» Juvenile Fiction » The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗

Book online «The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗». Author Meghan Escott

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“I'm going to my room. Follow me if you wish.” I said before I used my own vamp speed to appear at the end of my corridor where I could see Josh sat outside of my room and Sam emerging from my room. Eric appeared next to me and I saw The Head appear next to Eric. He walked straight up to Josh and pulled him up from the floor.
“Why is he helping Josh?” I whispered to Eric.
“Josh turned you in.” He whispered back.
I turned to Josh who was speaking quickly and quietly to The Head. I walked straight to Sam who looked pleased to see me though still angry at me.
“Where's Kahn? I want to see him.” I said to him making him smile and open my bedroom door. I stepped into my room and saw Kahn lying on my sofa. I went straight to him and picked him up. He smiled at me and I stepped back outside of my room. Eric was waiting for me.
“Please just stay one more day. For me? If it weren't for me, you wouldn't be here right now. Please just one more day at the least?” Eric asked desperately. I nodded my head and then went back into my room where Sam was waiting on my sofa.
“Sam,” I said softly.
“It's okay.” He said with no hesitation. I let a breath I didn't know I was holding. “Let's put it all behind us. We're both okay and Kahn is happy and safe although I didn't appreciate the beating I got from Josh after being powered up by you and your blood.” I hung my head, allowing my hair to fall forward and cover my face. “Baby, I was joking.” Sam said quickly. I lifted my head and he was right in front of me, taking Kahn and sitting him on the sofa. He then slid his hands around my shoulders and around to my neck. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid my hands up his chest, around his neck and through his hair.
“Do you want to go to bed?” He asked me quietly. I shrugged my shoulders and his smile faded. “How can you not know?”
“I'm just really tired Sam. I want to go to bed but to sleep not to make love to you.” I said honestly to him.
“At least let me feed you. You haven't had blood in two days. Please just take my blood.” I nodded my head at him and he guided me to my bed where we both sat down. “Do you want to bite me or shall I cut myself?” He asked me steadily.
“Bite.” I said quietly and Sam tilted his head slightly and moved closer to me. I laughed to myself quietly and jumped at Sam. I pushed his shoulders down on the bed and smiled at him. He seemed unsure whether to trust me or not. “Trust me.” I said quietly and I bit him very softly on his neck. He let out a moan and I laughed to myself. I sucked softly on his neck only swallowing the smallest amount of blood. I then moved down to his chest where I sucked on his skin until the blood nearly came out of his skin.
I repeated this until he had over ten hickey's over his chest. I smiled up at him and he smiled back pushing me backwards until I was flat on the bed. I could not control my telepathic brain any longer and it branched out into Sam's head.
That was so fucking awesome. Where'd she learn this stuff? It doesn't matter just make sure she enjoys herself too.
“Concentrate Lucy. Try and keep out.” Sam said to me as I was struggling to stay out of his head.
She's chosen him. I can feel them. Together Angela. I thought that I made sure they were over.
“Josh is outside.” I said quickly to Sam who let me up and followed me into the dining room. “He is going to burst in any second. Leave your shirt off and let me bite you.” He did as I said as he sat at one of the chairs and I sat on the table. I bit him just as Josh walked into my room and my eyes turned red involuntarily.
Just as I thought. I didn't win really.
Fuck yes. I've missed this.
That duel was all for nothing.
How can she make me feel so good in one action alone.
Why didn't she bite me and then we'd be connected.
I stopped biting Sam and looked up to see Josh and Eric in my doorway.
“Eric?” I said whipping my mouth, feeling so good with Sam's blood finally in me.
“Lucy Daniels; I challenge you to a duel of the magic only rules.” Eric's words triggered a strong wind to surround both of them and transport them to the mural hall. Some how the whole student body was there as well as the teachers who were marking out an area where her and Eric were meant to duel. Eric appeared on the other side of the marked out area.
“Why do my grandson and my apprentice duel?” The Head shouted over the crowd of people and walked straight to the centre of the room. He looked to me first and I pointed to Eric.
“Yes, I challenged her to the duel of magic rules.” Eric said to The Head.
“But why grandson of mine.”
“Everybody wants to see her get overpowered but no-one has the guts to try.”
“Duel.” The Head shouted then retreated to the side with the teachers where Sam had just joined them.
