» Juvenile Fiction » how to fix the cut, KLeena Girl [best reads txt] 📗

Book online «how to fix the cut, KLeena Girl [best reads txt] 📗». Author KLeena Girl

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everything down again.
Second, Adam had kissed her. Right, on her cheek, but it didn’t take a genius to notice what he felt for her. The problem was that she didn’t know how her feelings were towards him. She liked him, for sure. But she didn’t know if there was more. If there was enough to make it work.

The things she had experienced with Lucas were still present and clear in her mind. Serena shook her head and pulled her arm over her eyes. Why did everything have to be so complicated? Adam trusted her. Every time, she was around him, she could sense that fact. And wasn’t it trust, she had expected from David? The answer was yes, although, this time, this case, it was her who lacked being trust-worthy. She hadn’t mentioned her past, Lucas, David or anything else with a single word to Adam. It was hard enough to build a friendship without absolute honesty, how should she keep up to stabilize a romantic relationship that way then?
Serena found herself in a conflict with herself. She had told neither Adam nor David from each other. And if she did, would they approve? She wanted to curl up and cry. Such decisions were hard to make and she certainly wasn’t good at them. If there was anything, she really would have liked now, then it was having Lucas back. She whimpered, as a memory of him rushed through her thoughts. It would be so much easier.
Regaining her self-restraint again, she stood up and went for a shower. She would need to talk to both of them in the end, she figured out. After school, she would meet up with Adam. She didn’t feel the necessity to tell him the whole truth, but maybe a conversation with him would make things clearer. His opinion and feelings came first.
She could still deal with David later.

* * *

The sun shone down onto the grass and most of the flowers were already blooming. Even though, it was April, the weather was quite nice.
„I’m glad you’ve found some time”, Serena said and breathed in, willing to calm herself down. Though, when Adam pressed a light kiss on her cheek, the nervousness crept into her again. Blushing, she began to stroll through the park along side with him. She fidgeted before she began to speak. „Well, about you and us…I-I just wanted to know what you feel for me. Because I’m not sure…” Her face burned with embarrassment, but she had at least gotten the words off her chest. The couple stopped walking and looked at each other. Adam’s expression was surprised, but not shocked or angered. A smile slowly spread over his lips. He gently took her hand and answered with pure sincerity. „Actually, I’m trying to figure out my feelings, as well. You don’t have to be ashamed, Serena. I like you, I really do. Over the past months we’ve grown so close and I-“
Serena had been listening carefully to him, when something or rather someone else caught her attention. Not far from them, she could see a young man approaching them. His chocolate brown hair and tall, now quite thin figure left no mistake. David.

She would have cursed out loud, if she had been alone. Adam’s words were lost on her, while her eyes followed the person, coming closer and closer. She wanted to hide or to run away. This hadn’t been her plan, a confrontation of all three in public. Perhaps it wasn’t too late to leave now. But when David raised his hand called out her name, it was.
Immediately Adam stopped talking and turned around to see the other man. The instant their eyes met, their gazes changed. Serena hadn’t known that the boys obviously knew each other, so when her expressions grew scorning, she stood between them completely confused. She cleared her throat. „Adam, that’s David, an old friend of mine”, she started introducing, „David, this is Adam.”
„How do you know him?” David asked her. He moved in front of her, not breaking the eye contact with the other one. A strangled „what?” escaped her lips, as she noticed David’s attempt to shield her away. „He’s a friend, David. You don’t have to be so overprotecting.”
„He was the disappointing one, right Serena?” Adam said sharply. „I could have told you right away that Newton is a letdown.”
„Shut your mouth, loser”, David shot back, „it’s her decision with whom she is friends.”
„Yes, it is”, she exclaimed and pushed David away from her to stand between the boys again. „What the hell is going on here? How do you know each other?”
„We were classmates”, Adam began, „long, long time ago. I figured out pretty quickly what an arrogant ass he was. Never liked that son of a bitch.”
„Says the crybaby”, David’s voice turned malicious. Serena had never seen either of them this way before. Both of them were filled with so much hate and despise. „Don’t tell me you’re going out with that guy?”
„That’s my business, David!” Serena replied loudly. „And now stop acting all this crazy!”
The men now seemed more like wild animals, fighting for their district or their prey. They dismissed her protests and continued their stupid evil glaring game.
„You’re still the same old selfish bastard. No wonder you make Serena worry so much”, Adam continued. „She’d be better off without you. Anyone would.”
„Watch your mouth! You have no idea what she’s been through and if you knew, you wouldn’t be able to handle it. Or tell me, Serena, does he know about Lucas?”
She flinched, when he spit out his

