “Can I?” I asked him looking at his slightly tilted neck. He nodded and my eyes turned red. Josh looked away while Angela looked on inquisitively. I bit deep into his neck and I had that feeling where everyone is looking at you. I leaned to Sam's ear and whispered this to him. He nodded slightly and I pulled away from him wiping my lips with my sleeve. I looked around slowly and every eye was on me.
“Does anyone have a problem with Lucy feeding?” Eric said into the silence from across the room. “Anyone does and they can take it up with The Head.” Eric walked calmly through the tables and over to us.
“What the hell do you think your doing?” He whispered to us.
“I was hungry?” I said questionably.
“Do you have any idea how annoyed the students are? We've had outbursts in classrooms, fighting in the corridors.”
“What am I meant to do about it Eric? I can't control them.”
“Your supposed to act normal.” Eric said very forcefully.
“How am I meant to act like a normal student Eric? Teachers are thinking about taking me on and students want me dead. How is that normal? The most normal thing that's happened to me today was feeding. I'm being who I am.”
“If this is who you are then you've changed since I first met you.” he started to touch my face and my mark. “The first time I met you, you were crying on the remains of this place. You were so lonely and scared and you just wanted something to hold on to. You've changed Lucy.” He got up and walked away from me. I sat and stared at his figure walking away from me and jumped when the bell range to begin lessons again. I stood up and walked away from my friends as I went to my next lesson.
Professor Heyla wasn't at all pleased to see me. She smiled to the other students but her smile faltered when she saw me and she instantly started thinking of spells in case I kicked off. I offered her my kind smile and she backed away from me. I sighed and walked over to my seat.
Josh had already entered the classroom and was sat staring at me. As I looked back, a tear dropped out of his eye. He whipped it angrily away with his hand and then continued staring as I dropped into my seat and opened my text book.
I could feel his eyes on me throughout the whole lesson and ten minutes before the end I cracked and looked back. Prof Heyla went over to Josh and told him to go outside. He did as she said and went outside while she walked over to me.
“Go outside and make him happy. He has been progressing well and I will not let the likes of you damage him.” She grabbed me by my shoulder and stood me up and practically pushed me towards the door. I walked outside to see Josh leaning against the wall. Crying. I went straight to him and grabbed his hand. I pulled him into an empty class room and magically sealed the door locked.
“What's wrong?” I asked him once he was sitting on a table and I was sat on the chair of the same table.
“Your leaving.” He said as he whipped the tears away from his face.
“Honey,” I took his hands in mine and made him look at me. “I have to leave.”
“Tell me why.” He moved closer to me. Touching my left cheek and tracing the black and white mark that Sam had created on me. “I'll understand.” He said closing my eyes and kissing my eyelids and then my forehead, lingering so I could tell that he was struggling.
“Everyone thinks they know me. They judge me on what they've been told

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