» Juvenile Fiction » how to fix the cut, KLeena Girl [best reads txt] 📗

Book online «how to fix the cut, KLeena Girl [best reads txt] 📗». Author KLeena Girl

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something unnecessary speaking about. But the words still didn’t lose their effect. Suddenly, a long silence stretched out between the reunited friends. All the noises and the music had faded away. The warm feeling inside of Serena was gone and made room for an icy cold. The already large room widened more and more, everything pulled away from her till Serena felt like the only one being left.
David had Leukaemia? Why had he never mentioned it? Wasn’t she his best friend? He could have been dying and she would have never known…why did he do that? Everything made sense now, his sudden departure, his strange appearance when she had met him at the funeral and his now skinny and sick look.
Slowly, David’s words trickled away in her whirlpool of thoughts. Her brain stopped, it couldn’t handle the information overload. She took her beer and began to grin. As if someone had pushed a ‘Reverse’-Button in her, she kept going like she had been before. The room turned louder again.
Serena leaned against David’s shoulder and laughed.

* * *

Sunlight reached her closed eyes, causing Serena to stir. Reluctantly, her eyes fluttered open just enough to take in her surroundings. She recognized where she was right away. She lay in the bed in the guest room of the Newton mansion. The guest room had been her room all that time ago. For a moment it felt like time hadn’t passed by and she still lived here with David and Lucas around. To her disappointment, realization set in soon as she remembered the last night’s happenings. She closed her eyes in shame as the words echoed in her mind.
„I left because I had Leukaemia.”

The bed was as soft and nice as ever and her body tried to fight her weak intent to stand up. After some minutes, she finally sat up and rubbed her head. She must have had way too many drinks yesterday. She couldn’t even recall how she had gotten into this bed, let alone into the guest room. Had she walked up the stairs on her own? Out of habit? Or had anyone carried her? She stretched silently, before she stood up and left the room. As she walked along the hallway, she passed the mirror and took a look. Her hair was in a mess and her clothes were wrinkled. She took the hem of her shirt and pulled it towards her face. My goodness, she smelled like expired beer! She looked down at her feet. Her shoes weren’t there. She must have taken them off then. Or somebody else had.
„You look like hell”, a familiar voice said, when she went down into the kitchen. David was wearing some new, fresh clothes, though you could see in his face how tired he really was. He was already cleaning up and Serena would have even helped him, if she hadn’t been feeling this nauseous. Before she could even wish him a good morning, she stuttered „bathroom” and left quickly to empty her stomach contents into the toilet. Dammit, she had really drunk too much last night! Angry with herself for losing control, she wiped her mouth and took a gulp of water. She closed the door and turned on the shower. The talk with David would have to wait, until she was at least clean again.
„You’ve never been a heavy drinker”, David mocked her, as she returned to the kitchen, „Want some breakfast?”
Serena wanted to kick him for his smart-ass comments, but decided to just leave it at that. She certainly felt better after the shower, but she was still exhausted. Nodding, she sat down at the table.
„Been a long time since we had breakfast in here”, David said as he approached her, carrying a tray with coffee and rolls. Serena silently took one and ripped down a bite to eat.
Swallowing it down, she asked, „Where’s everyone?”
„At home, apparently”, he answered taking a sip of the hot coffee, „the last ones left two hours ago.”
The strong smell alone made Serena feel awake, but when she actually drank the caffeine containing drink she finally got in the mood to talk.
„Is it true?” She said and both knew she didn’t need to voice what she was referring to.
Blue met green eyes and the answer was as short as simple. „Yes.”
The girl abruptly rose from the chair, hitting the table by accident and leaving it shaking. She wanted to answer, but she had to struggle for words. „Why?” She croaked.
His eyes went wide. He hadn’t been expecting her to burst out like this. „Serena, I couldn’t tell you…”
There was a clear pout on her face now. „I thought we were friends. I thought you would have trusted me then!”
„I did”, David exclaimed helplessly, „I still do. But I....”
„What?” Anger filled her words, her movements. Her fists were clenched so tightly that her knuckles turned white. „How could you do this? You left me, when I could have been there for you!”
„Serena, let me explain” he began, „I need you to understand…”
„Understand what?” She snapped at him. „You could have died, David! You could have died, just like him

.” David was shocked when she brought up Lucas. „How can you be so reckless? So careless towards me?” The fury turned into disappointment. „Don’t you understand how hard it was?” Her shoulders slumped and she shot a dangerous look at him. „And you promised me I wouldn’t lose you. How can you promise such things, when I would have lost you in the end?”
Sorrow threatened to take over her and she decided to leave. Wordlessly, she turned and went for the door before the tears could get to her.
„I wanted to protect you.”
Serena halted in the doorway. He sounded honest, yet his words made her heart clench. „You could have died”, she repeated. She looked over her shoulder to see his face full of desperation. „You could have died and I would never have known. How is that protecting me, David?” He didn’t miss the bitter tone of her voice, when she said his name. It almost made him wince.
Before he got a chance to reply, she was gone.