name. Shaking her head, she pleaded quietly, „Please, stop, David.”
„I don’t believe you, Newton”, Adam now shouted, when he saw the sadness appear in Serena’s eyes. „She’s my friend, not you.”
„Look, boy, I don’t want this to get ugly. Just leave her alone and I’ll leave it at that!” Serena looked up enraged. How did these fools dare to fight over her, her feelings, her life? Had she really been so mistaken in both of them? Hot liquid burned in her eyes, but she didn’t let it spill. She wouldn’t cry. Not in front of them.
Although, she was soon distracted from the tears, when she had to watch Adam’s anger taking over. His fist slammed forward with full force, aiming for David’s face. Latter had fortunately seen that hit coming and dodged it. David’s own hand landed a shot on his opponent’s stomach. Adam yelped in pain, but had the guts to fight back. It took the girl some seconds to realize what was going on before she started yelling and shouting at them. „Stop it! David! Adam! Stop it! Now!” Her cries of concern and fear stayed unnoticed. Blood trickled out of Adam’s nose and David’s right eye wore a heavy bruise. Despite of their increasing injuries, the men didn’t stop. Serena couldn’t stand to watch them another second. She had to interfere somehow, although she did know she wouldn’t stand a chance against either of them. Seriously, they were about to kill each other. Thoughtlessly, she threw herself between them, but she certainly wasn’t an obstacle to their fight. She was pushed aside just as quickly as she had jumped into them. Dammit, they didn’t listen to her, for they were far too wrapped up in their beating and cursing. Anyways, there had to be something Serena could do to end this insanity. And then it hit her.
She lunged forward and grabbed Adam’s shoulders. Before the male fighters could figure out what was happening, Serena’s lips landed on Adam’s. They were warm and bloody, Serena noticed and slowly broke off the kiss.
Now it was their turn to look shocked at her, but at least they had stopped wrestling. David stared at her with a mix of disgust and sadness. She didn’t know if he wanted to apologize to her or to accuse her, when he stuttered her name. „Se-Serena…I…”
„Go, David”, she said in a small voice. „We’ll talk later. Just please go now.”
Surprisingly, he did as she said, without even looking back at them. Serena sighed and the tension left her body slowly. She didn’t realize she was still holding Adam until he said something. „That felt…nice.”
„Don’t you think that this is all over now! I’m still mad at you. What the hell had happened between you and David? Are you completely crazy?” Her voice was dripping with fury and the pressure on his arms increased. „Ouch”, he winced and she let him go.
It was awkward. The sun shone brightly, it was the middle of the day and here they stood. Adam’s face was covered in blood and his clothes all rustled and dirty. „You’ve got blood on your lips”, he suddenly said matter-of-factly. He reached out his hand to brush it away with his thumb. „I’m sorry.”
„You’d better be”, she murmured and let her eyes wander over him, „come on, let me get you fixed up, while you explain this situation to me.”

* * *

Serena and Adam sat on the terrace. She gently wrapped bandages around the bloody gashes and made sure to clean his face. After some silence, he began speaking.
„Newton and I never liked each other”, he huffed, „he was always a spoiled only child, showing off his father’s money.” The 16-year-old girl couldn’t recall any scene that had ever been the case, but she let him continue. „His attitude wore off after some time, but he always stayed distant to the rest of the class. It seemed like he had something better to do in his free time than to hang out with us.” That was because he was with Lucas and me.

She silently added to his statement.
„I haven’t seen him for an eternity”, Adam continued. He flinched slightly, when she disinfected his skin. „I really don’t know myself why that just happened. I only realized that he had hurt you and then my emotions took over.” He let his head hung down. „I’m sorry, Serena. I told you, I wouldn’t disappoint you, but I did.”
A faint smile ghosted over her lips. So he had been jealous, or at least overprotective. „I’m not mad anymore”, she told him and his expression lit up. „But David has been my friend for a long time and I need to work out things with him, too.”
Adam’s gaze changed from hopeful to confused. Before he could protest, she added, „Please, Adam. I need to do this. And don’t start fighting with him again. I want neither of you dead.” Too. Her mind said additionally, though she pushed any thoughts of Lucas quickly away.
Suddenly, she stood up and pulled away from him. „I have to go now.”
„To that Newton guy?” He replied and the bitter words were spoken like a matter of fact and not a question.
„Adam”, Serena sighed, „Please don’t be like this.”
„Well”, his tone became flat and almost derogatory, „I’m just telling you what I know. David is an ass.”
Serena didn’t make any comment and left it at that. She simply waved her hand and told him she’d meet up with him soon.

* * *

It was already dark, when she stood in front of the Newton mansion. Serena froze lightly in the chilling air and cursed herself for not bringing a jacket along. After ringing the bell for the third time, she finally heard someone opening the door.
„Oh”, David let out rather unenthusiastically, „it’s you.”
Serena raised an eyebrow and eyed him. What kind of greeting was that? „Yes, it’s me.” He stood there dumbfounded, waiting for her to say something. She had to fight hard against the sudden urge to roll her eyes. „Can I come in?”
She didn’t

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