» Juvenile Fiction » Star of Gazle, H.Young [ebook reader android txt] 📗

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saw that she kept her face down and turned away from him he thought it was because of what happened last night, “Lana I’m sorry if-,” He looked down and saw her right hand. It had an angry welt across it; showing clearly on her dark skin. Henry sucked in her breath. “Lana, look at me.” He felt her shiver because of his cold tone. He softened his voice, “Please Lana look at me.”
Lana didn’t want to look at him. She didn’t want to see his reaction, but when she hesitated again Henry placed his fingers under her chin and gently forced her head up. His sucked his breath in between clenched teeth when he saw her face. She knew what he saw because she felt it. Her right cheek probably had a bruise along with right eye because she could barely open it. Her lip was spilt open and she had a cut on her eyebrow. “I’m sorry I’m late.” She squeezed out of her hurt lip.
Henry knew if he said anything at this moment he would blow up. He had to let go of her for fear that he would give her another bruise from gripping her so tightly because he was so angry. He took her hand and pulled her along to the stables. He didn’t stop until he reached the tack room and locked it behind them. Henry couldn’t look at Lana because her broken face made him rage at the person who did it; and he was sure that he knew.
“How did this happen? When?”
Lana touched her lip with her cold fingers before speaking, “Last night. Master Rubus was drinking heavily. When I was trying to sneak back inside he caught me. When I wouldn’t tell him where I was he got angry.” She stopped there when her lip spilt open again. She looked at the ground and jumped in surprise when Henry punched the wall. A silence filled the room like a thick fog. Lana was too afraid to speak and Henry too angry. Finally he breathed deeply opened the door slightly and called for a servant.
“Get me a healer quickly, no questions,” His voice was sharp and the servant ran to obey.
“You shouldn’t call for a healer. Master Rubus will want to know how I paid for one.”
“I don’t care what that rotten maggot infested pig has to say!” He shouted.
“I do!” she shouted back tired of his anger, “I’ll just be beaten again! Even if I tell the truth, he’ll think I’m lying . . . he’ll think that he inconvenienced you and think that you want money for the healer’s services.” She turned away from him, “It is better if you leave me be.”
“Lana.” Henry said softly. He wanted to rush to her and hold her but he knew that he couldn’t. He had tried to be oblivious of their stations before he couldn’t do so anymore. “I want to help. Please let me help you.”
At first Lana wanted to say that he couldn’t help her. She was doomed like the rest of her race but then she realized he could do something for her, “Teach me.”
“Teach you what?”
“Everything,” She said in awe as ideas form in her head, “You can teach everything, anything; to read, write, and to fight.”
“Why do you want to learn all these things? Especially fighting?” Henry was shocked at her idea. Where would they find the time? How could he teach her? He had learned to fight during his page and squire years but he wasn’t sure if he could teach her.
“I wish to learn things . . . so maybe one day I will be able to run away from here and maybe pass it on to my children.”
“You’re planning on running away?”
“Yes.” She said simply. Again there was silence and Lana was afraid that Henry would say no, but when she looked at him his had a grin on his face.
“Alright I’ll teach you but this will be tricky. We don’t have much time together so I guess we can start lessons now. The distance corral where we trained Dawn will be the perfect place no one will bother us.”
Lana grinned back winced when her lip protested the movement. Henry came up to her then and softly touched her cheek that wasn’t covered in a purple bruise, “But we will do something about your face. Don’t worry,” he said when she started to argue, “Merchant Rubus will not notice the difference.”
After the healer fixed most of the damage Henry and Lana went out to the far corral with Dawn like it was a regular day. But they didn’t practice with Dawn. Henry started teaching Lana how to defend herself with her hands.
“So he

was the one that taught you how to fight!” Kylie exclaimed in an awed whisper.
Riana smiled, “Yes he was and in turn I taught you.”
“Did he teach you how to fight with a sword? Or a bow?”
“No. He taught me self defense and a few tricks with a dagger but that’s about it.” Riana looked over to her daughter seeing the look on her face, “No I will not teach you how to fight with a dagger. It’s too dangerous.”
Kally pouted and looked away. She knew that her mother would say that. When her mother had taught her how to fight she told her that she could only use it as self-defense, which Kally didn’t always use it for. They had started when she was ten and Kally had hard training for the last four years. Kally mostly looked forward to the lessons but she always wanted to learn more.
“We’re stopping for the night!” A soldier called out. Kally looked around and saw once again that the sun was slowly dipping into the hills saying goodbye as the stars came out.
That night when Kally and Riana were getting ready for bed Kylie decided to ask her mother a question. “Mother, could you teach me?”
“Teach you what?” Riana was still tired from the ride.
“How to fight.”
“I’ve already taught you how to do self defense Kally and that’s all I’m teaching you.” Riana sat on the ground, “Let’s get some sleep alright?”
“But I don’t remember everything! Please mother?” Kally knew that she was wining but she needed to do something

