» Juvenile Fiction » Animalia, Cristian Johnson [classic literature books .TXT] 📗

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can destroy you even if you have the largest army. So I dare you to send your so-called Silva mutants and Cole and everyone. We will be ready for your arrival." Chris yells.

"So this is a challenge eh....I understand then. There is a gorge nearby here. I will meet you there and until then I will tell any outsider mutants not to challenge you and kill your comrades. I will however have the battle to be started if I sense any black bloodshed has occured from your side. By then it will only take 10 minutes for the rest of the mutants to surround you and then feast on your skinny flesh." Roberts explains.

"So this is it won't fight me now and the only time I can fight you is when we are in battle and yet you would just hide behind your family and hope we will go extinct by then." Chris snarls at Roberts.

"You are special Chris, I could have done this to your other friends like Jacob or Reginald but you are something. I know many animals exist in this world but you're one of the few I have seen that are a prehistoric creature. Just like Reginald you share some of the same blood he has. Although his is less rare than yours since his DNA mutated from being an elephant into a mammoth. Unlike yours...your blood and just need to experience it. In fact....we are much the same Chris....I am some creature that is from the deep jungles of Asia, A gigantopithecus. I suggest you run along and tell Reginald and everyone the news about what is going to come. I will leave you be." Roberts replies as he soon disappears into the shadows.

Chris runs back through the thicket and tells Reginald, Emma, and Jacob of what happened. Reginald and Jacob discussed what was their next move and they decided that they will go forth and end this Roberts and his army once and for all, with the army of the Smoky Den and multiple animals that they have scurried up along the way. This is it, the big final battle is going along the way. The end of Robert's reign will end. The very next crack of dawn Reginald woke up Chris and he woke up Jacob and he woke up Emma as they took a deep breath and looked into the horizon. Many animals that could defend themselves have been waiting at the western entrance of the Smoky Den as they are about to go to the Misty Gorge that Roberts planned to meet them.

"You sure he will show up Chris...I know he is smart and not a typical liar but I have a bad feeling about this." Emma tells Chris in his ear.

"I know Emma, but we can not let him go and escape for what he has done to us all. If we can defeat him right here and now then everything will go back to normal." Chris then peers over to see Jacob walking alongside him. "Hey um.. Jacob I'm sorry you know-" Chris says as he is cut off.

"It's ok Chris...I may be tough and just a younger version of my pops but right now we need to fully focus on what's going to happen. Once we are on the battlefield it will be a different mood we are all gonna be." Jacob says to Chris. "LET'S MOVE FASTER TROOPS!! WE HAVE TO BE THERE BY THE AFTERNOON SUN!" Jacob roars out an encouragement to the other animals.

Reginald is guiding the other animals from behind and calls over Emma.

" are you feeling about this...I know how it feels to go into an enemy camp without knowing the possibility of coming back..."

"You know is a bit stressful...just because I am worried for Chris and that if anything was to happen to him I would never forgive myself for losing him.....if anything he is probably my only friend at this point. I don't exactly know Jacob and you're more like a mentor but him is something that I enjoy a lot..."

"You know I am old and I can easily smell the breath of love..."

"What!!...As if!!!" Emma says as she tries to hide her face with her ears.

Reginald can only give a small chuckle as he lifts her on his back.

"Wow....I never knew so many animals would agree to come with us....I thought we would only have so few of them that would care to join us."

" is that we have other villages that also despise the mutants as much as we do. However some of these people have much of a grudge against Roberts as much the next animal does."

When they finished having a discussion, they reached the rendezvous point. The gorge was a vast area with two sides divided by a gap that scarred the Earth a long time ago. No trees and shrubs have grown in this area with its rusty look and many jagged rock formations grow everywhere. Chris goes up ahead as he sees many shadows over the distance. He looks deeper and to then start hearing the horrific noise. The moans and groans of the mutants grew louder as they came closer with the large crab, Cole, and Roberts leading them onward. They walk until they are only 10 feet away in front of each other.

Jacob runs forward to face Roberts. "THIS IS OUR BATTLE YOU HEAR ME COMRADES. THE ENEMY IS RIGHT HERE AND WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO FACE THEM. I KNOW YOU'RE SCARED I KNOW YOUR ANGRY BUT WE MUST CONTROL OUR FEELINGS AS WE ARE GOING TO WIN THIS BATTLE. LET ME HEAR YOU CRY!!" Jacob roars out. A chorus of roars and howls and bellows come out from the army of bears, wolves, lions, moose and other animals. "WE WON'T LET THESE MAGGOTS TAKE OUR LAND. WE WON'T LET THEM TAKE ANOTHER LIFE OF OUR FAMILIES. WE WILL GAIN VENGEANCE IN THE NAME OF ISAAC MY FATHER AND YOUR LEADER THAT DESERVES ALL OF THE RESPECT!!" He roars again. More animals shout as the mutants soon grow upset from the loud noise and begin to shake. "NOW WE WILL DESTROY THESE HIDEOUS ABOMINATIONS AND LETS KILL THEM ALL URAHHHH!!!!" Jacob lets out a final roar. "AAAAAAH" The horde of animals says as they charge into battle.