* * *

„Fuck! Dammit!” Serena cursed out loud, as she fumbled with the fastener of her necklace. Chuckling, Adam sneaked up from behind her. „Here let me help you”, he said in a smooth voice and gently pushed her hands aside.
„I’m sorry”, she said, when she let him take over the ends of the metal chain. Her shoulders sank down, „I know I’m late.”
Adam had asked her to come with him to the cinema, but she just couldn’t get a grip of herself tonight. Maybe it was the fact that she had this argument this morning with David that made her so fidgety.
„Nice necklace”, Adam commented, after he had fastened it and Serena had turned around. „What’s inside that locket?”
She blushed, her hands quickly found the heart-shaped pendant and encircled it. „N-Nothing”, she stuttered and looked to the ground.
Adam didn’t push it, instead he drank in her beauty. „You’re gorgeous”, he told her and her face turned even redder. „If you always dress so pretty to go to the cinema, then maybe I should take you out on a real date.”
Serena thought she would faint. Did he indicate that it was not

a date tonight? What a fool she was then to put on her best dress. The neckholder left her back exposed. The dark red fabric was hugging her slender figure and was cut off just above the knees. „Maybe I should change then…”, she murmured shyly. She turned to go, though Adam’s hand reached out to catch her wrist.
„I’m sorry, Serena. I never meant to embarrass you”, he said. His other hand ran along her cheek gently. „And it is true, you are beautiful.”
The heat was returning to her face and she smiled at him nervously. „Well, let’s go then, okay?”
The evening went by nicely. Thank goodness, they had watched a comedy movie and no romance film. Otherwise, it might have gotten awkward between the two of them. Adam’s hand rested on her waist, as he walked her home. He suddenly stopped and looked at her. „You’re freezing!” He exclaimed, when he noticed the goosebumps on her skin. „Here, let me give you my jacket.”
It was right, Serena had goosebumps, but they didn’t come from the cool air alone. She had felt it this night stronger than ever how deep her feelings had become for Adam. Every time he would brush her skin, she shuddered with excitement. And his care made her heart melt. „Thank you, Adam, but that’s not necessary…”
„Of course, it is”, he said, not taking no for an answer. He pulled out of his jacket and wrapped it around her shoulders. Serena had to admit that it felt good. The item was warm and smelled like him. Adam grabbed her hand and they continued walking. She was blushing like mad and glad that it was too dark for him to see.
„Adam?” She asked self-consciously after some time. „Have you ever been so disappointed by a person and you don’t know how you could ever trust him again?”
Puzzled, Adam answered. „You are hopefully not talking about me, are you?” When she shook her head slightly, he sighed in relief. „No, I don’t think so. Maybe by my parents. Who exactly are you talking about? Is it Sebastian?”
„Oh no”, she replied quickly, „it’s not about Sebastian.” Noticing his questioning gaze, she added, „I told you about that someone, I hadn’t seen for a really long time, didn’t I? Well, I’ve always thought of him as a close friend, but now I’ve got a feeling that our friendship might have been not as strong as I thought it was.”
Adam recognized her apostatizing tone and relented. „You don’t have to tell me who it is. I trust you, Serena. And I won’t disappoint you.” He smiled at her beamingly, but her response looked rather weak.
When they had reached her home, Serena thanked him for the pleasant evening. Adam smiled. She was about to wave him goodbye and go inside, as he bent down and kissed her cheek. It wasn’t even a real kiss, more like a small peck, but it made her all tingly. Blushing again she mumbled something about good night and seeing him soon. All the while he kept grinning. Her hands were shaking, when she tried to open the door with the key. Finally, she pushed it open and hurried inside. Slamming the door shut, she sank down to floor.
Oh no, had she really just closed the door practically right into his face? She was drowned in shame and embarrassment after she had realized that she hadn’t even bid him a good night properly. How could it be that Adam could make her act like a heavy crushed teenager? Or was she actually in love with him?

* * *

She couldn’t be. It was impossible. She was confused. Maybe in need. But definitely not in love. Or in denial after all? Serena sighed and propped herself up onto her elbows to take a glance at the clock. 5 am. Great, she hadn’t slept this night at all. So many things were running through her head. First, there was the fight she had with David and his sudden confession. Serena felt betrayed by him in many ways. She hadn’t forgiven him for what had happened in the night after the funeral and she hadn’t forgiven herself for that matter. And here he was, he came back to her and she had been willing to start new, to make peace with the past…only to have David breaking

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