» Juvenile Fiction » Dragon Girl, Melissa Nichols [ebook reader computer txt] 📗

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major life decision he still doesn't understand, and he's doing everything he can to show his dislike of his new country.


Aside from his rebellious streak, Cedric is a nice guy. He's athletic and holds good grades, sweet and thoughtful. He'll make you feel better when you're depressed, or help you with your homework even when it's his worst subject. He's pale-skinned, has freckles all over his face and arms, red hair and a thick brogue. His color of choice is red, but he wears it a little too much, which only serves to draw attention to the unusual amount of red in his cheeks.


"Hey, guys!" I reach out to hug them, feeling Ryan's arms drop away. "How was your summer? Where were you this morning? How are you?"


"Hey, Josie!" Cedric replies, hugging me in return but quickly backing away lest he risk the wrath of my overprotective boyfriend. As soon as Cedric leaves, Ryan's arms are back, holding me close to him. "I'm good, got a lot of writing done. I'm almost done with 'Black Nights' so now I've got to find a beta-reader to start the second draft."


"That's great! You should send it my way sometime. I'd love to read it."


"I'd really appreciate that. I'll send you an email later with the file and some questions I'd like you to answer."


"You've got it. Andrea!" I envelope her in a tight hold, squeezing as she also competes to crush my ribs. "What's up, girl?"


"Oh, what a summer!" She exclaims as she breaks the hug to bounce around. Whatever had happened, it must have been something huge.



"I traveled the country, singing in music festivals and amusement parks and other things. It was so much fun but it's so great to be home!"



"I'm glad, it sounds like a lot of fun. You think you're going to be okay with boring old choir class?"



"My director already gave us the rundown for the year and it promises to be very exciting."


"That's great!"


"Where are you heading for third class?" Ryan asks me, having patiently waited for me to turn my attention back to him.



"AP Chem. You?"



"Biology. I guess we're going the same way."



"Guess so." I chuckle, finishing my drink and taking the second one from Ryan as we move away from our friends.


His summer was more eventful than mine. While I'd been working at Reggie's every day, he'd gotten a year-round job with stable hours and advancement opportunities. He also moved houses, got a car, lost a family member to an accident, lost his dog early into the summer and gotten a puppy two weeks ago. The poor guy! He was so excited to be back at school, where nothing happens.


He sits beside me in my next classroom, chatting while I play with his hair. When the bell rings, he waits as long as he dares before leaving for his own classroom. I miss his touch the moment he leaves.


After Chem, I have AP Stats with Jazz. The hour is more fun because he's there, but the teacher would be completely unreliable. He's been at the school for too long, teaching the same thing, so he is impatient with those who ask questions, as if we'd taken this class before and should already know the answers. He also has a reputation for being a flake; he'd promise to do what he could to help the student in trouble, but then he'd go back on his word and leave them to drown with no remorse. Any late assignments or questions in class would lead to disaster. I'd have to write my questions in my notes and then get answers during Study Hall.


Lunch is great. I get to eat a decent meal, plus a treat. We still haven't finished talking about our summers so our group is a mess of partners just talking over each other.


The next class is what I have been waiting for; Drama 3. Most of us have it together, so we walk as a group for the most entertaining 'Welcome back!' of the year.


Our drama teacher has experience as a professional actor. He's been in a lot of musicals and plays, and he's gotten roles in a few movies and TV shows, but nothing that made him stand out. Despite his supposed failure as an actor, he still loves the job, and this is the one day he shows it.


We step into the room, which is bigger than the other performing arts classrooms. It's black, with no padding or color anywhere, and there's a small stage in the middle of the room with about twenty chairs gathered around it. On the walls are photos of productions and years from the past, showing classes all the way back to the school's opening.


Along the back wall are three tables lined with souvenirs from previous productions. There are papers on a black table by the door, which I grab when I walk by. I also notice a giant banner hanging above the mini-stage. It reads 'Welcome Back!' in at least five different colors with almost too much confetti glued to it, and there's confetti all over the floor.


And on center stage is the teacher himself; Mr. Einsprig.


"Good afternoon, juniors!" He's dressed in a sparkly, outdated costume, holding a microphone and pulling moves from an era gone by with every other word. He looks so ridiculous that we couldn't help but laugh. "Don't forget to grab those papers by the door, and make sure they're kept in order. Backpacks under your seat, there we go. Cell phones off and in the bin, please." He gestures to a lonely pedestal off stage left, where a single clear bin sits. I pull out my cell phone to turn it off, drop it in the bin as I walk by, and find a seat among my friends just as the late bell rings and the door closes.


