» Juvenile Fiction » The Rock's of Beauty, Meghan Escott [find a book to read .txt] 📗

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do something for me.” I said and he entered my office and closed the door. “Sophie are you happy drinking blood from person or vampire?” I asked calmly.
“You want me to drink from you?” She asked in awe.
“No dear, I want you to drink from Cassius here.” I said nodding at him. He looked a bit suspicious but he nodded anyway. Sophie stood up and went straight to Cassius who extended his wrist slowly. She bit hard – she liked blood like me – but then started choking. I laughed and clapped my hands but then quickly went over to Sophie and fed her some of my blood.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” She whispered in fear to Cassius.
“His blood is poisonousness to Vampire Princes and Princesses. I can not drink his blood and neither can you since your a vampire princess.”
“How does that explain every thing?”
“If you don't mind showing me one of your black marks, I'll show you.” I said to Sophie and she lifted the side of her jumper up so I could see three black marks just like mine. “Now look at my finger.” And I showed her my whole pinky on my left hand which was covered in a black mass like Sophie's side. “You attract disaster, and you have visions; explaining why you blank out for minutes at a time but because you have not met your true love, your tattoo's will not change or appear but at least because your in Year 4, I can set you off to find him or her.”
“It's a her.” Sophie said smiling.
“You have someone in mind?”
“My girlfriend and I haven't really done anything like that.”
“Ask her to bite your neck.”
“She's human.” That shocked me into silence. When I couldn't stand the silence any longer I told Sophie to go and she went out like a shot.
“Cassius? Can that happen?”
“A human making a Vampire Princess, I don't know but that's your job to find out I'm afraid. Grace asked me to inform you on the extra circular magic class.” I groaned and put my head on my desk while Cassius chuckled but carried on.
Chapter Twenty Three