Eric shot fire at me. He did not know that I was of all elements. What an advantage to have. I manipulated the flames into beautiful swirls around me and then shot them right back at him. He used the magic of water to put out his flames then shot the water at me. That was just a stupid choice of element. I put a barrier of the Earth in front of me, knowing that the Earth would defeat the water. I then prepared my next spell – speaking the incantation very slowly and precisely, making sure it was exactly correct.
After a while of the elements battling it out I moved towards Eric knowing that I would have to be in range for it work. I moved slowly towards him behind my barrier and when I was in range I let the barrier down and stepped in front of him. I finished the incantation and allowed myself to be lifted off the ground as the spell took hold. I forced myself to the floor as Eric ran towards me and I moved myself in front of him so he could not stop but he went straight through me and came out on the other side lying on the ground and not moving.
How do I end the duel? I sent to Sam.
He must tap three times.
I shot a spell at Eric who was still not moving and I pushed the force down on him. I walked towards him every time I hit him until I was right next to him. I knelt down and whispered into his ear.
“It was stupid to send fire at me considering I am of water and I would defeat it. It was also reckless to send water at me since I now manipulate Earth and Earth beats Water and it was stupid to run at me when I was a ghostly being because you would end up like this. Now tap three times and we can end this right now.” Eric immediately tapped three times and I let the spell off of him.
“What do you mean you now manipulate Earth?” He whispered back to me.
“It's a long story. One that I would like to tell you. Come by my room later and we'll talk.” I whispered to him just before Sam pulled me up and The Head pulled Eric up.
Attack me. I sent to Eric very clearly and he did so, forcing Sam and The Head to hold him back. Look at my eyelids. I sent to Eric again and he looked, still struggling against Sam and The Head. However, when he noticed all four signs he stopped struggling and went limp against The Head. Sam came back to me and hugged me tightly. Be at my room in one hour. I sent to Eric making him nod his head at me.
I followed Sam back to my room were I promptly lay down on my bed and 'fell asleep'. Sam left, taking Kahn with him so I could have some alone time. Instead, I busied myself preparing for Eric's visit. I changed from my sweat ridden clothes into some shorts and a t-shirt revealing most of my 21 marks. I washed my hair and just as I had finished towel drying it, a knock came on the door. Eric was right on time and when I opened the door to him, he tried to keep his eyes on my face and I could see that it was hard for him.
He came in and I chucked him some blood before I joined him on the sofa. I sat next to him and sipped at my own blood until he finally cracked.
“Let me look at your eyes.” He said to me, putting down his blood on the coffee table. I put my blood next to his and moved closer to him. I closed my eyes and I heard him gasp. “You are of all four? But this can't happen. I've never even heard of it. I've never heard of someone being of two let alone four.” I opened my eyes and looked into his. They were full of excitement rather than fear. I breathed out and look down and away from Eric.
A sharp pain went through my left foot. I lifted it up and started to massage it but a sharp pain went through my head and I fell backwards on the sofa. I could feel my eyes roll backwards and into my head.
She's betrayed you again Sam. The Head said.
How could she? With who has she done it with? Who? Sam shouted back to The Head.
Eric Samuel. Eric.
She wouldn't dare. Not again. Not now.
She did it Sam, I saw it with my own eyes. They were together, in her room and they were making love Samuel. Making love. She doesn't love you any more Sam.
She does Sir, I know she does. She will be my wife in the weeks or months to come. She would not do something like this that could destroy our relationship.
I felt something on my head when my eyes rolled round to the front of my head. Eric had put a damp towel on my forehead to try and calm me down.
“Is it over?” Eric asked calmly.
“Yes, I think so.” I said sitting up and rubbing my head not remembering anything that had happened in the vision.
“What was that? I didn't think you had visions.”
“I think I do now. I've only had a couple.” I was getting the worst head ache after having a vision.
“Your tattoo changed by the way.” Eric said sliding his hand up my smooth leg to get my attention. “Its an eye on your left foot. It symbolises developed visions so you've got them through your attempts rather than being made with them. You have 22 tattoo's now.”
“How do you know how many tattoo's I've got?”
“I counted them.” Eric said running both of his hands up my legs and winking at me.
“Are you flirting with me?” I asked Eric teasingly.
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