to keep her mind off what was going to happen to her.
Riana must have heard something in Kally’s voice because she sighed. “Alright Kally we will practice and review what you learned but I’m not teaching anything new. Do you understand?”
“Yes!” Kally was happy finally that she was able to do something. “Can we start tonight?”
“Tomorrow night okay? I’m very tired.”
“Okay. Goodnight mother.” Kally finally laid down on the ground. They were still close to the desert and for some reason Kally was at peace for at least a few moments. But a little peace of her soul cried out to get up and run for the desert. Her mother’s voice cut through her imaginings.
“Goodnight Kally.”

That morning Kally heard a knight talking about reaching Darji in about 3 more days and Kally felt sick. She couldn’t imagine what was going to happen when they reached the capital. Also Kally saw Sir Charles look at her mother with a confused expression and curiosity got the best of her. As soon as she was alone with her mother she asked, “Mother do you know that man from anywhere. The one that always stares at you?”
“His name is Sir Charles Kally,” Riana sighed, “and yes I do know him. It’s been a very long time.”
“How do you know him?”
“Sir Charles used to be a guard and friend to Henry. When Henry’s uncle saw that Henry would disappear for the whole day without saying anything he became worried and asked Charles to see what Henry was doing.”
“And?” Kally wanted to hear the story.
“Well . . .”

Lana swung her fist at Henry’s head and he dodged the punch bring his hand toward her ribs she dodged but fell. She laid there breathing heavily her whole body ached from its new training and she was soaked in sweat.
“I guess we should take a break.” Henry said and held a hand out to her. She smiled and nodded. After she had while to catch her breath he asked, “Do you want to try your reading now?” Lana nodded eagerly as Henry pulled out a small book from his satchel.
They had been doing their lessons for about three months and Henry was surprised on how fast Lana learned. Already she had learned to read and was beginning to write. He also taught her other things that he thought would be useful when she lived on her own. A twinge of pain attacked his chest when he thought of her leaving. Once more she had come to him beaten and bruised and it took all Henry had not to march down to that merchant and give him a beating of his own.
“Henry?” Lana caught his attention.
She hesitated, “Something happened last night and I think I’m in trouble.”
“What do you mean?”
“One of the mares was giving birth and was having a difficult time. Finally the colt was born but the mother was exgausted. Master Rubus had walked in on me when I was healing her. I saw a greedy gleam in his eye and he was gone this morning.” Her voice choked, “I think that I’m going to be sold.” She felt tears fall, “I’m afraid, I don’t want to leave this place.
Before Henry knew what he was doing he held Lana and whispered in her ear “It’s alright everything will be alright.”
“What is going on here?” a voice shouted and both Lana and Henry jumped apart.
“Charles?! What are you doing here?”
“What are you doing here Henry and with a slave!” Charles glared at her and she lowered her eyes. Henry stepped in front of her trying to protect her.
“Don’t frighten her!” Henry ordered. Charles tightened his jaw in anger but did as he was told. After a moment Henry turned toward Lana, “Wait over by that tree alright? Don’t disappear.” Then he walked over to Charles, “I need to explain some things to you,”
“Yes you do. Tell me what is going on here? I thought that I’d find you meeting some noble lady for a stroll or something the way you’ve been acting in the castle. Why are you teaching this slave how to read? What is she going to use it for? How did you meet her? Is she a runaway? Because you know that I have to report runaway slaves.”
“Charles, please take a breath!” Henry sighed. “I’m teaching her certain things so that she can live on her own. No she isn’t a runaway but I think she’s planning on it. Her master isn’t kind. Twice she’s come to me with bruises and she refuses to let me pay for a healer. Plus I like helping her.” Henry’s voice turned soft.
Charles caught the tone, “Oh no, Henry don’t even think that way. I don’t want to be apart of this but now it seems like I have no choice. With your Uncle worried and all I’m going to have to watch you like a hawk.”
“No buts about it Henry. Your Uncle asked me to look over you and that’s what I’m going to do whether you like it or not.”

“What happened with Rubus? Did he sell you? And if you know the commander, then why not say something? If you and Henry knew each other that’s got to count for something doesn’t it?” Kally interrupted.

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