By the time I got to bed that night, Sam had already come in, got some of Kahn's night things and taken him into his own room – leaving a note explaining all of this. I smiled at the kisses at the end of the note and looked tiredly at the suitcase still sitting on my bed. I walked over to it and unzipped it to find it empty but with another note.
I thought you might be a bit tired so I unpacked for you. I also enquired about bottled blood for you and they will have stocked your fridge by tomorrow. Have fun at you first day tomorrow. Can't believe how early we have to get up!!
Love you xx
Sam was an absolute star. I shoved my suitcase on top of the wardrobe and stripped off my clothes, folding them neatly in a pile and searching through my wardrobe for something to wear tomorrow and on finding something, I pulled the hangers out and hung them on the doors of the wardrobe. I then slid into bed and fell asleep straight away only to be waken by the pre-set alarm clock that was sitting on my bedside cabinet.
And what a surprise it was to be woken up by the squawk that it made. I thwacked it until it shut up and then slowly pushed myself up and out of bed. I rubbed my eyes which still stung from getting the three tattoo's. At that thought I got out of bed and got into the shower – scrubbing away the make up that I had worn yesterday. I shaved my legs and washed my hair before I heard the knock on the door. I quickly turned the shower off and wrapped a towel around me. I smeared some concealer on my eyelids and then answered the door.
It was Sophie.
“I'm sorry professor Daniels. I didn't mean to disturb you I just need to show you this.” She flicked the hair away from her right side of her neck and showed me a name imprinted there – just like mine. “I was trying to convince her to bite me and then I blanked out again and when I came too, there it was! Also some of my others have started to change and I'm getting them everywhere.” She sounded excited though nervous.
“Sophie, that's great. And don't worry, it's normal to get new tattoo's you should get at least seven more and the black one's will change in their own time like mine do. I can see you're happier already.” She gave me a huge hug, nearly making the towel slip from my hands and then running down the corridor where she nearly bumped into Sam.
“Sorry Sir.” She said and then scuttled off.
“Why was she here?” Sam said as he came to my door looking closely at my loosely wrapped towel.
“She got her human girlfriend to bite her and she's a vamp princess.” I said in disbelief. “I didn't even know that could happen.” Sam was nodding softly.
“What she and you don't know; that if the human isn't turned soon, they will die taking a part of the vampire with them. However, before you go getting any ideas about running off and turning the human – you cannot. Grace will not allow you to do such a thing like The Head did back home. “
“This is our home now. I like it here.” I said tightening my towel and walking inside my door.
“You've covered them up already I see.” Sam said changing the subject after inspecting my body again.
“I had too. I have to for us to stay here.” I said bluntly while putting some clothes on. “You really think I don't want to run away and just go to the water and be Murray's queen, go to the flames which gives me such a rush its unimaginable and the air. The beautiful snowdrops that surround the air and the Earth; strong and faithful Earth with the pure green light. I've given all of that up for you Sam. But in return, I ask for nothing but you deal with the fact that I have to cover some of my tattoo's.” I said whipping round to face him surprising myself when my eyes turned red of their own accord. I dropped my head down trying to cover them up but Sam had already seen the blood redness of my eyes. He titled his head to the side and I could not resist the temptation.
I slammed my body into his, pushing him back against the wall and bit deep into his neck; making him gasp in pain. I pinned his shoulders against the wall using my arm and then using the other, I pulled his head down even further so I could get more blood. I was rather enjoying myself until my door shut and someone cleared their throat. I whipped round to see Cassius smiling softly at me. I turned back to Sam and released him from my hold where he slumped to the ground. I sighed softly and cut my own neck with my nail and lowered the blood next to Sam. He started sucking straight away and I had to struggle to keep my eyes green instead of red. Cassius picked me up from my arm and pulled me away from Sam. He slammed me into the wall.
“Can I not leave you alone for two minutes before your feeding on someone?” Cassius said laughing at the anger on my face. He did not release me until my eyes had slowly turned from the dark and vicious blood red to the deep green that people would be used to. The second that my eyes were under control, Cassius relaxed on his grip and I tried to walk over to Sam. He strengthened his grip again and looked at me. “You know how this has to go Lucy. You can not see him like you used to. We must get to class.” I flicked my eyes to Sam who had quickly stood up and was ready to defend me.
“Cassius, I am not a little girl any more. Yes, my age suggests otherwise but I do not need protection from any one or anything. I can take care of myself now.”
“The Head will not allow this. She said that you needed protecting.”
“Then you do it from a distance and you do not get mixed up in my affairs.” I then turned away from him pulled the door open and then ran at vamp speed to my office hoping that no-one would follow but sure enough, when I shut my office door, Cassius was leaning up against the opposite wall. I slam my hands down on the desk and pushed my chair back and stormed over to my office door. “This is not what I meant my a distance.” I shouted at him.
“You haven't fed much, this is why your being like this. Why don't I take you to a feeder and then you will no longer be like this.” He said to me reasonably and took my arm. He then used his vampire speed to take me to a feeder. The conductor of the feeders looked surprised to see me. Cassius took her off to one side. “Hi Jane, this is Lucy and she's going to need feeding every morning. She needs a women every time so if you could organise this, that would be great.” Jane just gave a sharp nod and pointed to the room furthest away from her. I smiled at her and walked with Cassius at my side to the door.
After the feeding was over Cassius lead me back to my office where the pile of lesson plans sat ominously staring at me waiting for me to panic and stress out. Instead of caving into what everyone seemed to expect, I picked them up calmly and proceeded next door into my classroom where I threw them onto the desk and looked at the layout of the tables in the classroom. There were six rows of individual tables and chairs. I internally sighed.
She looks tired already. Hasn't even started yet.
I turned to face Cassius who was standing at the door watching me with intention. I caught his eyes and he smiled.
Something smudged on her eyes. He thought whilst approaching me. I quickly whipped round to face away from him could hear his brain begin to worry.
“Are you okay Lucy?”
“Of course. I just want to rearrange the classroom that's all.” I walked over to a desk and lifted it with my hands to place it on top of another desk. I did this to a square in the centre of the room with the first three rows. I then went about turning the tables to the left of the square to face inwards

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