» Juvenile Fiction » Star of Gazle, H.Young [ebook reader android txt] 📗

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Peak asked with underlining anger.
“I know that we have trainers Uncle and I would never wish to insult them but I wish to train the horse myself. This girl has been around the horse and knows it better than I. You would be compensated of course Merchant Rubus,” Henry inclined his head. When money was mentioned Rubus answered like a pig to slop. He laughed with huge smile.
“How could I turn down the future lord of Eagles Peak? All I ask is that if I need her you will kindly let me have her back.” Rubus bowed low. When he straightened he and Henry shook hands.
“Of course sir,” Henry inclined his head; “I will need her services tomorrow morning. He turned to Lana who hadn’t moved an inch, “Please see that you aren’t late.”
“Yes sir.” Lana said and curtsied.

“We’re stopping for the night!” A knight’s voice interrupted Riana’s story. Kally scowled because she was so engulfed in her mother’s story that she didn’t notice that the sun was almost setting. She looked back at her mother wanting her mother to continue. She didn’t like how this Sir Henry and Master Rubus had talking about Lana without even asking her what she wanted. Kally always heard about the Bazle slaves but she really never realized how hard it could be. Riana looked at Kally who was still thinking about the story and everything else. When they stopped Kally asked her mother if she was going to finish the story. Riana chuckled.
“There is still a long way to go Kally. I’ll start telling you it tomorrow.”
“Okay,” Kally dismounted from Dancer and both Kally and Riana were brought to Charles. He was holding two leather thongs in his hand. Kally resisted the urge to cover her eyes by squinting. Her eyes watered slightly because of the powerful white-hot spell on the thongs. Riana looked at her daughter and saw that Kally’s eyes were squinted and knew right away that the thongs were magicked.
“These are Tracker Cords. You will both wear them for the rest of the journey to the capital. It should take three to five days until we reach the capital.” Two knights took the cords from the Commander and tied them the Kally’s and Riana’s right wrist, “If you try to runaway we will be able the track you wherever you go. If you try to cut them off or tamper with them the cord will burn into your skin and leave a permanent scar that a mage can track. Only the King’s mages can take the cords off. You,” He turned to Riana and hard look in his eye, “will where this to you die by the King’s order. He doesn’t want a repeat of what happened sixteen years ago.” Charles turned to Kally; “You will wear yours until your owner deems it ready to come off.” Charles told her and thought, ‘I don’t think that that will happen anytime soon.’ Finally he concluded, “Now you may go wherever you wish but stay close whether you were trying to escape or not you will be punished.” Charles dismissed them and Kally and Riana followed a Knight to where they would be sleeping for the night. Only after they were fed and left alone did Riana finally speak.
“I’m grateful that Sir Charles is being quite gentle with us. It must be because I’m supposed to be the King’s slave.”
“I hate that word! And I don’t think we are being treated well at all. We have these stupid ropes on for one and there is no way to escape.” Kally argued. Kally looked at the Tracker cord. The magic had faded to a dull pulsing beat but she knew that it would probably flare up if she tired to fiddle with it.
Riana looked at her daughter for a moment with sad but motherly eyes. She loved Kally so much. She knew that is was going to be difficult for Kally to accept the fact that she was captured. Riana just prayed that Kally would go to someone that would be kind to her. She wasn’t used to the unfair treatment and cruelty of some of the Denmarians. Riana didn’t know where Kally found such passion to try and help people and animals that were treated harshly. Even though Kally thought she couldn’t do anything for the big problems she always thought someone should do something to help the oppressed, from a child being teased to the broken clans of the Bazle. Kally didn’t like the unjust treatment of the Bazle, while most Bazle and Riana herself accepted the fact that this was the way thing were. Some Bazle might want to rebel but the feeling became a passing thought. Finally Kally looked up at her mother and Riana spoke in a tired voice, “I’m done running Kally.”
“What do you mean? WE have to run, to escape. You really don’t want to become a slave again do you Mother?” Kally asked is astonishment.
“No I don’t. But what choice do I have? If we run we will be running for the rest of our lives and I don’t want that for you. When I was younger I didn’t want to leave Eagles Peak because I was-,” Riana stopped herself. She couldn’t reveal that part to Kally. Not like this. Kally looked confused and Riana didn’t know how to explain that she was just too tired to run anymore. Riana wished that Kally would run by herself but knew that her daughter would never leave her behind. Riana reached for her amulet that was given to her by someone she loved with all her heart, “I’m tired Kally and I know that I will be treated well at the castle,” Riana clutched the pendant, “The amulet’s magic if fading, it won’t last for much longer. Soon I will look like I should, a full blooded Bazle.”
Kally thought about the time when the emerald pendant failed and Riana’s skin turned a copper color and her hair pitch black. Riana looked more like Kally’s mother when she was in her true form but the transformation scared Kally a little. It was like seeing a different side of her mother that she had never seen before. Kally always thought that her mother was strong and beautiful and full of life and ready to tackle anything. She was still beautiful but she looked more tired and just wanted to live the rest of life in peace.
Riana saw the troubled look on her daughter face and decided that it was time to close the subject, “Let’s get some rest Kally. We have another long ride ahead of us.” Kally just nodded and lay down. It took her awhile to sort out some of her thought and everything she learned today but she finally fell asleep.