Reginald lets out a rallying trumpet as he charges into battle. The mutants then move in with their shrieks as Cole and the crab rush into battle. Roberts only stands back as he is guarded by two maned mutants that have their necks severely torn with the hanging flesh and dried blood making up its mane. The battle is now on its way as many animals are lunging and biting into mutants. With mutant bodies flying and blood spurting from animals knocking them into the sky. Bears are swatting breaking skulls, as the wolves are overwhelming mutants in tactical formations, lions and other big cats are ferociously cleaving through flesh and bone stacking the bodies on the battlefield. Bulls and mooses are gorging and charging pushing on the fight.

Reginald stares down at the beady eyed crab staring him down. The crab then makes it advance as he tries to pin him down by shooting webs after webs. This does not affect Reginald as he continues to charge with Emma on his back making her stance ready to jump forward. She lands on the crab's eye as he grasps on and kicks off of it and lands back on Reginald who rams into the crab monster. Two horns erect from the exoskeleton as blue blood is tainted on the horns giving the crab no remorse as its shaken off with the crunching of its arthropodic body being destroyed it is launched into a large crowd of mutants being crushed to death. Even if it looks like the animals are winning, some mutants have come and killed many of the animals by attaching themselves and ripping out fur and flesh biting and clawing into the arteries as they fall.

Roberts releases the Silva mutants with a snap of his fingers. These mutants are hideous that look very distinct and dangerous. They rip through the first lines as Jacob notices many animals are falling over.

"WE HAVE TO PUSH THEM MORE!!!" Jacob cries out to the crowd. Chris in the midst of this was trying to get his way towards Roberts as he was stopped by Cole.

"Hey it looks like now I can finally end you." Cole says as he leaps at Chris.

"I don't..want to fight you..." Chris dodges this attack.

"I know you're alone Cole, don't be a fool...Roberts is using you and then he will just kill you like the rest of us..He only cares about his mutants." Chris says as he continues to dodge his attacks.

"YOU LIE!!!YOU LIE!!! SHUT UP!!! AND FIGHT ME!!!! LUKE CAN'T FIGHT YOU NO MORE!!" Cole makes one more leap as Chris takes a deep breath. His roar echoes in his mind as he takes a step to the right raising his sickle claw and lunges his front paw. Cole falls down and struggles to get up as his upper ankle is cut and falls down to the ground with his body being trampled over mutants. Roberts is looking down at him as he begins to lift his arms up and kills him.

“NO!” Chris leaps at Roberts back as he begins to bite into his thick skin...Roberts then grabs the back of Roberts hand as he launches him over his back.

“You should have not messed with me now you shall pay," Roberts says as his fist raises and is interrupted hearing a large familiar squawk.

Monroe and Claudia have come to the rescue as they come through. Monroe flys over, dropping rocks on mutants and lifting up multiple Silva mutants and letting them go over the gorge.

"Friends of yours?!" Jacob says to Reginald.

"No....Chris's" Emma smiles as she watches Monroe fly by.

"I'M COMING CHRIS!!!" Monroe says as he corkscrews and glides to his direction grabbing Chris.

“Well it looks like I caught you in the nick of time..." Monroe says as he flies to a safer location.

"Well I can't believe you came back! Are the rest here?" Chris asks.

"Well....Sam ran off unexpectedly...and as for Chuck....he disbanded the group...It was me and Claudia and we heard the cries over here we join-" Monroe is interrupted by a shriek of pain as a sharp rock pierces the webbing of his wing.

"MONROE!!" Chris shouts.

"It's ok just a flesh wound..." Monroe continues to fly as he sees the edge of the Gorge hoping to land him safely. Suddenly he is hit by another rock being thrown by Roberts, more holes are appearing as Monroe struggles to keep up.

"Almost....there...cmon cmon...!" Monroe falls desperately as a stray mutant finally does him in by leaping and crunching on his feet. Monroe cries out as he drops Chris back to the ground.

"Im...sorry Chris....I failed your faaa…." A large crunch is followed when a mutant stops Monroe's words.

"ARRRRGH!!!" Chris runs into the pile ripping chunks of neck meat, and disemboweling mutants left and right.

Until Roberts soon creeps up behind him and gives him a back hand slap on the back. He is sent flying a distance as he looks up at Roberts who then proceeds to kick his chest making him yelp and cough ups blood. Reginald and Jacob can not reach Chris being surrounded by the moats of mutants. Chris looks at Roberts as he grabs his foot and begins to pull out the claw. He struggles as he tries to lunge his claw but a dreaded snap is made as Roberts now has a prehistoric knife in his hands.

"I am growing tired of this can deny the fate of you and your friends and I...DR ROBERTS!!!! WILL END YOU!!!" Roberts raises his hand one more time as Chris can only look dazed and too tired to move.

A large shadow appears in front of Chris. It was Cole who has a

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