» Juvenile Fiction » The life of Melissa Cowell, QuailyCat [good books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗

Book online «The life of Melissa Cowell, QuailyCat [good books for 8th graders .TXT] 📗». Author QuailyCat

Chapter One

I can't stop thinking about Steven proposing to me! Here's how our piece went today:
"Melissa Cowell, will you take my hand in marridge?"
"Yes, yes! I will, Steven McRidge!" I exclaimed, throwing my arms around Steven, my boyfriend.
"Lovely, lovely! You each get two house points!" Mrs. Judge, our drama teacher exclaimed, wiping tears from her eyes.
It was great! We'd been working on this for weeks. In Drama, we had to act out what we thought would be one of the most important events in our lives. Steven, my boyfriend, and I acted out when Steven would propose to me. Many people tell us that we are inseperable, which is true. We've already planned our entire future. We'll go to the same university, and when we think the time is right, Steven will propose to me. The only problem is, my BFF, Liane, has a huge crush on Steven, too. It's sort of creepy, when I'm sitting in between her and Steven during breaktime, and she's always gawping over my shoulder at Steven. But I could never ditch her. She's a great friend. And she's been a great friend for most of my life. She helped me through so much, like when my parents divorced after only TWO days of being married, and they had married five years after I was born. I just don't get them.
At break Stevie and I decided on going to the Hallowe'en Disco as Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Bride. I can't wait!
That's all for now, bye!

Chapter Two

Ohhh dear... I'm in trouble. I completely forgot I owed Matthew (Stevie's little brother)! Now I have to go to the Hallowe'en Disco as a pink fluffy unicorn/Frankenstein's Bride! How am I going to do that?! I really don't understand Matthew's obsession with pink fluffy unicorns! I've already thought up a few ideas to get out of this mess:
1. Convince Matthew to let me go as what I want.
2. Try to make Stevie understand I am being forced by his little borther to go to the disco as a unicorn.
3. Get Stevie to conivince Matthew to let me go as what I want.
4. Go to the disco and keep changing costumes like in Dork Diaries

5. Go as a weird cross between a unicorn and Frankestein's Bride.
6. To make up some weird excuse for not being able to go to the disco.
Lia's acting really weird. I'm wondering if she's finally got her... period. She's been waiting years for it. And if she has finally gotten it, she acts really weird when she gets it. She acts all uncomfortable around me and Stevie, and doesn't look into our eyes, just looks at the ground.


Publication Date: 10-19-2012

All Rights Reserved

To my crush, *****.

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