» Juvenile Fiction » My BFF's Boyfriend!, evita [good non fiction books to read .TXT] 📗

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Tori's pov

Cant beleive my life I have to say i am one of the most beautiful ninth graders at degrassi.Yet my friend maya who is pretty dont get me wrong but has no exciment to her look. Has a hockey player boyfriend might i add a tenth grade hockey player boyfriend. I just have zig, i mean his sweet and all but the way maya made her boyfriend campbell seem it was just amazing.
Today was the day tristen and maya were going to introduce campbell and I. It was also the first day out of are lame uniforms and i was filled with fredome. It took me about hour to get dressed i had picked white skinny jeans with a pink off the shoulder shirt and pink heels. Not alot of make up on my face but just enough to look mature . Once i was done with everthing my mom droped me off at school.
When i walked in it was an explosion of color in the halls of degrassi. "hello no uniforms" i said with a winning smile. The first people to notice me were maya and tristen "omg you look fab" tristent said as maya smiled shyly. They both got on a side of me draged me to the cafteria where hockey players would be at. We walked up to alot of boys with the same varsity jacket on. Maya got a boy with brown hair and eyes to match turn to look at her. "Tori this is campbell my boyfriend"! she said very excited like "and campbell this is Tori my bestie" she said even more excited like. I just smiled and told him it was nice to meet him. Campbell was much smaller then the other jocks but just as cute. The bell broke the awakward stare off the boys were giving maya,tristen and i. Everyone left not wanting to be late to class but i had just learned campbell first period was right next to mines. So we walk toghther silently "You go out with zig right?" he asked shyly "yeah right now" i answerd trying to be mysterious. We finally got to class and said are byes "bye" campell said "see you later cam" i winked at him. I think me calling him cam made him happy cause he went into class with a smile on his face. But why did i wink at him? It was just a freindly wink right?
Campbell's Pov
I had been going to degrassi for two weeks now. My friends were cool and stuff but what really caught my eye was maya a girl in my french class. After a week of flirting i finally worked the nerve to ask maya to be my girlfriend. The school year was going great even though i was a little homesick i tryed to get over it.
Today was my first time out of uniform since i got here. I put on jeans and navy blue hollister shirt with jordens and to top that my ice hounds jacket. I looked fresh i laughed at myself for that comment my friends were outside in owens car. " what up saunders" mike , owen and luke yelled out my last name. "not much, lets go" we drove off soon we got to degrassi parking lot. When we got there a girl also was getting out of the car, her hair was curly she was rocken pink heels and shirt with skin tight white jeans. "Wow who the hottie" mike asked owen as he licked his lips like he loved her. "Her names tori she dating a niner zig" he answerd with a eye roll "She is also 14 years old boys" he looked at us. Mike, luke, and i were just watching her go in to the school.
After the whole tori is a good thing we all went to breakfest. I got pancakes even though i wasnt that hungry. The boys were throwing food everywhere when owen whispered to stop " quit hot niner at 10 o'clock telling us tori was coming. As i turned i was not expecting to see maya with tori. I smiled nervously maya started talking but all i could do was notice how pretty tori looked. Jesus i really liked maya i should be thinking of tori like this i thought to myself. Tori voice broke my thoughts nice to meet you i heard her say I just smiled. When the bell rang everyone left beside me maya and tori. " bye sweetie" maya came up to me and kissed my cheek. Maya told me that tori and i 1 period classrooms were close to each others. We walked the only sound were tori's heels hiting the floor when we got to class i said bye and then the wierdest thing happened tori winked at me. I couldnt help but smile my way into science.

Last Friday Night

Tori pov

It was saturday night a big party was going down at Drew torres house. Maya and i were going but tristan was coming down with the flu. I heard a my mom yell that maya was here, Maya came in my pinked out room wearing red converse, a black dress that hoverd over the knees. "You look fab maya" i said with my always winning smile. Maya rolled her eyes playfully "you think?" she did a 180 turn "yes cam is going to love it trust me" I said in the middle of geting dressed in my party outfit for the night. Maya looked at me worried like "when did you to start getting comfe calling each other nicknames?" she asked me i just looked at her as i put my make-up on "We are not friends we just talk for 1 minute" i said nicely maya just went slient.
Before we walked out the door i looked at myself in the mirror. I had on a very short red strapless dress along with black heels. Yes i looked ready to party but still classie "ready" maya called out to me from outside my house. "yeah im ready" when i came out maya almost looked like she wanted to ask where was the other half of my dress. "Lets go" i called out to her we walked down the street to the bus stop. It took us 10 minutes to get to are destination , one block later we were there my frist actual high school party.
The house was big at least 5 bed rooms the house was also filled with popular degrassi kids. Maya and i looked to be the only ninth graders here though. Once campbell and his friends notice we were here they came walking over. They all glanced at maya but scaned me down from my shoes to my curly hair. "Hi guys" maya was the first to speak out of the group, campbell stoped looking at me and looked at maya. "Hey babe" campbell said probably hoping maya didnt notice he was looking at her best friend. They walked away to the snack table and left me with the three boys drooling over how hot i was. Owen started to talk to me "tori things going good with you and zig" he asked with a smirk on his face. To get him all horny i lean to almost touch his lips and whisperd this "Not so great im looken for someone who can handle me" as i said this mike and luke were fist pumping in the air. "Hey luke right" i played dumb "Yeah" Well to get this was all over me i said two words "your hot" luke was hella happy. "And you most be mike" i said playfully "your kinda handsome" i said. After talking for about an hour to these boys maya and campbell came back.

Campbell pov

It was the 1st party of the year ever body was having fun drinking and dancing. It was about 11 o'clock when i saw maya and tori come in the house. Maya look great in her rocker/vintege type outfit but when i spoted tori wearing that tight short red dress almost took me away. I could not stop looken niether could my friends. As i thought about what lay under the red dress maya broke my thoughts. We as a couple walked around the house kissed a little and ate alot. After about an hour of doing all thoughs things we went back to are friends inside. The thing i see first is tori pressed up on owen like crazy. I had tryed to control my anger at this but why was i mad i have a girlfriend and her name is maya not tori right?

Bad Romance

Tori Pov

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