Chapter Three

In the morning there were back on their horses traveling toward the capital. Kally hadn’t really said anything to Riana and she was worried about her daughter. Riana knew that all the actions that had taken place went against all Kally’s morals and her whole spirit. Finally Riana couldn’t stand to see her daughter so confused that she decided to distract her.
“Kally, do you want me to continue with my story?” Riana was glad when she saw Kally’s eyes brighten and her exclaimed that she would very much like hear the story. “All right, where was I?” Riana thought about where she left off. “Oh yes. Sir Henry had asked for my services. Well I went back to the fief the next morning and met Henry in one of the far off pasture with his dun gelding.”

Lana arrived at the fief early in the morning and was told to wait in the stables until Henry was ready. Lana went to Henry’s new horse looking him over and asking how he was doing. She knew that he missed the herd he came with and he wasn’t sure how well he would get along with his new master. “Don’t worry. I think you’ll do just fine. The lord seems nice enough.” Lana said out loud to the young gelding. She rubbed his fetlock and he leaned against her hand.
“Thank you.” Henry’s voice startled Lana. She quickly placed her hands at her side with her head bowed. She kept still and silent as Henry came into the stall. He patted the big gelding and looked at Lana. She still looked at the ground. He looked back at his gelding, “What do you think about Dawn?” Inside he smiled greatly when she looked up at him, “It’s his name, and do you think it suits him?” Henry didn’t know why but he wanted her opinion. Henry watched as she glanced at the horse and stared at Dawn like she was having a conversation. When Lana glanced back at him her eyes danced and Henry’s heart skipped a beat.
“It fits him nicely milord.” She turned her face back to the horse but Henry saw the smile on her lips, which tugged a smiled out of him, that spread all across his face.
“We’d better get out to the corral,” He said as he came next to her and put a hand on her shoulder leaning closer to her and whispered, “and please call me Henry.”
Lana and Henry lead Dawn to the farthest field, away from all the bustle of the castle. Lana walked silently alongside Henry still a little bit in shock when he touched her. She tired to shake it off but still she wasn’t even sure why she was here, with him. From what she heard from the other slaves Sir Henry of Eagles Peak was an excellent rider. When they reached the outskirts of the corrals Henry spoke up once more.
“So how old are you Lana?” His tone was casual and friendly.
“Sixteen milord.” Lana mumbled.
Henry stopped making Lana confused. They hadn’t reached the corral yet. Henry turned to her and smiled. “I thought I told you to call me Henry.”
“But- my-,” She stammered. There was no way she could call him that.
Henry interrupted her, “Henry.” He looked at her, “Now how old are you Lana?”
“Sixteen my-,” she stopped when he raised his brow, “Henry.” She surrendered.

“After that we became friends. He always treated me like an equal and took my advice with Dawn.” Riana said with a soft smile on her face as she recalled all the times that she and Henry had spent together.
“What happened after that?” Kally wanted to know desperately.
“Well after about two weeks working with Henry and Dawn something happened.” Riana stopped recalling the bad memory.”
“What?” Kally asked.
“That morning I was late coming to the stables. Henry was worried about me and when I finally came he wasn’t very happy with what he saw.”
“What do you mean Mother? You’re taking in riddles!” Kally was a little frustrated. Dancer huffed amused at the two-legger’s story.
Riana smiled at her daughter’s excitement. “Well . . .” she started.

Henry was very worried about Lana. She was thirty minutes late and she hadn’t mentioned coming late last night. ‘This is my fault’ He though as he remembered last night. After horse lessons they parted for the day but he had asked her to come visit him last night and she had said yes. They had a great time looking up at the stars and him teaching her about constellations. He had almost kissed her but she moved away before he could.
When Henry looked up from his pacing the stable floor he saw Lana coming toward him. He tried to walk toward her slowly but knew that he wasn’t succeeding. When he reached her he grabbed her arm gentle, “Lana where have you been? I’ve been worried.” When Henry
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