"No need for notes." He says, eyeing a student I haven't seen before. "This is a class where the learning you'll be doing is here on this stage. Let's take roll!" Christian, Einsprig's long-time right hand student, hands him a clipboard that has seen better days. "We have a new student this year. Why don't you stand up and introduce yourself, son?"


The kid who tried to take out a notebook stands up and makes his way to the stage. Every girl in the class squirmed in that girly way, even the dragon reacts! I could feel her take notice of the boy and she starts pulling at her restraints.


Okay, I admit it. He's cute; with rich brown hair, arms of toned muscle that connects to a thick torso and lean hips. And those legs! I'm sure he would tower over me by at least a foot. Wait, stop! I shake my head to get a grip. Ryan is my boyfriend and I shouldn't be thinking these thoughts about anyone else.


The dragon fights against me, roaring and swiping her claws. I could feel two emotions emanating from her; attraction, and rage. I feel her fury rise like molten lava in my chest, and I'm taken aback. Neither of us understood why she's angry - this boy has done nothing to us to deserve her wrath. And why is she so interested in him anyway? She's never reacted to any boy like this, not even Ryan! But the dragon's instincts have always proven themselves, and they tell her this kid - as alluring as he is - is bad news.


As if he didn't know or didn't care about the feeling that has swept through the girls, the new kid begins to address the class just as I finally wrangle the dragon back to her corner.


"Uhm, hi. I'm Reese, spelled R-H-Y-S." He lowers his head and clears his throat. When his head comes up, I see just how wide and blue his eyes are.


They aren't sky blue; they're deeper, like a gemstone. A deeper blue than a sapphire. The term 'cobalt' comes to mind, but I'm not sure if that's the best fit because I've never seen a cobalt gemstone before. And yet, I know I've seen those eyes before, but where?


I nearly lose myself in thought as I stare into his irises, and I swear that those eyes are locked onto mine. Deep blue meets equally deep green in a way that makes me think of two acquaintances saying hello. Then he brings up one corner of his smile and his eyes take on a slightly darker hue, just a hint colder. He flashes a hint of teeth that could have been predatory or nervous. Are his teeth sharper than a regular human's?


"I moved here a couple weeks ago from the east coast." He continues in a quiet and subdued way. He digs into his pockets, and I could see his hands wrap themselves into fists through his jeans. "Uhm, I love drama but I act for fun and I have no plans to pursue it as a career. I haven't been in many big roles but that's fine. I'm 17 and I'm glad to be here." The class applauds, and he bows before making his way off-stage.


"Thank you, Rhys, and welcome to our school." Einsprig makes a note on the roll sheet before he turns his attention back to us. "Now, on with roll! Alicia."


While Einsprig is busy, I turn to my friends. They want to talk about Rhys, and I listen in, but I keep my thoughts to myself. My eyes are trained on the new guy, not wanting him out of my sight for even a second. So I'm the first to notice when he comes our way.


"Hello." I speak up, nudging Bella, the one who wouldn't shut up about him, as I stand. "Rhys, right?"


"Yeah, that's right. Nice to meet you." He smiles, now charming as a prince as he reaches out his hand.


"Nice to meet you, too." I shake his hand, and a cold shock rolls down my spine as he flashes that predatory smile again. "I'm Josephine." I stutter nervously as I fight to subdue the dragon as she lunges outward again.


"Josephine." He whispers as he bends at the waist to kiss my hand. I stop breathing as his lips contact my skin. My heart freezes and my chest hurts, and yet his hand feels warm. How strange; human skin usually feels cold against mine because my body temperature is higher than normal. For his skin to feel warm, he'd have to run the same temperature.


When he straightens, I chuckle nervously and pull my hand back. He stares into my eyes for another moment, then turns to my friends. They swarm around him, asking him questions, and I take the opportunity to retreat. I rush to the bathroom down the hall, doing my best to sort out the dragon's thoughts.


I'm gone for most of the class, and am no closer to answers when I retake my seat. I could feel his eyes on me, following me with every step I take. I pay no attention to him as I rejoin my friends and dive into the conversation.

The next class is my second Study Hall. Again, they decorate parking spots while I work on my newest sketch, finally going over the outer lines with my black pencil and using my colors to bring the image to life.


My drawing features a small family of dragons; two nuzzling adults and five hatchlings playing around them, in a field of wildflowers bordered by ancient pine trees, butterflies and brightly-colored skies with a sun that shone down a radiant but gentle light. The mother's gorgeous; her scales are a deep purple that seemed to have a life of their own, and she has a lithe body that hides how much power she possesses. She isn't as brawny as her mate, which only accentuates her feminine qualities, but she made up for that with the amount of love she held in her eyes.


The male, on the other paw, towers over his mate. His muscles are pronounced

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